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  • Twin Goats





    Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the perfect specimen to take down the United States Government!

    1-31-07 – Never Forget


    Aqua Teen Protest!


    Boston Closed Due To Bomb




    Bearded Mooninite


    MySpace Deletion

    First, the How:
    1. Goto and login
    2. Click the Home link (first link on the left under the banner ad at the top)
    3. Click Account Settings link
    4. Under Change Account Settings, click the -Cancel Account- link
    5. Click the Cancel My Account button to confirm removal

    Now, the Why:
    MySpace is endorsing bigoted assholes, spam bots and general ass hattery.  After deletion of a 30,000 member atheist group, they kinda just shrugged their shoulders and said “meh”.  So, since I don’t want to manage that crap anymore, off it goes.  If you were a friend of MCS on myspace, um, well you should have been commenting on MCS instead of that MySpace crap anyways.

    ‘little boy’ mooninite bomb!



    See!??!!? This is what boston thought it was!

    1-31-07 – Nevar 4Get


    Mooninite Suicide Bomber


    Aqua Teen Terror Levels


    Dear city of Boston



  • Bacon Flowchart

    f-Bacon-Flowchart-5573.jpg (65 KB)

    Burg Hohenzollern

    Burg_Hohenzollern_Focus_online_0000.jpg (79 KB)

    Castle in the Clouds

    Frog on a lily pad

    Frog Lily pad Stock pic.jpg (351 KB)


    shaunofthedead.png (84 KB)

    Hayden Panettiere & Kristen Bell

    Kiss Already.jpg (320 KB)

    Fucking kiss already, damnit.

    The Donk

    donk.jpg (20 KB)

    Available for $20,000 on

    Dark Tower

    1201659956255.jpg (566 KB)

    Any one else read these or are reading? I’m on 4th book currently.

    A delicious German snack

    6d02cd2b08.jpg (55 KB)

    Even if I can haz cheezburger, DO NOT WANT!!!

    Caution: drunks ahead

    drunkcross.jpg (130 KB)

    this must be in front of tiki’s place

    EarthWorm Jim

    EWormJim.jpg (188 KB)

    Bleach wallpaper

    bleach(22).jpg (304 KB)

    Image is courtesy of google image search.
    Next to Ergo Proxy, bleach has to be one of the greatest anime series out there

    Acoustic Coupler

    Acoustic_coupler_20041015_175456_1.jpg (292 KB)

    Seen these in school before and just found out the name of these yesterday. Anyone use these before?

    Cthulhu Crossing

    cthulhucrossing.jpg (224 KB)

    Slow down there, speedy. Cthulhu will devour your soul.

    Tribal Cthulhu

    Cthulhu.jpg (125 KB)

    This could make a great tattoo. If you disagree (or even if you don’t) Cthulhu will devour your soul.

    Richard Simmons DVD Gift

    1201412493189.jpg (161 KB)

    Legalize Freedom

    1201364090392.jpg (71 KB)

    Ron Paul 2008

    Wife Power

    1201415282639.jpg (397 KB)

    This is Cthulhu

    coc_concept_02.jpg (87 KB)

    He’s come to eat your soul

    Worldwide Jurisprudence

    1201550866051.png (55 KB)

    Yummy Cake

    yummy cake.jpg (211 KB)

    Obama Vs. Hillary

    D8UF9T503.jpg (36 KB)

    They must really hate each other.

    coy from Biltmore Estate

    July August 035-1.JPG (42 KB)

    Cool picture of a coy fish taken at Biltmore Estate, NC

    Confined Space

    IMG_2886 resize.jpg (246 KB)

    Found this a few weeks ago while on holiday. Couldn’t help but take a photo…

    Drive on the left

    IMG_2963 resize.jpg (147 KB)

    These are all the way along the Great Ocean Road in Victoria. You’d have to be retarded to drive over 100km from the city only to realise you’ve been driving on the wrong side of the road. Great Success!

    Beware of parachuters!

    IMG_2899 resize.jpg (150 KB)

    If you don’t look out they’ll swoop down and fuck you up!

    Postergasm at McDonalds

    100_0046.JPG (119 KB)

    America no longer has a breadbasket. Now it has a cornhole.

    From project: POSTERGASM.

    I bet you just stepped in it

    100_0044.JPG (136 KB)

    I bet you just stepped in it.

    From project: POSTERGASM.