Dog Socks

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  • Sierra Nevada Pale Ale

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    Hoppy goodness from the people of The Sierra Nevada Brewing Company.

    Gir Makin Waffles Wallpaper

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    These have peanuts and soap in ’em!

    Cargo Helicopter

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    Saw this outside my work today…I have no idea what kind of helicopter this is, but it sure was loud and looked pretty bad-ass!

    Always Otters

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    “Atheism: It always leads to war with the otters.”


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    Zebra Intercourse Exhibit

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    The Pregnant Man

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    Thomas Trace Beatie, a transgendered man born Tracy LaGondino, reversed hormone replacement and carried a child to term. He had not menstruated in 8 years. His wife, Nancy Beatie, developed sympathy pregnancy and was able to breast feed their daughter, Susan Juliet Beatie. He also did not appear to shave during the pregancy.

    Transformer Motorcycle

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    I was going through some images from January 2006 and found these. My buddy from Ireland came to visit that month and brought this to me for Christmas. 🙂

    It’s some generic transformer toy but the fact that it’s supposed to be the motorcycle I owned at the time makes it pretty kewl.

    Blue eyed kitty

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    Are his eyes really that blue or is it from processing or something?

    Black Cat Bath

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    Am I the only one who never gives my cat a bath? I can only remember once or twice giving any of my cats a bath, and that was due to fleas.
    Found on flickr

    Tree Frog, Pacific Islands

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    A tree frog shows off its broad and effective grip while clinging to a tree trunk in the Pacific Islands. Frogs—particularly tropical species—are vanishing at alarming rates, in part due to disease epidemics attributed to climate change. Amphibian skin is incredibly thin, making frogs acutely susceptible to changes in temperature, humidity, or water quality.

    Love Jesus

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    Love Jesus, or he’ll fucking kill you.

    Got it at this place, via Debunking Christianity

    Fomalhaut b

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    Explanation: Fomalhaut (sounds like “foam-a-lot”) is a bright, young, star, a short 25 light-years from planet Earth in the direction of the constellation Piscis Austrinus. In this sharp composite from the Hubble Space Telescope, Fomalhaut’s surrounding ring of dusty debris is imaged in detail, with overwhelming glare from the star masked by an occulting disk in the camera’s coronagraph. Astronomers now identify, the tiny point of light in the small box at the right as a planet about 3 times the mass of Jupiter orbiting 10.7 billion miles from the star (almost 14 times the Sun-Jupiter distance). Designated Fomalhaut b, the massive planet probably shapes and maintains the ring’s relatively sharp inner edge, while the ring itself is likely a larger, younger analog of our own Kuiper Belt – the solar system’s outer reservoir of icy bodies. The Hubble data represent the first visible-light image of a planet circling another star. .

    More sexy

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    Judging by the responses from the last half-nekkid guy post, this board is starved for beefcake.

    Porn Ratio

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  • Ssssliders..

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    “What if you could find brand new worlds right here on Earth, where anything is possible: same planet, different dimension? I found the gateway!”


    Retard Capsules

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    Did you take these today or did you go for the generic form, Fucktard?

    Ducks, flying

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    They look silly in a fantastic way.

    Buffelhead Fog Landing

    Don’t worry bitch….

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    thank God you didn’t, but probably could.


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    Monkey on his back

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    “A monkey rides on the back of a U.S. Army soldier October 23, 2008 at combat outpost Dallas in the Kunar Province of eastern Afghanistan. The monkey went along as a temporary mascot with soldiers who were switching out with comrades who had been in the remote outpost for a week. (John Moore/Getty Images)”

    Napier-Railton racer

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    1933 racing car with a 12-cylinder, 24-Litre engine. Basically just a huge silver penis with wheels.

    World Taxis

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    The Hip Live Between Us

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    Done by a former member of the The Tragically Hip, Davis Manning, this mural in a back alley behind a tattoo parlor in Kingston, ON, depicts the impact the band was having on his relationship with his girlfriend. In 1986 Manning eventually chose his girlfriend, while the band went on to become superstars in Canada.
    Originally not realizing that Manning drew the mural (thinking instead that a fan did it and that they were actually making it big), the band thought it would be a good album name, using “live” as an adjective rather than a verb. They named their 1996 live album “The Hip Live Between Us” after it.
    I live in Kingston, and unfortunately I never saw it before it was repainted

    More at and

    Three Seashells

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    Munching by Burt Youngsters taken from

    Brad Gerlach

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    Todos Santos, Mexico

    Eel Blenny

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    Tiny blennies such as this spinyhead poke out from the coral in Cuba’s Cayo Largo, always on the lookout for edible items within darting reach. “They are no bigger than an infant’s finger, but they are tigers—extremely aggressive and territorial,” says photographer David Doubilet. “They seem to have no concept of their own size.”

    Another Horse’s Nose

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    A lot of pics of horse nose pics floating around.

    Fat Add Failure

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    Lose 12 pounds! And become Caucasian!

    Monkey Waiters

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    In a Japanese “sake house” in the city of Utsunomiya, north of Tokyo, 2 macaque monkeys, called Yatchan and Fukuchan work as waiters. Most of the customers tip them with boiled soya-beans. The owner Kaoru Otsuka only has them work 2 hour shifts so that he doesn’t violate the animal rights regulations.

    Find Muck Sofa

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    If you are not having a seizure, your eyes aren’t open!

    Hong Kong

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    Wallpaper size

    Palin 2012

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    Often found wandering /wg/

    Potential Embarassment Alert!

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    Vista questions?

    Norwegian Blades

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    Superman’s cousin from an alternate reality that used to exist before Crises on Infini… you know what? Comics are complicated.

    Klasic the Tattoo Artist

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    If you have been wondering what the easiest way to catch the HIV or acquire Hepatits C, just let this lowlife tattoo you. I found these pics on this redneck fuckers Myspace page, apparently he is a rapper as well.


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    You should take the internet VERY seriously!


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    Artie was a bad ass.

    And I know you fapped to Petunia.