Wigs on a bus

Wigs on a bus.jpg (89 KB)

First World War. Collecting money for the wounded soldiers. 1915.

Eerste Wereldoorlog, geldinzameling

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  • Hi-def Olives

    20100108_001.jpg (1 MB)

    Apparently I need to connect my TV to my condiments.


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    I’m Screaming

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    via graphiste-illustrateur

    Macadamia Nuts w/ SPAM

    spam and macnuts.jpg (257 KB)

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    REVIEW: Macadamia Nuts with SPAM

    Anyone from Hawaii try these yet? Are they any good?

    Transylvania Air Rules

    transylvania air.jpg (246 KB)

    via Worth1000

    Suck This!

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    a96938_a581_1-chomp.jpg (39 KB)

    via ODDEE

    Jimi Hendrix Quote

    jimi.jpg (217 KB)

    When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace.

    Fun with Post-It Notes

    post its.jpg (1 MB)

    Zooey as DG

    tumblr_kvpwkkFRtN1qz9qooo1_500.jpg (58 KB)

    Dragon Magic

    Dragon Magic - Edit - By Anne Stokes 2006.jpg (358 KB)

    By Anne Stokes, 2006

    Waikiki 1943

    diamondhead1943.jpg (114 KB)


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    Hats of Sherlock Holmes, 1962-1983

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    I’ve never seen any of the early Sherlock Holmes Films. Any good?

    Eyes Wide Shut

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    Tiki Flash

    tiki flash.jpg (44 KB)

    A girl flashing a giftshop Tiki Idol. He seems pleased with her offering.

  • The Trollstigen and the Stelvio Pass

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    A limited picture of the Mussoorie Mountain Road, with the Trollstigen and Stelvio pass underneath, making a nice trio of motorcycle experiences.

    Ady Gil

    ady_gil_sscs.jpg (666 KB)

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    Sea Shepherd boat.

    Could be Darth Vader’s boat.

    More: www.seashepherd.org/news-and-media/news-091020-1.html

    KFC we do chicken right

    FLOYD.jpg (146 KB)

    KFC~ we do chicken right

    Unlimited Essay Works

    unlimitedessayworks-730x1024.png (884 KB)

    Neil Armstrong’s Sexy Silhouette

    l03_11405961.jpg (283 KB)

    He’s got that catwalk stance.
    More at The Big Picture

    Rock, Paper, Scissors

    2462.jpg (58 KB)

    Where’s your paper now? WHERE IS IT?! It’ll annihilate that wimpy SPORK too.

    Frozen Britain

    Frozen Britain.jpg (222 KB)

    I knew it had been bloody cold here lately, but I hadn’t realised just how cold till I saw this picture. And it’s still snowing and getting colder…

    Only YOU can prevent reposts

    reposts.png (1 MB)

    or in some cases, me.

    britain under snow

    cYooH.jpg (373 KB)

    I have a dick, and you dont!

    Boy: I have a dick, and you dont!

    Girl: My mother said, when I grow up, I can have as many as I want

    from tikiwebgroup.com

    Please go rate this post on TikiHumor.
    Please add your own jokes.

    Supreme Fascist

    supreme_fascist.png (113 KB)

    Rock Paper Scissors SPORK

    spork.jpg (394 KB)

    Why, hello there

    a-1.jpg (27 KB)

    Taken by this anonymous Romanian:


    photo.jpg (113 KB)

    Doesn’t it look like Kirby??

    classic star trek trio

    classic star trek trio

    Epic Beard

    Bartolomeo_I.jpg (461 KB)

    President_Barack_Obama_meets_with_Greek_Orthodox_Ecumenical_Patriarch_Bartholomew_I_crop.jpg (255 KB)

    … is epic.

    (Greek Orthodox Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I of Constantinople)

    Duality Of Humanity

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    By Shepard Fairey

    Rolex and Timex

    A girl was visiting her blonde friend, who had acquired two new dogs, and asked her what their names were.

    The blonde responded by saying that one was named Rolex and one was named Timex.

    Her friend said, ‘Whoever heard of someone naming dogs like that?”

    ‘HELLLOOOOOOO , answered the blond. ‘They’re watch dogs!”

    via Thur Jan 14 – Lefturn’s Funny Shit.

    from tikiwebgroup.com

    Please go rate this post on TikiHumor.
    Please add your own jokes.

    Something for balance

    Something for balance.jpg (101 KB)


    The short arm of the law

    The short arm of the law.jpg (246 KB)


    Krishna Arjuna

    Krishna_Arjuna.jpg (985 KB)

    Avatar Noses

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    Anyone Else realised, that the noses of weaver’s avatar was human while the nose of worthington’s avatar is (at least later in the movie) na’vi-ish?

    Is his nose human in the beginning and he got it broken or something?

    worthington: www.indiemoviesonline.com
    weaver: screencrave.com

    To Tiki: Wanted to Upload on Internet-D, but i couldn’t upload more than one picture there.

    Mee Do Tuna

    P1010172.JPG (682 KB)

    I was going through some old pics and found one of a shop I found in Korea.

    Asian girl

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