
mlna0021.jpg (106 KB)

Another Rule #34

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  • Alice Cooper

    acbg4.jpg (178 KB)

    I’ve seen him twice in the last 12 months. I can now die happy.

    Pink Truck

    100_1210.jpg (679 KB)

    Take note of the fluffy white dashboard.


    Oscar myer1.jpg (44 KB)

    Oscar myer2.jpg (61 KB)

    Oscar myer3.jpg (48 KB)

    So much win.

    Exploding head are real?

    exploding head syndrome is real.JPG (69 KB)

    also exploding head.JPG (29 KB)

    Was bored typed “exploding head” in google. RESULT .

    Creativity Corporation

    creativitycorp.jpg (76 KB)

    why the kid was really soo happy

    P1030978.JPG (964 KB)

    P1030981.JPG (974 KB)

    P1040551.JPG (945 KB)

    I guess in the last pic i posted you sort of see why he was a happy kid when i said he could have my toys when i die, well heres the rest of the reason

    King’s Knot

    CNV00040.JPG (669 KB)

    Looks like a miniature golf course, but for giants.


    oldboy.jpg (401 KB)

    My boss described this movie as “disturbing.”

    So I went to see it.

    And it was.

    William H. Macy

    williamhmacy.jpg (145 KB)

    William H. Macy holding a dinosaur costume head.

    Chris Tucker

    christucker.jpg (154 KB)

    Cormorant lunch

    Cormorant lunch.jpg (44 KB)

    A cormorant eating a fish.

    The Priest and the Nuns-wallpaper

    PICT0031.JPG (360 KB)

    Took this pic last year. Its the backside of a rock formation called ‘The priest and the nuns’. Not shown: Fleeing alter boy.

    Ranulph Fiennes

    Ranulph-Fiennes.jpg (164 KB)

    “He was the first man to visit both the north and south poles by land and the first man to completely cross the Antarctic on foot.” – Wikipedia

    Last year at over sixty years and with a lifelong fear of heights he scaled the North face of the Eiger.

    He also completed the seven marathons in seven days on seven continents challenge four months after a double heart by-pass.

    Ranulph Fiennes simply walks into Mordor…

    Third One’s the charm

    picoday_triboob.jpg (46 KB)

    Definitely not ‘shopped

    High Definition Fall Out –

    on HD-DVD this movie was what?  20 bucks?  15?  It’s $65 on Blueray. Hey sony?  Fuck you.

    Pregnancy icon

    pregnancy_silhouet.png (22 KB)

    Pregnancy is good for the assets

    Hungry License

    eatthe.jpg (45 KB)

    You know you want to…

  • Red Panda

    red-panda-web.jpg (23 KB)

    Red Panda farts in your general direction.


    wallpaper05_800.jpg (236 KB)
    I saw this a while back, maybe a few months. It reminded me of Jeff Goldblum’s speech in Jurassic Park about genetic engineering and the Chaos theory.

    Mola Ram

    Mola Ram.png (67 KB)

    Made this myself in honor of the new Indy movie coming out, this guy gave me nightmares when I was little … he still does!

    lookclosely.jpg (302 KB)

    Today’s theme day has inspired me to post more!

    I made this back in the day when it was still fashionable to goatse people. I had to resize it up to 500 pixels wide because it’s really based directly on hello.jpg which is not 500 px wide. I’ll go ahead and give it a nsfw tag even though I guess it really isn’t all that unsafe.

    Why So Serious Wallpaper

    WhySoSerious.jpg (907 KB)

    I obtained a The Dark Knight USB (I’ve not read anything about this USB yet on any websites, I’m guessing it’s going into a new collectors edition Batman Begins DVD) which has some high quality Dark Knight images on it.

    Long story short, I made this wallpaper out of one of the posters.

    White lady, blue eyes

    White skin blue eyes.jpg (214 KB)

    Faceless Girl

    fotoinforme_7.jpg (35 KB)

    This girl was born with 40 bones missing from her face. She’s learning to dance now.

    Zombie Strippers

    DSCI0396.jpg (83 KB)



    Lioncash.jpg (677 KB)

    New real life meme from the *chan folks and Encyclopedia Dramatica. Convert your monies to Lioncash today!


    AZ Meteor Crater tree 1 LRR2002.jpg (145 KB)

    This tree had literally grown through the rock until it split it apart.

    Toyota Prius

    Prius.jpg (83 KB)

    so much win

    19D_lawmaster4ci6.jpg (126 KB)

    Z36_lawmaster3sy2.jpg (145 KB)

    so you wake up one day and build this, then wa……..

    Wall of death

    walldeathblog.jpg (188 KB)

    OK, now try not to get too excited but yes, that is indeed a lion being driven round a wall of death in a side car.

    kinky japan

    kinky japan.jpg (134 KB)

    Kinki Japanese 1 Earthy, colorful dialects spoken by 22 million Japanese living in the Kinki region (principal cities include Osaka, Kyoto and Kobe). 2 Title of an excellent language text covering all the grammar and vocabulary needed to survive and succeed in Kinki. 3 An example for the lulz you can have when you use Latin alphabet instead of Kanji


    Darth Vader.jpg (98 KB)

    Nuff’ said

    happy kid

    happy.jpg (816 KB)

    This is what happened when I told my friends son (8) that he could have my toys if I die. Now he tells his friends that he can’t wait for me to die.


    Cat-O-Nine Tails.jpg (129 KB)

    Cat-O-Nine Tails for You!! Only the Truly Wicked Need to Reply..

    Batgirl unmasked

    batgirlmeme.jpg (78 KB)

    If you like this, go and check out the artist’s site; it’s excellent although much of it is NSFW.

    Found sign – After the tone

    found_sign.jpg (181 KB)

    Apparently the number is real, it belongs to a girl who does podcasts with the recordings she gets.

    Deliciousness… in SNOW!

    snowyIPA.jpg (143 KB)

    Hooray Beer!

    Fan of Vans?

    vans.jpg (491 KB)

    Irregular maybe?

    Christian Science Park

    christian science park.jpg (132 KB)

    christian science park2.jpg (122 KB)

    See, the word Christian and Science can go together.
    google map call this area Christian Science Church Park.