Pegnitz River

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A photochrom postcard (circa 1900) of the Pegnitz River, a short (115 km/71.5 mi) river in Franconia, Germany, as it passes through Nuremberg. The domed synagogue that can be seen in the background was destroyed in 1938 as part of the persecution of Jews by the Third Reich.


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  • Labor Legacy Monument – Hart Plaza, Detroit, MI.

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    Looks like a Stargate.

    Tiki Light Fountain

    Tiki Fountain.jpg (630 KB)

    He’s everywhere!

    Even Walgreens!

    High Dive

    dive.jpg (203 KB)

    “A competitor dives from the 14 meter-high bridge over Drina river during annual high diving competition in Bosnian town of Visegrad July 12, 2008.”

    This picture is kewl.

    Got Milk?

    gotmilk.jpg (69 KB)

    “You know, you might want to step back and reconsider that edgy paint spatter effect when you’re illustrating sports that involve a lot of grunting.”

    More here

    Goggly eyes

    moment_pictures_06.jpg (141 KB)

    More here

    Rupert’s story

    Baby Deer.JPG (392 KB)

    The Sun

    Unfortunately Rupert didn’t make it.

    I submitted this a while ago and it was set to post but it got stuck in queue.

    Diving Emperor Penguin

    800px-Diving_emperor_penguin.jpg (81 KB)

    An Emperor Penguin dives into the water somewhere in the Antarctic. Emperor Penguins, the tallest and heaviest of all living penguin species, can dive as deep as 550 meters, with about 20 minutes of air in a single breath.


    Lincoln & Johnson Political Cartoon

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    Reconstruction political cartoon

    A political cartoon of Andrew Johnson and Abraham Lincoln from 1865, during the Reconstruction era of the United States, the period between 1863 and 1877 during and after the American Civil War, when the government attempted to “reconstruct” both the South and the Constitution. The cartoon is entitled “The Rail Splitter At Work Repairing the Union.”

    WikiPOD & Full size pic


    You know how bad the economy is?

    This week, Exxon Mobil had to lay off 25 congressmen.

    – Jay Leno — DeadDog » DeadDog Archive » Economy


    Goby and Grouper

    grouper-doubilet-697148-xl.jpg (259 KB)

    A tiny goby fish searches for a meal of parasites on the snout of a grouper on the reefs off Cuba. While much of the surrounding ocean has suffered from pollution and encroachment by mankind, Cuba’s protected reefs are among the few places in the world where rare aquatic life can be readily viewed and studied.

    Grouper: One of those beautifully hideous underwater creatures.

    Butt Lovin

    Butt lovin.jpg (91 KB)

    Things Bears Love

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    Overweight Hikers
    Fabric Stores
    Rollercoaster Photos


    By the time you read this, I won’t be there (in the chatroom, which is where YOU should be), but maybe I will, and OMG I AM SO DRUNK AND YOU WILL NEVER BELIEVE WHAT I GOT FOR CHRISTMAS.

    Also, I’m only making this post because Dreth totally IM’d me and was like “you wanna see my bitch tits” and I was all like, FUCK YEAH.


    I’m bob by the way.

    Dispose of Your Ugly Children Here

    dispose-of-your-ugly-children-here.jpg (32 KB)

    Heil Kitler

    heil.jpg (43 KB)

    Who\’da thunk somebody would register a site such as I\’m even surprised that there are over 2000 cats that look like Hitler out there

    Where’s Waldo?

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    Boys Breasts Can’t Stop Growing

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    Wait what…?

    That can’t be good.

  • Queen Creek Canyon

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    About 30 miles east of where we live, along US 60, lies the little mining town of Superior, Arizona. It\’s a relatively unremarkable place, but just a few miles past it US 60 winds its way into a gorge dug eons ago by Queen Creek, which eventually winds its way into the Valley and gives its name to a smaller housing development that is one of the dozens of Phoenix suburbs.

    I dropped by this morning and took these pictures. You can get more detail (and see a few more shots) at my blog.

    Lambo Doors

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    Lambo Doors

    So played out, Lambos\’s don\’t even have them.

