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    This is pretty lame. So people are losers cause they don’t own a house or are not married?? Thats stupid and I also guarantee less than 10% of the people who read this have had less than 20 fuck buddies, including myself.


    Bad chart. Seems to be designed for only people who are more privileged than the rest of us. And I didn’t get a BINGO, so neener-neener!


    It’s not even a chart, it has 3 different salaries on it, as if the person creating it was too retarded to realise the larger sum will over-ride the lesser two. The retarded fucktard can’t even spell Britney or college.

    “materbated to” surely this should be “at”, it’s not a fucking musical instrument.


    Haven’t you heard, pantsoffdanceoff? Negative equity is WIN! Alimony payments by the age of 30 is double WIN! Being internet and computer illiterate – triple WIN! Having the biggest collection of STDs – 20x WIN!

    (Srsly, I don’t know one single person who actually speaks English but hasn’t at least visited Facebook…)


    additional: rather than “I fully own” surely “I’ve worked for an bought..” would be less of a loser than someone who’s been given something.


    Who actually has a ‘collge’ degree? Fail!
    15 of these apply to me… “I’m a loser, baby, so why don’t ya kill me”.


    bingo chart = epic fail
    funni how it says that ur a loser if u kno coding or script language and the internet is made by ppl that kno coding and script language and this person is using the internet to post this so all in all its hardcore fail and hellz yea to be a loser XD


    This is possible the worst image I have ever seen. There is no lulz to be had here. How many people here have had more than 20 sexual partners? Good god, I’ve gotta catch up.

    This is such a 4chan newfag reply that I am laughing my ass off.


    I believe this was made by someone with a strong feeling of self loathing.


    u kno wuts funni i dont even surf on 4chan lolz


    Odd, I don’t see the “I spent time making a bingo card to convince people they suck” on here. Must have left it off.


    pantsoffdanceoff: It says 20 sex partners, not fuck buddies. There is a big difference.

    And I have an n64, NES, ps2 and lamecube…do the n64 and NES count if I haven’t used them in over 5 years?


    I’d say this is Fail but it has some truth in it.


    REPOST- kinda- i think someones a rich ugly nerd whos jelous because he failed this..



    What are we determining for ‘sexual partners?’ I could see that if we’re including one night stands, but people we’ve actually had sexual relationships with for a period of time? Much less likely.

    Then again the whole chart is fail.


    If you’re in college, you’ve already got 3/5 in the diagonal from top left to bottom right. So as long as you’re in college, but dont like britney or have slept with 20 people, you’re safe.


    TaiyedMan: Imagine this college student furiously having sex with as many people as he can, staring at a poster of ‘Brintey’ on the ceiling. “Must… get… diagonal.”


    Deathdealer: you type like 4chan newfag backwash. 4chan being the butt crack of the internet comes out with all of the digital garbage and retarded speech mannerisms. With those, come newfags who try to imitate it and spread it around thinking they sound cool. From those, you have the average unacquainted wannabe internet users who think that’s how you talk on the internet. Well it’s not. Savvy?

    You wrote:
    bingo chart = epic fail
    funni how it says that ur a loser if u kno coding or script language and the internet is made by ppl that kno coding and script language and this person is using the internet to post this so all in all its hardcore fail and hellz yea to be a loser XD

    You were supposed to write:
    Bingo chart = Epic fail
    It’s funny how the chart calls you a loser if you know how to program. Programmers made the internet. By logical deduction since this chart was posted on the internet, it makes the original poster a loser. This is epic fail. lolololol

    Sorry if I sounded harsh, people that type like that get on my nerves. Seriously, what the hell with spelling funni instead of funny. It has the exact same amount of letters, and hell its not even funny or cool…no offense


    Mootea: also i forgot to add… PLEASE don’t use so many conjunctions in one sentence. Seriously. You used the word AND three times, and the conjunction SO, IN THE SAME SENTENCE!! AHHHHHHHH!!!! RAAAAAGE -head explodes-


    Mootea: …


    Mootea: P.S. The post also implies a vast majority of kids are losers. You wouldn’t call a three month old child a loser would you? Even if they had less than twenty sex friends?


    Mootea: I dunno, that kid’s mom should start putting make-up on it. That’s just not normal for a child to be a loser like that. Also, it wud B funni! :Dlol


    Hummm…I Fail at Bingo….

    wait…. =-)

    Howie Feltersnatch

    This chart is full of fail. On the other hand, I can mark off only two spots, so even if it weren’t fail I wouldn’t give a shit.


    What kind of person making over $50k fully owns a vehicle? They’ll be sensible and get a fixed rate auto loan and invest the difference.

    Frankly, my tally is right around 20 and I consider it embarassing evidence of my youthful stupidity.


    WistfulD: My dad and I both fully own a vehicle.


    This is the sort of thing that you immediately write off as being stupid and pointless, but you still tally it up carefully.


    joodles: Thanks, captain obvious. What would we do without you?


    Personally, I think it’s full of lulz because of teh spellign.

    But here is the demographic for those would would write this:
    18-20 year old man (the masterbated to men and women)
    Still in high school, or first or second year of colledge.
    Two parent $250k+/year combined family income.
    Was given a car for their 16th birthday.
    Has had sex twice, with his sock.
    And notice there’s nothing about computers? But a loser about video game consoles? Yeah, Counterstrike junkie.

    Actually, forget everything I’ve said.
    16 year old counterstrike junkie… That should be enough. 😀


    TwistedSyx: I really can’t find anything to argue about that… you might very well be on to something


    : a contradiction in a contradiction try figuring that out


    15/25. I win. I don’t have a college degree…because I’m still IN college. I don’t own a home because I’m in college. I don’t have a job because I’m in college. I guess being in college makes you a loser.


    casemods: And you both pull in $50k+? Somehow I’m guessing we’re not talking about recent model mid-to-high priced sedans, amIright? You’re either of the drive-them-into-the-ground mentality, or you’re into some kind of classic/moded/something else niche market, right? What I’m saying is that no one flat out buys a 2009 Audi TT, they get an auto loan at 4.9% and invest the difference between the down payment and the total value with expected returns of 8.3%.

    ohmybob: More like not yet a winner. You’ve really yet to have proven yourself on most of the accomplishments we tend to judge ourselves upon, but given your circumstances, you’d have to be either very lucky or very crazy to have done so. But yeah, by society’s standards, being 18-22 really is kind of a loser, which is odd because popular culture keeps reinforcing that that is the optimum age after which it is a long downhill slide.


    WistfulD: 1988 mustang & 1996 jimmy


    Good gods, clearly elitism is still alive and well…
    7 different dinners? Hell, I can cook about three, but I make all my own sauces and they tot up to over 20…. does that count? 😛


    Total Fail. The person who made this is a total loser.


    I_am_Lopan: Depends on how he scored.

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