77 Search Results Found For: "fridge"

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fridge monster

fridge monster

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  • Refridgerator Magnet

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    I\’m so ashamed that I LOL\’d at this.

    Smartcar With Fridge

    Smartcar With Fridge

    Schrodinger’s Fridge

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    Theoretical science with beer.

    DIY Fridge

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    Death By Refridgerators


    Most shocking moment I ever had when reading a comic?  When green lantern found his girl friend shoved into one of these.  SHIT!

    Kitty Fridge Magnet


    Squishy Kitty!

    “The Crow” Review

    The Crow: Directed by Alex Proyas. With Brandon Lee, Rochelle Davis, Ernie Hudson, Michael Wincott. A man brutally murdered comes back to life as an undead avenger of his and his fiancée’s murder.

    With an upcoming remake / reboot / sequel / prequel about to be released in just a few short weeks, I realized that i never really gave this franchise a proper watch, so here we are with 1994’s adaption of the comic series by the same name. I’ve not read any of the comics, but judging from just the movie, it seems to be a typical indie style situation and I’m sure it’s not in my wheel house at all, much like this film. It goes all in on mid-90’s edge with a grungy soundtrack that lays thickly over a just a grungy city with grungy and unclean people living miserable lives that all culminate every year on devil’s eve. It’s that night that a terrible murder is committed and it’s a full on “fridge your girlfriend” situation where the hero is prompted to make things right after being killed himself but brought back to live by a crow that grants him abilities to exact revenge upon the murders and rapists.

    The movie is best known for being Brandon Lee’s last film because of some lax on set rules for weapons on set and a misfire causing his death during the filming. It’s a shame because he was the one standout from this entire miserable affair.

    Buy On Amazon!

    Cell (2016) review

    91Aa 5Rqb3L. SL1500  773x1024 Cell (2016)

    John Cusack and Samuel L. Jackson star in this mind-blowing thriller based on the novel by Stephen King about a cell phone signal that triggers apocalyptic terror.

    Based on a Stephen King story, for better or worse. I enjoyed the ending in spirit but feel like it could have been framed slightly better to cut down on the confusion and ambiguity.

    Some minor spoilers to nit pick on:

    • How did the phoners in the movie become able to communicate digitally with their voices? and pick up radio waves? would have made more sense for them to keep their stupid phones, but instead now they’re able to just look at a radio tower and communicate with whatever’s controlling them?
    • Why the ambiguous ending?  what was controlling all the phoners?
    • WTF was up with that spider crystal ball at the beginning of the film?
    • Where did all those letters on the fridge come from?  I feel it would have been less jarring if there were hundreds of others on the floor, but instead we get a 200 character message from his son.

    Goldfinger review

    513 sa658nL Goldfinger

    To own Goldfinger (1964) on digital video disc is to have at your fingertips the proof that Sean Connery is the definitive James Bond. Dry as ice, dripping with deadpan witticisms, only Connery’s Bond would dare disparage the Beatles, that other 1964 phenomenon. No one but Connery can believably seduce women so effortlessly, kill with almost as much ease, and then pull another bottle of Dom Perignon ’53 out of the fridge. Goldfinger contains many of the most memorable scenes in the Bond series: gorgeous Shirley Eaton (as Jill Masterson) coated in gold paint by evil Auric Goldfinger and deposited in Bond’s bed; silent Oddjob, flipping a razor-sharp derby like a Frisbee to sever heads; our hero spread-eagle on a table while a laser beam moves threateningly toward his crotch. Honor Blackman’s Pussy Galore is the prototype for the series’ rash of man-hating supermodels. And Desmond Llewelyn makes his first appearance as Q, giving Bond what is still his most impressive car, a snazzy little number that fires off smoke screens, punctures the tires of vehicles on the chase, and boasts a handy ejector seat. Goldfinger‘s two climaxes, inside Fort Knox and aboard a private plane, have to be seen to be believed. –Raphael Shargel

