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  • awesome car

    awesome car

    William Dafoe

    William Dafoe



    Pool’s Closed

    Skinless Wieners

    Skinless Wieners

    Sexy Blow up costume

    Sexy Blow up costume

    NSFW – emily de raven

    Someone else had submitted this image as a postage stamp sized thumbnail, so I went and found a bigger one.  It’s NSFW I think: (more…)

    Granite Falls

    Granite Falls

    Gas Mask Solider

    Gas Mask Solider

    Future Bike

    Future Bike

    Asian Statue

    Asian Statue

  • Max Payne Promo Pics

    maxpayne-promo-low-02.jpg (34 KB)

    maxpayne-promo-low-04.jpg (9 KB)

    maxpayne-promo-low-01.jpg (19 KB)

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    maxpayne-promo-low-03.jpg (29 KB)

    Starring Mark Wahlberg, i dont know why but i have high hopes for this movie…probably cause of the following resons

    1. the trailer was awesome.
    2. it has mark wahlberg in it (but i guess he lost a little of his credibility after ‘the happening’)
    3. Rockstar games wont sell out on a cheap script cause there quite picky when it comes to these kinda things…. i hope!!

    Does anyone know what those flying things are?? there were no such things in the game though….

    golden grenade

    golden grenade

    Blue Grey Snake

    Blue Grey Snake

    Someone Call The A Team

    Someone Call The A Team

    Snow Capped Mountain

    Snow Capped Mountain

    G8 bush’s last supper

    DerCene6-copy.jpg (251 KB)

    I’m belgian member of a young graphic and designers collective, called “Coiffeurs pour Dames”. We publish each summer week-end in le “Soir”, biggest french speaking belgian newspaper, a comic page called “‘El Rios”, where we speak about news by the drawning.
    This week-end, we have make a “Bush’s Last Supper” at the G8, based on the classic Da Vinci painting. With a full of funny or dramatic details: Chinese Dragon and Indian Oliphant at the back, hungry african children under the table, a mexican and a australian detail for the invited countries… Just check, and hope you enjoin this. Sorry for my fucking pity english. And take a look to our websites, especially or

    cup stack on cat

    cup stack on cat

    blades of pain

    blades of pain

    “Weird Al” Yankovic

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    Just saw him in concert… By far one of the best concerts I have ever seen.

    Tapes of the past

    Tapes of the past

    Oasis Salvation

    Oasis Salvation