Wald Nissan-R35-GTR

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As if the R35 wasn’t already sufficiently riced out… Enter Wald Intl…


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  • Bright Bolide

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    Explanation: On September 30, a spectacular bolide or fireball meteor surprised a group of amateur astronomers enjoying dark night skies over the Oklahoma panhandle’s Black Mesa State Park in the Midwestern US. Flashing past familiar constellations Taurus (top) and Orion, the extremely bright meteor was captured by a hillside camera overlooking the 2008 Okie-Tex Star Party. Astronomy enthusiast Howard Edin reports that he was looking in the opposite direction at the time, but saw the whole observing field light up and at first thought someone had turned on their car headlights. So far the sighting of a such a bright bolide meteor, produced as a space rock is vaporized hurtling through Earth’s atmosphere, really is a matter of luck. But that could change. Earlier this week the discovery and follow-up tracking of tiny asteroid 2008 TC3 allowed astronomers to predict the time and location of its impact with the atmosphere. While no ground-based sightings of the fireball seem to have been reported, this first ever impact prediction was confirmed by at least some detections of an air burst and bright flash on October 7th over northern Sudan.


    Ice Hikers

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    Ice Hikers, South Islands, New Zealand, 2002

    Hikers negotiate a crevasse on Franz Josef Glacier in South Island, New Zealand. This highly accessible river of ice begins in the peaks of the Southern Alps, but flows some 8,000 vertical feet (2,400 vertical meters) into the lush rain forest of New Zealand’s Westlands National Park.

    Reverse Weeaboo

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    I enjoy an occasional anime show, but the people that obsess about this stuff make me pity the human race as much as rednecks.

    Yin Yang Cats

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    Obama Bucks

    oh man, the story behind this is HILARIOUS.

    Sarah Palin’s Facebook

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    I especially love the Katie Couric rapid de-friending…

    Obama Pied Piper

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    …from the Empire State building, SE corner.

    Turkey Spill

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    Hundreds of turkeys cower in the cold and rain Friday morning after the truck they were in spilled down the west bank of Cass County Highway 35 south of Rollag, Minnesota. The driver of the truck was killed in the accident.

    Art with Nails

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    Joseph Albert – Ludwig und Malwine Schnorr von Carolsfeld – Tristan und Isolde, 1865

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    Ludwig Schnorr von Carolsfeld and his wife Malvina as the title characters of Richard Wagner’s Tristan und Isolde, sometime during the opera’s initial run, though, given the demands of early photography, most likely not in an actual performance. The opera was extremely difficult on its leads—it had to be delayed when Malvina temporarily lost her voice, and Ludwig died three weeks after the fourth show.

    Full size:upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/c5/Joseph_Albert_-_Ludwig_und_Malwine_Schnorr_von_Carolsfeld_-https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tristan_and_Iseult_Tristan_und_Isolde%2C_1865f.jpg

    More on the medieval story of Tristan Iseult:en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tristan_and_Iseult

    Perfect baloon timing

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    Wolaver’s Pumpkin Ale

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    Some things should not be made into a beer. I’ve yet to taste a pumpkin ale that was worth drinking.

    Warning Sharks Sighted

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    Maverick and ‘Cuda

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    Mila Kunis

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    Mila Kunis as Mona Sax in the Max Payne film.

  • Ptolemaic geocentric model

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    Illustration of the Ptolemaic geocentric model of the Universe (the theory that the Earth is the center of the universe) by Portuguese cosmographer and cartographer Bartolomeu Velho. Taken from his treatise Cosmographia, made in Paris, 1568. Notice the distances of the bodies to the centre of the Earth (left) and the times of revolution, in years (right).


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    With Halloween coming I thought it was time for some clowns, including the scariest of them all, John Wayne Gacy as Pogo

    God’s consoles collection

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    7 deadly sins: ENVY

    G Wash, what the fuck up

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    Hit this shit nigger.

    Tokyo Apocalypse

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    Tokyo Apocalypse

    Rules of a firefight

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    Lamborghini Estoque

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    More sex than you can shake a Radar Gun at…

    Moar Pics here:


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    Worker resting on bales of cotton, Thonakaha, Korhogo, Ivory Coast. Cotton crops occupy approximately 335,000 square klilometers worldwide, and use nearly one quarter of all pesticides sold.

    Garbage Pail Kids!

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    I know these aren’t the originals, I picked them up 6 years ago to show them to my kids, and just found them again last night in the bottom of my closet, and had to share! Still my all time favorite collectible cards! More info on them at www.garbagepailkids.com/

    Cap Movie

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    The last one kind of gives it away that it’s a fan film.

    LÃ¥ngbryggan, Bridge

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    Rättvik, Sweden

    20 Stone Sumo Girl

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    At the age of 14 and weighing in at 20 stone, Samantha-Jane Stacey is born to be a sumo wrestler.
    She will be aiming for sporting glory as the youngest Australian to participate in the world wrestling sumo championships this month in Estonia.
    Much focus will be on the championships after the sport, plagued with recent scandals, was hit with yet another controversy as three wrestlers admitted beating up a junior trainee who later died.
    Born to wrestle: Samantha-Jane will represent Australia at the world sumo championships in Estonia this month.
    The sport has also been hit with drugs and match-fixing scandals recently.
    But none of that bothers Samantha-Jane.
    Affectionately known as ‘Sammy Sumo’, she trains on a diet of Weetbix and lasagna.
    Samantha-Jane says she is ‘really proud to represent’ her country but at the moment is more worried about getting through the 32-hour flight.

