why the kid was really soo happy

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I guess in the last pic i posted you sort of see why he was a happy kid when i said he could have my toys when i die, well heres the rest of the reason

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    21 Responses ttto why the kid was really soo happy

    1. Numero 41 says:

      The swords! I want the swords!

    2. mysterygirl says:

      Dusting must be a pain in the ass….

    3. Hazard says:

      Why on earth would you get dozens of nearly identical toys? Voltrons wtf.

    4. tiki god says:

      uh, different versions of the same thing? duh? this is why I have 4 or 40 different picards in my office!

    5. Deadpool says:

      Top picture, Top shelf, far right..
      the little armored animal creatures.. what the hell are they called, i use to have all (i think) of them.. it’s good to know they still exist lol.

      on a side note, after 3 months i’ve finally posted something. yay!

    6. TheLotusEater725 says:

      You must live in a house made out of Fucking Awesome.

    7. cloudmerchant says:

      holy christ!

    8. vutterfly says:

      ha, we have that technodrome! my 4-year-old loves playing with it ^_^

    9. storminator says:

      “ALL HAIL kiltedforbe… THE KING OF THE GEEKS !!”

      (and I thought my Evel Knievel collection was bad…)

    10. orbitn says:

      Wow, im envious. I recognize some of the transformers i had as a kid in there. I still remember the last real toy i got was the three headed dragon ship from the first run of the US-modified power rangers. Remember, the one with camp khitomer as the base?

      PS, did this kid find you with the neighbors wife or something and you’re bribing him to keep quiet? 😉

      Cuz i can offer you monies. Hell, i’d want to be buried with them.

    11. orbitn says:

      Better yet, you should be buried with just the head of one of the transformer gestalts, or the red lion out of every voltron. that way, the kid always has something to aspire to.

    12. ladyoftheorb says:

      Can I have your cute little Gizmo in that top picture?

      Also, moving must be a bitch.

    13. Flickerdart says:

      Sir, you are adopting me right now, kthx.

    14. DJWolf says:

      Those little guys that were asked about by Deadpool… those are Battle Beasts. I used to have all 3 runs of them, including some of the “mistakes”. Were pretty fun to mess with. I even came up with a “battle rpg” based on the toys lol

    15. Bran says:

      Can I move in with you?

    16. kiltedforbes says:

      Hey yeah glad you all liked the collection, I have more then that, but i didn’t want to put up too many pics. To Vutterfly I can’t believe you let your 4 year old play with your technodrome, its a pretty rare toy. I mean me and the 8 year old play with my toys all the time, but hes 8 and his been surrounded by the toys his whole life and know respect.

      Oh and obviously i don’t have any kids, just me and my wife in our 4 bedroom house in Oregon. Anyone ever in the neighborhood and want to check them out let me know.

      I actually already have plans set up to be buried with an original diecast voltron.

      It took me three weeks to pack up the room when we bought the new place, I keep all the boxes so everything went back in the box and then that box went in another box.

      Battle Beasts are awesome, sweet that you had all of them, I go through phases of collecting, right now i’m finishing the Star Wars part of it, I’m 9 away from having everything ship ever made. I think next I’m gonna get the entire G1 transformer line. I have a myspace page if anyones interested.

    17. neekbunny says:

      to quote Dean Venture: You have more toys than a little girl.

      but I am jealous

      Mr Tiki for the next image dump maybe we could have MCS users and their collections. I am sure [cause I saw the last image dump] that most people on MCS would have fairly epic collections…I myself have a large collection of PEZ.

    18. vutterfly says:

      really they’re that rare? i just saw one at Goodwill a month or two ago.
      and even tho he’s a 4-year-old, he does take care of his toys. ^_^ i know, sounds crazy, a 4-year-old being respectful of things. =P

    19. kiltedforbes says:

      Yeah i found mine in mint condition with all the instruction manuals at a swap meet, and I bought a 1978 x-wing complete from a thrift store for 5 dollars, location isn’t always an indicator of worth. Ask any collector they will have a story for you of some crazy find, hell i have an original Takatoku valkerie in the original box that i picked up for 35 bucks, these things just happen

    20. Avias says:

      Seeing this makes me feel like ive been cheated of my childhood.. Do Want!!!!

    21. tiki god says:


      I think you might be onto something. practically everyone’s got a collection of something, right? Go float the idea in the forums and see what people thing 😉

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