Adeptus Mechanicus

issue8cover1600x1200.jpg (919 KB)

One of the wallpapers available from the quarterly Firebase online magazine. Read it here:

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  • Perfect Valentines Day gift for the wife!

    steak heart.jpg (73 KB)

    Now cook it for me woman! Where in the world does such a leet meat store exist?

    Shit Parenting

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    Crazy building

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    Enclave Wallpapers

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    A pair of marginally modified images from the games intro screens. If you haven\’t played Enclave, it\’s a pretty good hack \’n slash with light and dark campaigns. Well worth the time.

    Liz iz mah homie

    elizabethan-homies-l.jpg (52 KB)

    Verily, thou should\’st get thyself to a nunnery

    Czech beer spa and bath

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    Burning Man 2009

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    Non alcoholic vodka

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    Michigan’s ban

    Michigan’s Department of Education banned schools from giving students an ‘F’ in any subject.

    It’s for the good of the kids. When they are grown up and running the auto companies they’ll have the experience necessary to ask for a bailout.


    Please go rate this post on

    World of Warcraft

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    Holy Fat Guy Batman!

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    Burt Ward aka Robin from the 1960’s Batman series!

    Depressed Spiderman

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    This is what happens when Mary Jane has had enough.

    No Diving Penguins

    diving penguins.jpg (120 KB)

    They warned him!

    Barfing Cat?

    cat picture.jpg (115 KB)

    I Have No Son!

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    No idea on the source of this, but I lol\’d.


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    New Mechanic

    A gynecologist had become fed up with malpractice insurance and HMO paperwork, and was burned out. Hoping to try another career where skillful hands would be beneficial; he decided to become a mechanic.

    He went to the local technical college signed up for evening classes, attended diligently, and learned all he could.

    When the time of the practicalexam approached, the gynecologist prepared carefully for weeks, and completed the exam with tremendous skill.

    When the results came back, he was surprised to find that he had obtained a score of 150%.

    Fearing an error, he called the instructor, saying, “I don’t want to appear ungrateful for such an outstanding result, but I wonder if there is an error in the grade.

    The instructor said, “During the exam, you took the engine apart perfectly, which was worth 50% of the total mark. You put the engine back together again perfectly, which is also worth 50% of the mark.” After a pause, the instructor added, “I gave you an extra 50% because you did it all through the muffler, which I’ve never seen done in my entire career.”


    Please go rate this post on

    Looking Tough Fail

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    The biggest question I have with this picture is..
    How does the guy think he looks tough.. when Grease is on the television behind him.

    Mini Garand

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    16 1/4″ Barreled M1 Garand dubbed “The Mini-G”.


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    Impressive creatures.

    Big Dog Military Robots

    bigdog.jpg (122 KB)

    Youtube it. You will crap your pants.

    Brea Grant

    MV5BMTM3MTM1MTkyMF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwNzA0ODI3MQ@@._V1._SX320_SY400_.jpg (23 KB)

    You Never Know

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    You never know what you\’re going to get…

    And the cow jumped over the…

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    Golden Gate bridge?


    hi, I’m Rowdy

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    the best crazy lady at work made this…I’ll add some more of her work another time

    indian set

    993.jpg (151 KB)

    seriously, what did you think it said?

    Condom Gun

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    Get trigger condom…

    Portable Flat

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    If you have a problem of space, this apartment miniature can help.

    CENIC’s network map

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    CalREN consists of a CENIC-operated backbone to which schools and other institutions in all 58 of California’s counties connect via leased circuits obtained from telecom carriers or fiber-optic cable. In the map to the right, the CalREN backbone fiber network is shown in white, while orange circles indicate network connection points or circuit aggregation facilities.

    More at

    Holly Valance

    Holly Valance leopard print.jpg (223 KB)

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    Cake instructions – FAIL

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    “Hey, Jill, what am I putting on this cake?”
    “Oh, check the counter; I left the jump drive out for you there.”


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    Blackcat Cos-Play

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    No More Masks Watchmen Poster

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    I really need to read this.

    The Legend of Billie Jean

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    Human Towers (Castellers)

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    “The \’castellers\’ who build the human towers with precise techniques compete in groups, known as \’colles\’, at local festivals with the aim to build the highest and most complex human tower. The Catalan tradition is believed to have originated from human towers built at the end of the 18th century by dance groups and is part of the Catalan culture”

    And only 1 fatality in a 100 years.

    STILL walking to Hal…

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    Fecking long hallway…

    In response to:

    Linux censored

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    Phillipine Beauty

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    More than a handful?

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    Ronald McCannibal

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    He makes your burgers good

    Life in 4 bottles

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    Keep Mum, She’s Not So Dumb

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    Snapped this at an airshow goodie stand last year

    Kiss my ASS Lottery

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    Sometimes “Sorry, try again” just isn\’t good enough.

    Geek 1.0 and Geek 2.0

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    The evolution of the geek.