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  • MQ-9 Reaper

    MQ-9 Reaper

    Green Tunnel

    Green Tunnel

    Fish Carrier

    Fish Carrier

    Deceptively Delicious

    Deceptively Delicious

    Evolution of the Pepsi Logo

    pepsi-1.png (781 KB)

    Whose kid did the first Pepsi logo or was he drinking original formula Coca-Cola?

    The Final Poop

    Dump of Death.jpg (88 KB)

    Gun View

    Gun View.jpg (71 KB)

    Golf Stretch

    Golf Stretch.jpg (83 KB)

    Gigantic Bear Is Watching You

    Big Bear.jpg (77 KB)

    Strange Beard Experiment (Before & After)

    beardbefore.gif (91 KB)

    beard after.gif (229 KB)

    6 Weeks in between pictures
    More about it here:

    NASA Fat hoe

    NASA Fattoe.jpg (38 KB)

    Large Melon Field

    Melon Field.jpg (141 KB)

  • Cat Sniper Sand Art

    Cat Sniper.jpg (102 KB)

    i’m sure they would, if they could

    Soyuz on Approach

    Soyuz Approach.jpg (30 KB)

    Jaguar Sweater

    Sweater Jaguar.jpg (93 KB)

    Unnecessary Risk

    Unnecessary Risk 1.jpg (167 KB)

    Saab J35Oe MkII Drakens

    Saab J35Oe MkII Drakens.jpg (35 KB)

    Banking While Refueling

    Refueling While Banking.jpg (66 KB)

    The Road Less Traveled

    3002695747_78f79b4787_b.jpg (473 KB)

    ..or perhaps not traveled at all.


    Sleepy Puppy

    sleepy.jpg (21 KB)

    Ostrich WHAT?

    Ostrich What.jpg (432 KB)


    Byeee.jpg (57 KB)

    Defiance – 1/16/2009

    defiance movie copy.jpg (372 KB)

    Big Clip

    Big Clip.jpg (103 KB)

    Awesome Cat

    Awesome Cat.jpg (54 KB)

    Australian Military

    Australia.jpg (93 KB)

    Scooter Tank!

    Vespamilitare.jpg (64 KB)

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    A military Vespa, the AMCA Troupes Aeról Portées Mle. 56 was used by the French Airborne Forces in Algeria and Indochina. With an M20 75mm recoiless rifle, it was airdropped as a two man, two scooter team. One carrying the rifle, the other ammunition. Hilariously, the gun could even be fired on the move, and it was designed as an anti-tank weapon. Can you imagine being the tank crew that were defeated by a scooter?ól_Portées_Mle._56

    “Getting Information Off The Internet

    Gettinginformationoff.jpg (341 KB)

    …Is Like Taking A Drink From A Fire Hydrant.” – Mitchell Kapor

    We’ve got work to do.

    partingshot.gif (31 KB)

    Pretty much sums it all up, IMO.

    Ganked from

    Viet Cong Tunnels

    This Is How the VC Kills You.jpg (158 KB)

    Crabby Crab

    Want Some.jpg (117 KB)

    Lip Licking

    Yummy.jpg (264 KB)

    Voyeur Doggy

    Voyeur Dog.jpg (41 KB)

    US Budget Priorities

    US Budget.jpg (105 KB)

    Humulus lupulus

    hops_01.JPG (108 KB)

    hops_02.JPG (299 KB)

    hops_01_cr.JPG (272 KB)

    greengreen.JPG (183 KB)

    This is a hop plant. It is used as flavoring and natural preservative for brewing beer.
    This one has been growing in my backyard cince I was a kid. It is about 25 years old. This thingy is absolutely amazing. When it breaks into bloom and heated by the sun it’s cones has a tantalazing beer aroma. Every year it is trying to seize more and more area of our yard, it climbs on it’s own dried branches that has left since last year. It also makes a good cover from summer heat for my cat :3