    Source: Amazon.com

    Happy 82nd birthday Ellen Burstyn. Born Dec 7th 1932

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    Ellen and the world’s scariest fridge. (seriously, she’s amazing in this film)

    Tom Six-The Human Centipede 2 (Full Sequence) teaser

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    Supposed to be worse than the first one…I thought the first one was gonna be so much worse. It was weird and creepy, but not nearly as bad as I thought anyway

    Teaser Trailer for “The Human Centipede II (Full Sequence)”

    MCS+ Preview

    Ever wondered what MCS+ people were seeing? Check this shit out:


    Widmer Brothers “Brothers Best” variety pack

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    I must be getting older, because I do enjoy the drifters ale…I like the bitter taste of it.

    Finally – a fridge full of beer I will drink..and not my dads crappy MGD. Feels good man. only $20 or so at costco.

    Magnetic Batman approaches

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    he is creepin on ur fridge

    Jelly Monster (messed up heel late theme)

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    I was going to skip this theme day because of my recent move having nothing artistic to post and a bare fridge, when I got up on March to make a PB&J sammich and discovered a very poorly cut heel that looked like it wanted to eat me. I knew I must post this for theme day… and Tiki blocked submissions for that day. I might not have been destiny after all. Your call, people of M[C]S.

  • Tyranids!

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    MCS Theme Day – Original content (not my fridge).
    This is the painted portion of my Tyranids army for Warhammer 40k. I assembled, modified, painted and photographed these models myself.

    The Carnifex (the really big bug) is assembled with glue and magnets, meaning that all of his parts are modular and swappable. I used rare earth magnets on his arms, head and carapace to allow him to be reconfigured between battles.


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    I unwittingly contributed to this mess….

    Here’s the background story: my boss an I have a serious Diet Mt. Dew addiction. When we have a meeting, it’s – hey, grab one out the fridge. Sweet.

    So, OUR boss and a bunch of co-workers took all the DMD’s (and a few other Mountain Dew’s) out of the recycling bins, and now you see the aftermath.

    Last Monday was his 49th birthday. So, I clocked-in @ 8:30… he said, check this out. I lol’ed for a minute and said, hang-on, I gotta get my camera.

    Beer holster

    Beer holster

    while this is a cool idea, I would like to have one that has like 4 or 6 holders on it, cause that’s how many I pull from the fridge at once.


    Bucky Balls

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    “Imagine a Rubik\’s Cube that actually makes you smarter; an Erector Set that never stops erecting; a Hula Hoop you don\’t look ridiculous playing with; Silly Putty that isn\’t silly; cram it all in a jar, turn the fun up to 11, and you\’ve got BuckyBalls!

    Each set contains 216 powerful rare earth magnets that can be shaped, molded, torn apart and snapped together in UNLIMITED WAYS. Make sculptures, puzzles, patterns, shapes, stick stuff to the fridge, invent a new game—trying to find something more useful is useless.”


    Busy In Heaven

    Three men were standing in line to get into heaven one day. Apparently it had been a pretty busy day, though, so St. Peter had to tell the first one, “Heaven’s getting pretty close to full today, and I’ve been asked to admit only people who have had particularly horrible deaths. So what’s your story?”

    The first man replies: “Well, for a while I’ve suspected my wife has been cheating on me, so today I came home early to try to catch her red-handed. As I came into my 25th floor apartment, I could tell something was wrong, but all my searching around didn’t reveal where this other guy could have been hiding. Finally, I went out to the balcony, and sure enough, there was this man hanging off the railing, 25 floors above ground! By now I was really mad, so I started beating on him and kicking him, but wouldn’t you know it, he wouldn’t fall off. So finally I went back into my apartment and got a hammer and starting hammering on his fingers. Of course, he couldn’t stand that for long, so he let go and fell-but even after 25 stories, he fell into the bushes, stunned but okay. I couldn’t stand it anymore, so I ran into the kitchen, grabbed the fridge, and threw it over the edge where it landed on him, killing him instantly. But all the stress and anger got to me, and I had a heart attack and died there on the balcony.”

