Submission Engine Is Running at 100%

Finally! The submission engine is running again, so feel free to log in and send some pretty pictures in!

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    yes! I’ve got some good pics to upload 🙂

    Good job tiki


    90% of my posts will be rejected again, yay!.


    El Metal, Yep…I’m with ya. Same thing happens to me. It’s funny….even some of the stuff that TG thinks is crap….some of the rest of us might like…or at least like to make fun of.


    Same thing here. I get rejected more here than in real life (but strangely enough, I don’t stop trying).

    I think Tiki should make a spin-off site for all of the rejected posts. Whore it out with even more ads to pay for the hosting and blam, everyone’s happy. anyone?


    I’d pay $5/yr for that. 😉


    I wouldn’t pay $5 if it broke down all the damn time like this place. 🙁


    I’d just kinda like to see 1/2 of the rejected stuff not get rejected and then end up on the real site.


    I’d pay $5/yr for more cats.


    I’d pay $5/yr for more of my stuff to go up.


    Cats for FREE!!!


    If you are REALLY adement about seeing a certian post go up how about purchasing a paid post ;)?


    Oh dude, I don’t care that much.


    I’m about to either display my stupidity, or my lack of looking at anything else besides the images, comments and pinkyTA links – but what’s a paid post oh wizard oh wise one?


    Give tiki $25 and he puts a post up of w/e, like your site or something, and then it goes on the front page, and then there is a permalink at the side of the site, just under the search bar there >>> and all posts are guarenteed to be at the side there for at least 1 month. so not even a dollar a day.


    Thank you – and thank you for not poking fun at the ADD kid in the corner. 😉


    They don’t pick on me until I start calling everyone and everything niggers.

    And it’s ADHD bitch


    Oh, Casemods, you don’t truly believe in the ADD/ADHD/ECT fairy do you?

    That’s a title that was made up to sell more drugs on the basis of fear. Since when is having less of an attention span than other a disorder?? Well, since about 1980…



    ADD/ADHD/ETC, rather.


    Yeeeah – it’s only ADHD if it comes with the hyperactivity. Post-spinal-injury, there ain’t so much H in my D. 😛 I mean….yeah, what egnilk66 said! Conspiracy…drugs…that!

    Seriously, I do think the whole ADD/ADHD thing is something baby boomers have come about with because they can no longer cope with the energy kids have naturally. Dude, they’re fucking KIDS. Of COURSE they have the attention span of a lobotomized goldfish. And they sure as hell aren’t going to sit quietly somewhere while you drink your beer so you can enjoy whatever piece of mind rot is on TV.



    Maybe that energy isn’t all that natural…Look; at all the corn syrup based shit people feed their kids! Look at all the McDonalds and other absolute shit they feed their kids. Who knows….maybe the fat that has built up from all the crap they’ve been eating might be turning into energy and fueling the fire for these kids.

    Exactly, too much tv, computer, video games anymore… no outside play, thinking, figuring stuff out….


    Again – you have a very valid point.



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