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  • catbus


    burger king whopper

    burger king whopper

    awesome computer setup

    awesome computer setup

    verticle flare deployment

    verticle flare deployment

    God Is Dead Quotes

    God Is Dead Quotes

    opposite day

    opposite day

    EU vs USA Evolution

    EU vs USA Evolution

    fun sign from work

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    Does I smell Nigra?

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    First time posting, hope you enjoy it.

    The ultimate…

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    farmer tan!


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    it\’s still a Porshe

  • Fire

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    optimus prime made out of junk

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    Found this somewhere

    Mongolia is Beautiful

    Two Mongolias



    Painted Snook

    painted snook flickr
    flickr: sandrascakes




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    I don\’t think the driver of the car had a good day after that..

    Kim Anderson Photos

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    cute kid pics by photographer Kim Anderson

    Lego Cello

    Ferrari 599 GTB

    Horse Gas Masks

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    Wish i had higher res photo of the last one.


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    For the redhead lovers out there, Alix Freihage…. I\’m assuming she\’s a glamour model, since she\’s too short to be a runway model and not half starved..


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    random pics of metal things…

    Decisions… Decisions… Decisions…

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    Your more likely to win at beating your head on a rock.

    Rob Liefelds Picard

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    Bring it on Borg wussies!!!

    Ear Skull by Arcane Serpent

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    It\’s true

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    it is

    Swedish dad in bid for breast milk

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    Swedish father Ragnar Bengtsson, 26, has entered into an experiment that he hopes will help him breastfeed his future children.
    The Stockholm family man began stimulating his breasts with a pump in a bid to produce milk.

    Sweet Truck

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    I wish I had a real camera with me.

    Stay classy, El Sobrante.

    Dermatographic urticaria

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    My left hand. I put some contrast on it, because it\’s on thin skin and it doesn\’t raise so much.

    The Kiss

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    Super Bigfoot finally back together

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    Been wanting to ride this for a while.

    Nice soft 10 inch air tires.

    Mag rims.

    Chome MRI fender.

    This thing is awesome and only needs a silver deck to complete the look.

    Shitter’s Full

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    I’ll fill my water guns elsewhere.

    Server Upgrades Complete

    Thanks to prompting from MintyDingus(my most favorite mcser ever, behind casemods), I’m now fully aware that the MCS server upgrades are 100% complete. Hopefully this will cut down on the slagginess of the various TWG sites, including RandomNude and TikiTumble where people have been bitching up a god damned STORM.

    Also: I got a beautiful gift from an MCS member: a full handle of JD!   To celebrate, I’m going to drink half of it tonight and will be in the MCS chat room, please come join in the fun!


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    Apparently, I like them…


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    Matrix Trilogy comes in neat toy Nebuchadnezzar

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    Up until now, “Why would anyone want to own all three films in the Matrix trilogy?” has been one of those unanswerable questions like “what happens to you after you die?” best puzzled over by absinth-sotted philosophers. The first film is fantastic: the second and third like having two perverted sadomasochists crouch over your face and unspool an engorged colon\’s worth of celluloid crap into your eyes, the chunky pseudo-philosophy only partially digested, like peanuts. No one not being subjected to the Ludovico Technique should willingly watch them more than once.

    Here\’s the only sensible answer: Warner Brothers\’ Japanese release of the Ultimate Matrix Collection comes in a swank recreation of the steampunkish Nebuchadnezzar. Tempting for a moment, but $375!

    Zombie Defense weapons for LEGO minifigs

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    A company that makes aftermarket guns and weapons for LEGO minifigs, has announced a new “Zombie Defense Weapons Pack” that includes several machine guns, snap-on bipods, and even a baseball bat. They\’ll be for sale once the company relaunches their site, but in the meantime you can get some elements from free if you contribute a model to the BrickCon \’08 LEGO convention.