    “That sounds like a pretty bad day to me,” said Peter, and let the man in.

    The second man comes up and Peter explains to him about heaven being full, and again asks for his story.

    “It’s been a very strange day. You see, I live on the 26th floor of my apartment building, and every morning I do my exercises out on my balcony. Well, this morning I must have slipped or something, because I fell over the edge. But I got lucky, and caught the railing of the balcony on the floor below me. I knew I couldn’t hang on for very long, when suddenly this man burst out onto the balcony. I thought for sure I was saved, when he started beating on me and kicking me. I held on the best I could until he ran into the apartment and grabbed a hammer and started pounding on my hands. Finally I just let go, but again I got lucky and fell into the bushes below, stunned but all right. Just when I was thinking I was going to be okay, this refrigerator comes falling out of the sky and crushes me instantly, and now I’m here.”

    Once again, Peter had to concede that that sounded like a pretty horrible death.

    The third man came to the front of the line, and St. Peter asked for his story.

    “Picture this,” says the third man, “I’m hiding naked inside a refrigerator…”

    from tikiwebgroup.com

    Please go rate this post on tikiwebgroup.com

    I Don’t Think So!

    Kate was standing in the kitchen cooking dinner.

    Her husband Paul was in the living room drinking a beer and watching the game.

    “Honey, you need to come in here and fix the fridge. The door is broke and if you don’t fix it the food will go bad.” Kate said.

    Paul yells back, “Who do I look like the GE man, I Don’t think so.”

    A little while later Kate says, “Honey, you need to fix the hall light, it’s out.”

    “Who do I look like an electrician, I don’t think so, ” Paul says.

    A few minutes later Kate says, “Honey, you need to fix the porch step before someone gets hurt on it.”

    Paul quickly replies, “Who do I look like a carpenter, I don’t think so.”

    Frustrated, he gets up and leaves.

    He decides to go to a bar down the road.

    After the game was over, he began to feel slightly guilty for the way he treated his wife so he went on home.

    He comes up the porch and realizes that the step is fixed.

    He walked into the house and noticed that the hall light was fixed.

    He walked into the kitchen to get a cold beer and noticed that the fridge was fixed.

    Paul sees his wife and says, “Babe, how did you fix all this.”

    She looked at him and said, “Well after you left I began to cry on the porch.

    A fine young man walked past and noticed I was crying and he asked me what he could do to help.

    He fixed everything.

    I asked him what I could do for payment.

    He said I could either bake him a cake or sleep with him.”

    Paul says, “Well, what kind of cake did you bake him?”

    Kate looks at him and replies, “Who do I look like Betty Crocker, I don’t think so!”

    from tikiwebgroup.com

    Please go rate this post on tikiwebgroup.com

    Terra Wind Amphibious RV

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    This baby starts at $850,000, with GPS, leather, DVD/VHS/CD Players, All major appliances (Dishwasher, fridge etc) And 8-jet whirlpool tub, Marble floors and shower, 42″ Plasma TV, and a 6 foot swim deck for fishing.



    Wow, I almost had a heart attack tonight. Looking into my liquor cabinet, I found all sorts of vodka, tequila, and variously other liquor products, but not the nectar of my eye : Jack Daniels. Seriously, I almost cried! I do happen to happily to live about 30 seconds from an ABC liquor (literally, it’s two turns from my street, and about 300 feet down the road) but it was still stressful. Luckily I found a gallon of the stuff sitting on top of my fridge, so I’m in good shape. Whew.

    Next Theme Day: (Start posting now!)
    Do you have a collection of anything? Pogs? Baseball cards? Robots? Tube Socks? Take a picture of it, and submit it to MCS so we can mock praise you! I’ll be posting my two or three little ocd obsessions too, so you can feel free to join in.