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  • leaf lizard

    leaf lizard

    stuffed animal room

    stuffed animal room

    cat bike

    cat bike

    Advertising opportunity for MCS

    Ok guys, as you all well know, Google went and blocked MCS, and I’ve been hurting for income.  There’s nothing serious, I have enough saved up for a few more months of hosting, we’re good until school gets back in at least!  The problem is that after that, I don’t have very much lined up advertising wise, and that’s going to suck come August/September.

    I was approached by a company that’s offering an obscene amount of money for a type of advert that I’m somewhat hesitant to use, and after checking with the MCS-IRC crew, I’ve come to the general site to see what you think.

    They want to have ‘low volume” autoplay flash ads that are above the fold.  Here’s the example that they sent me, it’s the ad spot to the right below the google ad block.  I have a poll set up on the much ignored, so go on over there and let me know what your official opinion is, no registration required, so unless you want to comment here or there about it, no need to sign in to vote.  If you’re using Flashblock, noscript or adblock you may not see it.

    Mind you, if you’re mcs+, you’ll never have to deal with it anyways, so maybe it’s time to sign up for that, eh? 🙂



    humorous ski signs

    humorous ski signs

    Scenic Eruption

    Scenic Eruption



    Facts about bottled water

    facts_about_bottled_water.jpg (378 KB)

    Forklift On the Road

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    I saw this dude just driving this thing down the road like it was no big thing.

    Hammer of justice

    hammerofjustice.jpg (82 KB)

  • VegMan

    veggieman.jpg (215 KB)

    responsible for spillage

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    Warning sign at a BP fuel station

    found at

    BP is holding you responsible

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    BP is holding you responsible for your spills…..

    Orgasm facts

    orgasm_facts.jpg (521 KB)

    This computer is never obsolete

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    I beg to differ, sir.

    Fake science

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    Look, current events ^^^

    dan hipp artwork

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    some movie monsters and others movie somethings.

    Sad Keanu

    Keanu Original.jpg (106 KB)

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    Cuckoo Keanu.jpg (99 KB)

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    Keanu Cats.jpg (141 KB)

    Keanu Crime Scene.jpg (96 KB)

    Keanu Drawing.jpg (143 KB)

    Keanu Eats Everything.jpg (347 KB)

    Keanu Friends.jpg (98 KB)

    Keanu Gump.jpg (26 KB)

    Keanu Moon.jpg (230 KB)

    Keanu No Spoon.jpg (16 KB)

    Keanu Yalta.jpg (105 KB)

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    Sad Dog Keanu.jpg (63 KB)

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    Poor, sad Keanu.

    Toy Story + 11 Years

    Toy Story Aging.jpg (113 KB)

    Sign At A BP Gas Station

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    The Wackness

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    Lunokhod: Reflections on a Moon Robot

    lunokhod_lavochkin_big.jpg (46 KB)

    “Explanation: It may look like some sort of cute alien robot, but it was created here on Earth, launched to the Moon in 1970, and now reflects laser light in a scientifically useful way. (…)”

    Brazil, 2010

    brazil badge.jpg (19 KB)

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    Gonna win it all in South Africa.

    Tonight, on How To Catch A…

    race_to_witch_mountain_pedo.jpg (119 KB)


    Garry Coleman

    coleman.jpg (17 KB)

    I wonder if he thought about cremation?

    Devil’s Harvest 1942

    1942_devilsharvest.jpg (408 KB)

    Lion And The Lamb

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    I dunno so I thought I would ask you. Conspiracy people are strange.

    Star Wars money

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    By this guy:

    Visonik 12″ sub with box and amp – $50

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    From some guy on craigslist.

    I kind of bought it in a hurry.

    When I press the sides, it scratches a little bit. Does that mean it’s bad, or can it just be a bit over used or something?

    I have to get a transistor for the amp to test it out because I hooked the speaker out into the battery on accident.

    Widmer Brothers “Brothers Best” variety pack

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    I must be getting older, because I do enjoy the drifters ale…I like the bitter taste of it.

    Finally – a fridge full of beer I will drink..and not my dads crappy MGD. Feels good man. only $20 or so at costco.

    I’m a wolf

    43bucks.jpg (133 KB)

    April fools from Gone With The Blastwave


    imagescount-your-blessings_small.jpg (221 KB)

    Fuck you world.