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  • saturn and moon

    saturn and moon

    Number 23

    Number 23

    Nuclear Science

    Nuclear Science

    House Dancing

    House Dancing

    Dirty Magic Word

    Dirty Magic Word

    Knowledgable Proposals

    “He proposed to me last night, mother. What shall I do?”

    “But, my dear daughter, you’ve only known him three weeks.”

    “I know that, mother, but on the other hand if I delay in accepting him
    he might find out some things about me he won’t like, too.”

    ATV Shopping Cart

    ATV Shopping Cart

    you will die alone

    you will die alone

  • Walking Bird

    Walking Bird

    Moon – Kuda Kumi

    Moon - Kuda Kumi

    Sexy Mechanic

    Sexy Mechanic

    Heart Shapped Hands

    Heart Shapped Hands

    Harley Casket Carrier

    Harley Casket Carrier

    dwarf fortress

    dwarf fortress

    John Candy Is Funny

    John Candy Is Funny

    Daft Punk

    Daft Punk

    Blonde Globe

    Blonde : ‘I would like to have a globe of the earth.

    Sales Man: ‘What size, madam?

    Blonde: ‘Life-size, of course.

    rihanna is sexy


    Graffiti wall is vandalised

    Cooking your dog

    Constipated Box Head

    Constipated Box Head