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    26 Responses ttto Avril Lavigne PUNCHES you out

    1. Sticky says:


    2. Puulaahi says:

      Ah! Flashback of that horrid day!

    3. GorillaMunch says:

      what a bitch, no seriously

    4. Kill it with fire, etc…

      • gor says:

        Come on, the little emo is bangable.

        • You’re repeating yourself.

          Admitting that you’d put your manhood in anything that’s little enough, on the Internet, won’t make anyone respect you more or invite you to their child’s birthday party.

          • AgZed says:

            Come now, if Avril had never become famous, and this picture was merely “Random Chick PUNCHES you out”, we’d have a few om nom noms, a couple Pedobear jokes and a Chris Hansen reference and that’d be the end of it. But oh noes! She became famous! And we don’t like her music! Or her public personality which may or may not be entirely different from her private one! All of a sudden she is no longer doable.

            But when did the matressability of a member of your preferred gender suddenly rely on how they earn a living? I mean, I don’t like banks in general, and I positively loathe my bank. I despise it with the fiery hatred of a thousand suns. My dislike for Avril’s music would seem like rabid fanboyism compared to the depths of my hatred for my bank. Yet my girlfriend works for my bank. And when I found out, I wasn’t like, “Oh, well that’s it then. I can’t be with anyone who works for a goddamn bank”. I was like, “I fucking hate those guys”, and she was like, “Yeah, join the club”, and we carried on with our lives as before, except now I have a snazzy laminated “I Fucking Hate My Bank Club” membership card.

            Anyway, where was I going with this? Oh right. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with the fact that I’d totally do Avril, given the opportunity. You know, if I wasn’t happily spoken for already.

          • Haha who said she’s not good looking. If you go back to the Avril theme day you can see that I’d be interested in very interesting things concerning people who look like her.

            I’m just making fun of gor, who doesn’t like her at all and thinks just because she’s not obese like the ladies in his area, everyone has to feel the need to stick their penises, if they have one, in her and if they don’t want to do that they must be homosexual.

          • gor says:

            She a cute little emo chick, and well into her 20’s, so she is fair game for stereotypical guy dialogue. I agree with AgZed, if she wasn’t famous most every hetero guy would be saying (or at least thinking) how he would like to impregnate her, but since she’s AVRIL LAVIGNE (who is actually quite easy on the eyes) we get the standard cynical “burn it with fire” comment.

            Are you sure it was me who said I didn’t like her looks. In fact, here’s when I say something positive about her before

            Avril Lavigne – Black And White Eyes

          • Are you sure it was me who said I didn’t like her looks.

            I meant you dislike her personality as much as everyone else.

            That’s not all you said, you act as if everyone who doesn’t want to have sex with her because they’re disgusted with what they may or may not know about her, they must be homosexual or like you said “heterosexual liers” [sic].

            You’re a joke and so are your priorities.

          • gor says:

            It’s the internet honey, everyone’s a joke, including you. It’s time to relax and not take everything seriously here.

          • Dude, you’re the one who defends his primitive urges on every Avril Lavigne picture that gets posted on here while ruling that everyone who is not as primitive as you must be homosexual. Not me.

            I’d say it’s time to take a deep breath and pull your head out of your ass.

          • gor says:

            What? Are you on the rag or something? Chill.

            When Tiki post pictures of attractive girls, what are we suppose comment about? The color or what f-stop the photographer used? Why all the anger, are you envious the talk about her? Is it just that you are just angry about my comments (which none where directed you), if so, then don’t read them. Problem solved.

          • You’re a bag o’lulz. This is amusing to me, don’t you get it.
            I get a kick out of your retardation. Welcome to the Internet, if you can’t handle it I suggest you unplug now.

          • gor says:

            It’s been enjoyable to me as well, it kept me awake for my last 3 hours here at work, but I’m getting ready to go home now. See you tonight sweets 🙂

    5. ack says:

      Avril punches you in the mouth after raping your ears.

      Damn I hate this chicks music.

    6. Malta Soron says:

      Her defence sucks. You could deflect her punch with left and immediately counter with a left jab, or just block with left and counter with a right jab. Bam, KO.

    7. sylvanish says:

      She smells like a wet public ash-tray that someone threw a half eaten burger in, a week ago. Except after her shows, then add a sour sweat stink to that.

      And she’s got a nasty snatch like someone kicked a hole in the side of rotting hog carcass.

      I’m gonna go watch some more Stanhope now…

    8. Dreth says:

      No … no no… no no NO … NO NO NO NO NO NO NO

      -takes deep breath-


    9. fracked again says:

      I’m sure no one will believe me, so… Aw fuck it, nevermind.

      I’m not sure whether somebody needs to take away her rhyming dictionary or buy her one.

      I’d still bang her.

    10. VanZant says:

      It’s obvious most of you hate her but I love this little girl. I don’t know much about her music or beliefs or politics but I think she is amazing looking. And I like her energy also and I’m NOT apologizing.

    11. Snow says:

      im going to punch some talent into her voice and some phallus into her vag

    12. Gilez says:

      Fine if you guys don’t want her, I’ll take her.

    13. Just This Guy, You Know? says:

      Hate her music and her faux punk attitude, but would nom most enthusiastically. I would even encourage her to blow me in a theater, then unceremoniously dump her in the most callous way I could think, hoping that she would then release the next Jagged Little Pill. Then I might listen to her music.

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