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  • csi

    caruso.jpg (23 KB)

    Just About to… Umm… Sneeze

    orgasmfaces.jpg (91 KB)

    I\’m sure they\’re all about to sneeze…

    Spider-Man 2099

    Spider-Man 2099.jpg (759 KB)

    Issue #1 cover, November 1992.
    Hey look, a hyphen. Right where it\’s supposed to be.

    Greek Food

    ev_gyros3433-350.jpg (25 KB)

    Cyprus34.jpg (61 KB)

    well behaved?

    well behaved.jpg (79 KB)

    flying away

    RPH21_jpg.jpg (55 KB)


    love_4.jpg (42 KB)


    crowd46.jpg (202 KB)

    a baby elephant

    baby-elephant_1295694i.jpg (48 KB)


    Archer.jpg (67 KB)

    Cheap Cooking Industrial Whisky

    cheap_whisky.jpg (311 KB)

    Removes stubborn limescale.

    The tempation of R2D2

    temptation.jpg (66 KB)

    I was bored.

    Almost Time To Fuck.

    mygarfieldedit5xi5.jpg (28 KB)

    What think, Garfield?

    Wondergirls Something or Other Team

    1024x768.jpg (550 KB)

    b40235ebdbdf1934dbfbd9541123bf00.jpg (430 KB)

    These pictures make me feel funny inside. I don\’t know who they are or what they do but they have a wordpress.

    For Hard Ass People

    l_a7f035f4d2c00ed61229b46b9c8809df.jpg (20 KB)

    Godzilla Bukkake

    tqUXiORWVkgt6jolhALt3Mqpo1_500.jpg (245 KB)

    via Warren Ellis

    Mario getting pwn\’d

    26345.jpg (80 KB)

    59279.jpg (91 KB)

    60275.jpg (87 KB)

  • The things we do for beauty

    x3bi9e.jpg (34 KB)

    Well, I\’m sure it\’s beautiful in some culture, somewhere.

    Spartan chess

    25739-120711-13b4f5f6591a66a78ca744c189f9db49.jpg (78 KB)

    This is Sparta!!!!!!!
    more funny chess at

    women are elegant

    1920_2.jpg (432 KB)

    1920_6.jpg (439 KB)

    jameswhite_1900x1200.jpg (973 KB)

    these 3 are wallpapers
    1st = 1920×1200
    2nd = 1920×1200
    3rd = 1900×1200

    -Rate if you like-

    RE: photoshop girl

    shamm.jpg (460 KB)

    I made my own.
    I cant believe I wasted my time doing this, but you can see if I spent more time I could make it look more believable.

    Fisker Karma

    Fisker-Karma_Prototype_2008_1600x1200_wallpaper_01.jpg (511 KB)

    Fisker-Karma_Prototype_2008_1600x1200_wallpaper_05.jpg (446 KB)

    2010-Fisker-Karma-Rear-1920x1440.jpg (469 KB)

    fisker-karma-side-view.JPG (617 KB)

    0002fiskerkarma.jpg (244 KB)

    0-60 in 5.8 seconds and 100 mpg for under $100k.

    Morena Baccarin

    morena_bacccarin.JPG (91 KB)

    Doom 2099

    Doom 2099.jpg (587 KB)

    Issue #25 cover, January 1995.

    Film Paintings(?)

    films_10.jpg (98 KB)

    films_3.jpg (71 KB)

    films_15.jpg (72 KB)

    films_11.jpg (65 KB)

    films_16.jpg (63 KB)


    American Psycho
    Pulp Fiction
    Kill Bill
    Reservoir Dogs

    Your wrong

    your wrong.JPG (16 KB)

    \’nuff said

    Firefox Crop Circle

    Firefox Crop Circle.JPG (167 KB)

    45° 7\’25.11″N 123° 6\’48.69″W on google maps.
    Bring me to your internets!

    The Princess and the…Bowser?

    mario-painting.jpg (120 KB)

    Photoshop girl

    Photoshop girl.jpg (65 KB)

    A girl created from scratch in Photoshop.

    Artist is

    Cute kid

    cute kid.jpg (39 KB)

    The Good, The Bad and The Weird Poster

    good_the_bad_and_the_weird_xlg.jpg (362 KB)

    South Korean Western inspired by Sergio Leone\’s The Good, the Bad and the Ugly. This is on my Must Watch ASAP Film List.

    This is an advertisment:

    beer-as.jpg (31 KB)

    If it interests you, you should click on it.

    eHarmony Testimonial

    toon012.jpg (38 KB)

    “Our first date was magical! She swallowed and took it up her butt! Thank you, eHarmony!”

    More Deadpool Movie WTF

    Deadpool Movie WTF.jpg (37 KB)

    Deadpool Movie WTF 2.jpg (26 KB)

    WTF? He\’s mute, has claws, and now has Cyclops\’s eyebeams? This isn\’t Deadpool! Why would you even give him that name, or cast the best possible Deadpool actor (Ryan Reynolds) when you mess him up this badly?

    I have the rage of a thousand exploding suns right now. NERD RAGE!!!

    He is risen!

    batman.jpg (134 KB)

    I`m the goddamn saviour!

    Collection Shrine

    shelfporn_ashleyholt.gif (231 KB)

    Words + Fail = Me.

    Comics spinner rack.

    shelfporn_spinner.jpg (169 KB)

    Brings back some memories…I haven\’t seen these in stores for well over a decade.

    Fly Away

    Freedom.jpg (279 KB)

    that’s a lot of wires

    100_1540.JPG (943 KB)

    I’m a coding GOD

    Fucking shit yeah, I fixed that profile shit that I broke. And now, I’ve removed that annoying as shit openID logo that showed up for everyone that wanted to use openID to log in.

    Don’t know what OpenID is?  neither do I, but it’s useful when you figure it out.

    Someone more sober smarter then me should explain it, but basically you don’t have to have passwords for a million sites, just one.

    Also, I was just wanting to mention that there’s a MCS forum.  You should go there and abuse it.


    Last leg of Iraq 009.JPG (1002 KB)

    One of my buddies over here, had to share. Man-O-Lantern/Bear-O-Lantern.

    weed blanket

    1235681449837.jpg (59 KB)

    New Blink 182 !!

    Chrome_smiley.jpg (36 KB)

    Is anyone else excited that Blink 182 are going to release a new album?

    Say what you will, but they laid the foundation for pop-punk throughout the late 90\’s and early 00\’s and didn\’t release an album after Dude Ranch that didn\’t get at least 4-5 singles on the airwaves.

    In order for this forthcoming album to be epic, it will have to rival Green Day\’s American Idiot, which, to me, has been the best album in the genre since its release.

    Jessica White

    1171533420.558.jpg (87 KB)

    Look alive!

    Cyclops versus Everybody

    Cyclops vs Wolverine.jpg (290 KB)

    Cyclops vs Batman.jpg (98 KB)

    Cyclops vs Galactus.gif (505 KB)

    There\’s more, if you should have doubt.


    welded.png (282 KB)