    Man Vs Shark In Cave

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    The most extreme image i have ever seen

    Cancer magister

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    The face of a Dungeness crab (Cancer magister), a common crab found from the Aleutian Islands in Alaska to Santa Cruz, California. The two eyes sit on eyestalks, with two antennules on either side of the rostrum (center, above the mouth).

    Full Size: upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/8/8a/Dungeness_crab_face_closeup.jpg

    5,000th MCS Member

    wow, we just got our 5,000th member to join m[c]s!  Thank you to the user by the name of “Who”.  To celebrate this monumental achievement, I shall now display everyone’s UID next to their names in the comments (not on the drop down comment on the front pages though).

    Since I’ll now be able to see how long you’ve all been around on the site, I plan on being rude to everyone lower then UID 1000.  If you haven’t registered to speak on mcs yet, I would highly suggest it!

    Politics and Games

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    Oh, ok, now I get it…

    Master and Servant

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    How to tell Japs from the Chinese

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    Some old WW2 article from Life Magazine

    How To Tell Japs From The Chinese

    Angry Citizens Victimize Allies With Emotional Outburst At Enemy

    In the first discharge of emotions touched off by the Japanese assaults on their nation, U.S. citizens have been demonstrating a distressing ignorance on the delicate question of how to tell a Chinese from a Jap. Innocent victims in cities all over the country are many of the 75,000 U.S. Chinese, whose homeland is our stanch ally. So serious were the consequences threatened, that the Chinese consulates last week prepared to tag their nationals with identification buttons. To dispel some of this confusion, LIFE here adduces a rule-of-thumb from the anthropometric conformations that distinguish friendly Chinese from enemy alien Japs.

    To physical anthropologists, devoted debunkers of race myths, the difference between Chinese and Japs is measurable in millimeters. Both are related to the Eskimo and North American Indian. The modern Jap is the descendant of Mongoloids who invaded the Japanese archipelago back in the mists of prehistory, and of the native aborigines who possessed the islands before them. Physical anthropology, in consequence, finds Japs and Chinese as closely related as Germans and English. It can, however, set apart the special types of each national group.

    The typical Northern Chinese, represented by Ong Wen-hao, Chungking’s Minister of Economic Affairs (left, above), is relatively tall and slenderly built. His complexion is parchment yellow, his face long and delicately boned, his nose more finely bridged. Representative of the Japanese people as a whole is Premier and General Hideki Tojo (left, below), who betrays aboriginal antecedents in a squat, long-torsoed build, a broader, more massively boned head and face, flat, often pug, nose, yellow-ocher skin and heavier beard. From this average type, aristocratic Japs, who claim kinship to the Imperial Household, diverge sharply. They are proud to approximate the patrician lines of the Northern Chinese.


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    Chinese public servant, Ong Wen-hao, is representative of Northern Chinese anthropological group with long, fine-boned face and scant beard. Epicanthic fold of skin above eyelid is found in 85% of Chinese. Southern Chinese have round, broad faces, not as massively boned as the Japanese. Except that their skin is darker, this description fits Filipinos who are often mistaken for Japs. Chinese sometimes pass for Europeans; but Japs more often approach Western types.

    Japanese warrior, General Hideki Tojo, current Premier, is a Samurai, closer to type of humble Jap than highbred relatives of Imperial Household. Typical are his heavy beard, massive cheek and jaw bones. Peasant Jap is squat Mongoloid, with flat, blob nose. An often sounder clue is facial expression, shaped by cultural, not anthropological, factors. Chinese wear rational calm of tolerant realists. Japs, like General Tojo, show humorless intensity of ruthless mystics.

    Chinese journalist, Joe Chiang, found it necessary to advertise his nationality to gain admittance to White House press conference. Under Immigration Act of 1924, Japs and Chinese, as members of the “yellow race,” are barred from immigration and naturalization.

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    Tall Chinese brothers, full length, show lanky, lithe build of northern anthropological group that has suffered most in China’s recent history from flood, famine and war with Japs. Average height of Northern Chinese is 5 ft. 7 in., sometimes exceeds 6 ft. Most Chinese in America come from southern and coastal cities, Canton and Shanghai. They are shorter than Northern Chinese, but retain the slight proportions of the young men shown here. When middle-aged and fat, they look more like Japs.

    Short Japanese admirals, full length, exhibit the squat, solid, long torso and short stocky legs of the most numerous Japanese anthropological group. Since Navy is relatively new and junior service, Jap naval officer corps numbers fewer Samurai, has more of the round-faced, flat-nosed peasant type. Over 6 ft. tall, Admiral Nomura shows traits of the big, fair-skinned hairy Ainu, aborigines who still live on reservations in Northern Japan. Special Emissary Kurusu, also atypical, looks European.

    Where Wario lives

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    The high school I go to is too poor or lazy to fix the sign; it’s supposed to read “Home of the Warriors”

    Goatse Pumpkin

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    lol hope this gets in by Halloween

    *glares at tiki*

    Playing House

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    Bush is gonna come

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    Headline: “Bush pledges ‘we’re going to come’ this economic crisis”

    Shower Power!

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    Drunk Pumpkin

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