My Head Just Assploded

my head assploded.jpg (623 KB)


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  • Animated Homer Simpson Clock

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    Somebody posted the non-animated version of this image, so I decided to post my animated version of the homer clock image.

    He-Man and She-Ra

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    As a child I wondered why her name wasn\’t “She-Woman” and assumed the “Ra” was some sort of implication that she was a cheerleader which made me dislike She-Ra.

    Robot swing

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    Parting Shots of Comet Lulin. Lulin is on a hyperbolic trajectory out of the solar system, crossing the orbit of Mars on March 29th, transiting the asteroid belt between April and August 2009, and passing Jupiter in early 2010.

    DANGER – beware of zombies – if bitten commit suicide

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    BEER ZOMBIES they are everywhere….AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!

    The One and Only Newcastle Brown Ale

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    Was drinking one of these and thought I would share it with the world! Great stuff.

    Cthulhu Cash

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    Cthulhu Moon

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    A woman, heavily pregnant with triplets, was in a supermarket. Suddenly, a man with a balaclava and a gun burst in and shouted, “Everybody put your hands on your head, and get down on your knees! This is a robbery!”
    All of the customers did so, but the pregnant woman couldn\’t because she was too large. The theif noticed this, and shot her three times in the uterus before making an escape.
    A couple of months later, the triplets were born. They, of course, survived the shots and grew up well without many complications.
    Three years after the incident, the mother was in the kitchen reading the newspaper. One of the triplets came into the kitchen adn said, “Mummy, I found a bullet in my poo!”
    The mother brushed off the comment and said, “That\’s nice, dear.”
    The next day, when the mother was sat in the kitchen, another of the triplets hobbled in and said, “Mum, I found a bullet in my poo!”
    The mother, again, just said, “That\’s nice dear.”
    The day after that, the mother was in the lounge watching the news, the third of the triplets walked in and said, “Mummy, I -”
    “Let me guess, you found a bullet in your poo?”
    “No, I farted and shot the cat.”


    Please go rate this post on TikiHumor. if you would like you can add your own jokes.

    Pedo Superman!!

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    Kung Fu Pope!

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    By jdillon82 on deviantart.

    Summer As It Should Be

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    Just replace the bottle and you have a nice beer ad.


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    -My[confined]Space Enhances Your Sex Life.

  • Nazi T-Rex with a machine gun

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    Your pretty much fucked.

    That\’s what she said

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    High Megapixel Camera\’s

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    Why we love them soo much : D

    The Birth Of Feminism

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    Pee and Poo for you

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    Oh no you didn’t…

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    Getting Fucked

    One day a woman who was born with no arms and no legs is wheeled out to the beach. While she’s lying on her beach towel she notices an oil lamp that has been half buried in the sand beside her. She wriggles over to it and manages to rub her cheek on the lamp. A genie appears and he says ‘I am the genie of the lamp, you have released me and I grant you one wish.”The woman thinks about what she is going to wish for and she replies ‘I have no arms and no legs. I’ve never been fucked before, and I wish to get fucked! So the genie picks up the woman and throws her into the ocean and says ‘Now you’re fucked!”
    Thur March 19 – Lefturn’s Funny Shit


    Please go rate this post on TikiHumor. if you would like you can add your own jokes.

    FutureCast: Huge Schlong

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    …over Ohio and Pennsylvania.

    It blow’d up good–It blow’d up real good

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    I got this as a forward in an email. I have no idea if it\’s true.

    You may or may not know about the law requiring you call for utility locating before you do any excavation.
    The pictures below are a result of a guy using a post hole digger without calling for “UTILITY LINE LOCATING” and he hit an underground, high-pressure cross country gas pipe.

    They never did find the guy…. Took out 2 homes.

    Calvin and Hobbes (The Future)

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    The Future:
    Don’t put away your childish things. Save them for your child

    Boyfriend Arm Pillow

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    Pedobear Store

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    Anyone actually click on that? Probably just says the FBI is on their way.

    Good looking guys

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    You know they have to be from the south!

    Analog Multimeter

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    If it sparks, you have current.


    MODOK versus the Hero Diner

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    M.O.D.O.K. encounters the “Hero Diner” and acts accordingly.

    (Hail M.O.D.O.K.)

    Titan Beetle

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    Nuke it from orbit, its the only way to make sure

    High Frequency Vibrator…

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    Looks like a small hot water heater…but you never know.


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    Your posting makes Cybergoblin angry.

    HQ Imaging Blackmail

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    HQ Imaging retouched the heads of New Zealand`s leading creative directors on to bodies in compromising photographs. The photographs were then sent to the creative directors in question, with a simple threatening note…”you`d be wise to retouch with us.”
    RESULT: A 50% increase in business.

    Pin Head

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    ‘Explorers in the further regions of experience. Demons to some. Babies to others.”

    Elie, You’re Too Young

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    By Irving Nurick, 1945.

    Wizard of Oz Reimagined

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    imagine if..

    Fat German Shepard

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    Biggest Shepard I have seen, took 3 people to lift him.

    Irn Bru

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    Flying Shark

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    That\’s it, we\’re fucked.

    Eyes on Bewbs costume

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    I was scanning some old family photos and I came across this one of my mom (far right) and some of her friends in their Halloween costumes from a few years back. They\’re supposed to be from an old SNL skit where it\’s the future and through the process of evolution, women\’s eyes have moved down to their bewbs since that\’s where men always look when they\’re talking to women anyway.