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  • where does the moon go

    my fucking breakfast

    my fucking breakfast

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    Why Yuri Gagarin Remains the First Man in Space

    Why Yuri Gagarin Remains the First Man in Space

    Every year as the anniversary of the first human spaceflight approaches, I receive calls inquiring about the validity of Yuri Gagarin’s claim as the first human in space. The legitimate questions focus on the fact that Gagarin did not land inside his spacecraft. The reasoning goes that since he did not land inside his spacecraft, he disqualified himself from the record books. This might seem to be a very reasonable argument, but Gagarin remains the first man in space. The justification for Gagarin remaining in that position lies in the organization that sets the standards for flight.


    Gutters – Issue #120 by Jeff McComsey

    perhaps we poke fun because we love you so much, lol

    Forums are wonky

    The MCS Forums will be wonky for a little bit, trying to integrate it better with the main site’s layout, wish me luck!

    It’s done!

  • black road

    black road

    the hindinburg

    the hindinburg

    cat insides

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    kristin bell – eye wink

    kristin bell - eye wink

    Batman Live unveils characters for $20-million arena tour

    Somewhat overshadowed by the calamitous Spider-Man: Turn Off the Dark, the other big-budget superhero stage production, Batman Live, made a splash Tuesday in London with the unveiling of the key characters.

    Officially announced in November, the $20-million touring arena show pits Batman and Robin against their rogues gallery in an ambitious production that features a giant video screen, a Joker hot-air balloon, recreations of several Gotham City locations — it takes 20 trucks to haul it all — and a Batmobile created by legendary Formula One designer Gordon Murray.

    I’m not sure why, but I feel much better about this project than I ever did about the Spider-Man one.  Perhaps it’s because there’s no sign of goofy-ass costumes and horrible music written by people that have no investments in the characters.  Click through to see some videos.

    via Robot 6

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