More Classic Beauties

174781~Cyd-Charisse-Posters.jpg (28 KB)

BeautifulIngridBergman.jpg (57 KB)

BettyGrable1943.jpg (18 KB)

grace_kelly.jpg (91 KB)

josephineBaker27.jpg (9 KB)

Cyd Charisse, Ingrid Bergman, Betty Grable, Grace Kelly, Josephine Baker

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  • Awesome Bride!

    Playstation Wedding Cake.jpg (74 KB)

    Playstation Wedding Cake!!

    The Face of Meth

    Penny Wood before and after.jpg (24 KB)

    Penny Wood billboard.jpg (38 KB)

    The dangers of drug use… Penny Wood before, and after 4 years of heavy meth addiction!


    Octosamurai.jpg (217 KB)

    In Feudal Japan, Sushi eat YOU!

    When you see it.

    Picture5.png (573 KB)

    People should really look at their work, original here:

    Sexy Cosplayer

    145896.jpg (92 KB)

    A “Knight in Shining Armor!”

    Salma Hayek

    Salma1.jpg (115 KB)

    Salma2.jpg (109 KB)


    Riding Dirty

    Riding Dirty.jpg (42 KB)

    God’s Facebook

    f-Gods-Facebook-7164.jpg (103 KB)

    Open Source Resistance

    libertyskey.jpg (270 KB)

    infectous.jpg (107 KB)

    APicturesWorthAThousandWords.jpg (354 KB)

    If I knew this site existed before Obama entered office, I would have felt a lot better. Part of Trent Reznors “Alternate Reality Game” for Year Zero. More to come.

    Join the Open Source Resistance,
    Wake up and give a shit.


    Practical Boob Reconnaissance

    boobs.jpg (64 KB)

    coke vs pepsi2.jpg (30 KB)

    boobs3.jpg (60 KB)

    Today I went to go buy an appliance.
    When I went back to sign the papers,
    BAM!! titties everwhar.
    It was clearly ninja-photography tiem.
    PROTIP: if you turn your phone on silent, people won\’t hear your shutter

    Delectably Evil

    Delectably Evil.jpg (232 KB)

    old school?

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    have no clue what this was but i know where it is, if any one has any info please tell. its just outside of portland oregon and is under the st johns bridge

    Backseat Driver

    063_pics.jpg (26 KB)

    Tiny Sex

    A huge guy marries a tiny girl, and at the wedding, one of his friends says to him, ‘How the hell do the two of you have sex? The big guy says, ‘I just sit there, naked, on a chair, she sits on top, and I bob her up and down. His friend says, ‘You know, that don’t sound too bad. The big guy says, ‘Well, it’s kind of like jerking off, only I got somebody to talk to.”
    Thur April 9 – Lefturn’s Funny Shit


    Please go rate this post on TikiHumor. if you would like you can add your own jokes.

    Do It At Home

    do it at home.jpg (121 KB)

    New posters are being put up around trains by the Tokyo Metro underground railways informing customers of proper train-riding manners.


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  • Bison eye

    678px-Bison_bonasus_right_eye_close-up.jpg (142 KB)

    Cat Illusion

    cat1.jpg (73 KB)


    Platoon-2.jpg (31 KB)

    Crazy Ice

    mcsp5.jpg (144 KB)

    Easter Bunny Roadkill :(

    bunny.jpg (167 KB)

    Is everyone eggstremely eggcited about Easter?

    Baby, Cat, Fish

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    Powdered Beer

    p2313b.jpg (79 KB)

    Just add water

    Mos Eisley??

    afgan.jpg (185 KB)

    Nawww j/k but it is Afghanistan. It\’s actually part of a very sad posting of pictures. Very good picture in itself though.

    For those of us who care heres the link>>>

    plus one can tell it\’s not mos eisley because outside of the town theres green grass and not just desert.

    Backstage Pass Art

    mr01^067.jpg (492 KB)

    I\’m going to make four of these. I don\’t have room for more, or I\’d make more. So many passes- so little wall space!

    Obama’s Tax Relief Plan

    obama_tax_relief.jpg (179 KB)

    Cheated on your taxes? Not reported income? Taken illegal deductions? We can help! The Obama administration is now appointing tax cheats like you to high government office!

    Girls Who Play Guitars

    Subways-1960.jpg (125 KB)

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    2904875155_2ef6ed5b39_o.jpg (37 KB)

    We used to talk about girls who play guitars…

    1. Charlotte Cooper of The Subways
    2. Katie White of The Ting Tings
    3. Phillipa “Pip” Brown – Ladyhawke

    Sultan Rahi

    SultanRahi.jpg (242 KB)

    No matter what you do in life, you\’ll never be as awesome as this man.


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    Lovely girl, but I liked her songs a bit more when she was into hard rock.

    cash to cover the cleaning bill

    A drunk in a bar barfs all over his own shirt. ‘Damn, he says. ‘I puked on my shirt again. If the wife finds out, she’s gonna kill me.”

    ‘Not to worry, says the bartender as he sticks a $20 bill in the drunk’s pocket. ‘Just tell her someone puked on you and gave you some cash to cover the cleaning bill.”

    So the drunk goes home and tells his wife about the guy who puked on him. She reaches into his pocket and finds two twenties. ‘Why are there two twenties? she asks.

    The drunk replies, ‘Oh, yeah, he crapped in my pants, too.”
    The Beer Goggler | Sometimes, All It Takes Is One More Drink…


    Please go rate this post on TikiHumor. if you would like you can add your own jokes.

    Call Mr. T!

    MR. T.JPG (354 KB)

    T-Time!.JPG (270 KB)

    You know you want to!

    Mickey to Tiki by Dick Frizell

    From mickey to tiki tu meke BY Dick Frizzell.jpg (28 KB)

    Monty Python And The Holy Grail

    monty-python-sacre-graal-08-g.jpg (290 KB)

    Best Movie Ever!

    “Are you suggesting coconuts migrate?”

    Menace 2 Sobriety

    Menace2Sobriety.jpg (585 KB)

    18 x 24 Acrylic on Canvas. “LA Gangbanger Atticus”=going with the theme “The Sins of Atticus Finch” .


    bbq ducks..

    ducks.jpg (57 KB)

    so peaceful. so…red.
    in the window of the asian bakery on south grand, by my apt.

    The Thing

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    Top to bottom (if they get posted in the same order that I uploaded them): Jack Kirby, Jae Lee, Walt Simonson, Bernie Wrightson, Alex Ross.