    Workin’ in West (by God) Virginny

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    October 1908. Fairmont, West Virginia. “These boys (and one other small one) and their father work in Monongah Glass Works. Father gets $1.75 a day, one boy $1.25 a day, four get 80 cents. Total $6.20 a day. Live in a tumble-down house. What is the trouble?” Photo and caption by Lewis Wickes Hine.


    Beavis & Butt-Head

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    Become a PI

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    Due to a shortage of robots, workers here are human beings and may react unpredictably if abused.

    Hairy Ant

    hairy ant.jpg (354 KB)

    Ghostly Owl

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    Spider Robot

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    “A giant mechanical spider, part of a piece of free theater by French company La Machine entitled “Les Mecaniques Servants”, walks along the waterfront in Liverpool, England on September 5, 2008. The 37-ton spider which stands at 50 feet (15 meters) tall was in Liverpool as part of the city’s European capital of culture celebrations.”

    Surprise! Batsex!

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    For natedog

    evangelion shoes

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    you can’t get these on jc penney i tell u that…

    Jet Pack FTW

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    “Swiss pilot Yves Rossy, the world’s first man to fly with a jet-powered fixed-wing apparatus strapped to his back, flies during his first official demonstration, on May 14, 2008 above Bex, Switzerland.”

    The Dumbbells

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    Explanation: These two nebulae are cataloged as M27 (left) and M76, popularly known as The Dumbbell and the Little Dumbbell. Not intended to indicate substandard mental prowess, their popular names refer to their similar, dumbbell or hourglass shapes. Both are planetary nebulae, gaseous shrouds cast off by dying sunlike stars, and are similar in physical size, at a light-year or so across. In each panel, the images were made at the same scale, so the apparent size difference is mostly because one is closer. Distance estimates suggest 1,200 light-years for the Dumbbell compared to 3,000 light-years or more for the Little Dumbell. These deep, narrow-band, false-color images show some remarkably complex structures in M27 and M76, highlighting emission from hydrogen, nitrogen, and oxygen atoms within the cosmic clouds.



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    Tape and glue are not necessary.
    Thicker paper is recommended.

    Print >>> Cut >>> Fold



    Space Ghost

    Vader in 2 parts

    Blue Heron

    blue heron.jpg (373 KB)

    Immiment Bitch Slap

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    Star Wars Toaster

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    May the toast be with you.

    Rose McGowen – Beige Dress

    rm.jpg (503 KB)

    Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels

    marx.jpg (191 KB)

    A picture from my recent trip to Berlin with the statue commemorating Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels.

    Sunset over Kansas

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    I took these out of the window of the truck while i was doing 80 down I-70

    Cartoon Skeleton

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    “A visitor looks at a mock skeleton of the cartoon character Tom from “Tom and Jerry” by South Korea’s artist Hyungkoo Lee during a special exhibition “Animatus” at Natural History Museum Basel, Switzerland on August 26, 2008. ”

    I wouldn’t mind checking this out.


    avalanche_1208432i.jpg (70 KB)

    An aerial view of an avalanche that blocked a river and closed a road at Saint-Sauveur-sur-Tinée in the French Alps.
    Telegraph POD

    Terrafugia Transition

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    It’s a roadable aircraft.

    Cool Advvertisement

    18505_Tide_LongerLastingWhites.jpg (274 KB)

    Uploading this on behalf of thatonejimguy.


    SantaClaus.jpg (110 KB)

    As earlier said as in a recent post, , i took the liberty of taking this picture today of the original statue made by Paul McCarthy called Santa Claus, currently residing on the Eendrachtsplein (plein means square) in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. In Rotterdam the statue is known as \’Kabouter Buttplug\’ since the christmastree he\’s holding resembles a sex-toy called butt-plug, however the term \’kabouter\’ means pixie and not santa claus which takes Santa off the hook i guess.

    Makes sense to me

    song-chart-memes-likelihood-hell-cheat-on-you.gif (24 KB)

    Likelihood He’ll Cheat On You Against Number of Video Games He Owns. from

    Christopher Hitchens

    hitch.jpg (399 KB)

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    Commence academic crush in 3….2….