Brea Grant

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    24 Responses ttto Brea Grant

    1. Tardex says:

      Wait, you trendy internet folk usually go “Om nom nom” about this time, right? If thats the case then I claim first of these “Om nom nom”s

    2. Luke Magnifico says:

      Nom om mon

    3. Gary Generic says:

      She’s hot, but her excessive facial floppery when she acts annoys the living shit out of me.

    4. drdrewusaf says:

      oh noes! shes ded!

    5. Luke Magnifico says:

      @drdrewusaf: But…

      But she was so hot?

      I don’t understand.

    6. vincent.ex2 says:

      @drdrewusaf: Nobody ever dies for real in X-men.

    7. dekay46 says:

      i would liek to snuggle her now. kthxbai.

    8. drdrewusaf says:

      @LukeV1-5: That’s exactly what I said…But vincent.ex2 is probably right, iirc they didn’t show the body…

    9. the_wanderer says:

      Cute, but that mole thing on the side of her nose just makes me zoom in on it. I can’t stop staring at it.

    10. the.kenzo says:

      She needs a better hair cut.

    11. outofocus says:

      Ok, those ARE dreads. I was wondering about that. I wonder why her hair is like that? Her character? Her IRL?

    12. multi_masked says:

      She aint dead! She got shot in the arm! Then passed out. Its THERE fault that they didn’t pick her ass up.

      And yes, she makes my gay loins tingle a tiny bit.

    13. hvymetal86 says:

      Dreads FTL.

    14. outofocus says:

      @hvymetal86: I’m getting my dreads today. They will be FTW.

    15. Putridity says:

      @outofocus: Mine are hopefully going to be done within the next few months.
      Dreadhawk FTW!

    16. Nemesis says:



    17. RSIxidor says:

      I agree with the 90% of this thread. 90% is my favorite percent.

    18. Phyreblade says:

      Teh cute.

      @Gary Scenario: facial floppery? ‘Splain please…

    19. Drunkin says:

      and, she’s from Texas. I’m sure since she went to UT she is either very interesting, or extreamly annoying. there is no in-between with that place….never.

    20. outofocus says:

      @Putridity: Pictures or GTFO.

      I have learned that even when getting a dread perm… initial dreading is super frizzy… so my dreads will be somewhat unsexy for the next few months. o_O

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