Geek Wedding Cake

gwc.jpg (73 KB)

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  • Peacekeeper missile

    Peacekeeper-missile-testing.jpg (761 KB)


    BIMHO.jpg (115 KB)


    anytake.jpg (45 KB)


    ACTNOW.jpg (111 KB)

    Captain Planet

    cpdownhill.jpg (91 KB)


    the true Batman

    acward.jpg (198 KB)

    Girls In Bikinis

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    What pageant? I dunno. What year? I dunno. Who cares, there are girls in bikinis!

    Audrina Patridge and her sister with tats

    Audrina Patridge and Sister.jpg (202 KB)

    Audrina Patridge and her tattooed sister at a pool

    My Buddies wife

    Thatsmywifelol.jpg (108 KB)

    chilithu.jpg (94 KB)

    true love

    truelove.jpg (927 KB)

    girls or money?

    money.jpg (94 KB)


    Nice.jpg (62 KB)


    yellowbeard.jpg (89 KB)

    I can\’t believe nobody has seen this movie.

    Swords of Qādisīyah

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    I\’m standing at the far left, last row, helping support Iraqi tourism.

    Chicks with Pipes

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    Simone_Simons_2007_2.jpg (91 KB)

    (in order, I hope)
    1. Angela Gossow – Arch Enemy
    2. Otep Shamaya – Otep
    3. Karyn Crisis – Crisis
    4. Simone Simons – Epica

  • ET\’s Son?

    tree-frog-christmast-light.jpg (37 KB)

    stumbled onto this…is it ET\’s son?

    After the Great Ka-Whoom

    ice9earth.jpg (45 KB)

    No damn cat…and no damn cradle.


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    Page 73 girl

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    I believe this slice o hotness has graced these pages before.

    MMM bacon

    mmegsbacom.jpg (97 KB)

    Bacon & Eggs Together

    rejected by marvel

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    tape.jpg (61 KB)

    needs more bronzer!!

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    mmm milk

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    Super Realistic Dark Knight Joker Action Figures

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    that\’s a hell of a title. i don\’t collect action figures, but these look awesome. About a foot tall, with interchangable heads!!!! Realism is good?

    burnout paradise map

    Burnout_Paradise_ALL.jpg (763 KB)

    pc_box.jpg (223 KB)

    beste racing game ever, second best is flatout

    The Shocker

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    Household Wars

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    Jennifer Love Hewitt

    jennifer_love_hewitt.jpg (35 KB)

    nom nom nom


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    Invincible #60 cover

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    Cover to Invincible #60 featuring the entirety of the Image Comics universe.

    Platinum Arrows

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    My Easton Platinum Plus Arrows.

    Abandoned mental institution

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    Me, a friend and my girlfriend, exploring the Normansfield home for the “mentally subnormal” originally built by John Langdon Down in 1868 (the guy who identified Down\’s syndrome) in London, England. We spent about an hour there, but the noises from upstairs (creeks and murmurings – we assumed crack addicts) eventually persuaded us to leave.

    Hello Kitty Jesus

    _wp-content_uploads_2008_01_hello-kitty-jesus-tattoo.jpg (32 KB)

    Tattoos are pretty awesome :]

    Pepsi Max\’s one lonely calorie

    pepsi_max_3.jpg (42 KB)

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    Pepsi\’s failed attempt at marketing a one calorie soda.

    The Internet

    1VgGG.jpg (37 KB)

    Source: . . . Stumbled

    Deep Fried Cadbury Egg

    Deep Fried Cadbury Egg.jpg (29 KB)

    Some things should not be fried.

    Hannah Montana

    H M.jpg (116 KB)

    Made this me-self on photoshop. What? Im not a fan, sorry!

    Cool Surf Photo

    Malibu.jpg (554 KB)

    The guy in the foreground is holding a Alaia surfboard. Used by Hawaiians in the early 1900\’s. Basically a wooden plank with rails.

    Photo by: Ryan Tatar

    Swiss Army Giant Knife

    giant swiss army knife 2.jpg (23 KB)

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