beached dildo

beached dildo

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  • The Hills-DeCaro House

    The Hills-DeCaro House

    Shaft Off Camera

    Shaft Off Camera

    muslim drivers

    muslim drivers

    Military Bonus Requirement

    The Pentagon recently found it had too many generals and offered an early retirement bonus.

    They promised any general who retired right away, his full annual benefits plus $10,000 for every inch measured in a straight line along the retiring general’s body between any two points he chose.

    The first general accepted. He asked the pension man to measure from the top of his head to the tip of his toes. Six feet. He walked out with a check for $720,000.

    The second general asked them to measure from the tip of his outstretched hands to his toes. 8 feet. He walked away with a check $960,000.

    Meantime, the first general had tipped off the third as to the additional bonus check.

    When the third general was asked where to measure, he told the pension man, “from the tip of my penis, to the bottom of my testicles.”

    The pension man said that would be fine, but he’d better get the Medical Officer to do the measuring.

    The Medical Officer attended and asked the general to drop his pants…he did…. The Medical Officer placed the tape on the tip of the general’s penis and began to work back.

    “My God!” he said, “where are your testicles?!”

    The general replied, “Back in Nam!”


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    large banana or small keyboard

    large banana or small keyboard

    I’m going to fuck you…hard

    I'm going to fuck you...hard

    happy girl

    happy girl

    Garfield – ZALGO

    Garfield - ZALGO

    father and daughter funeral

    father and daughter funeral

    Gasworks Park

    Gasworks Park.jpg (571 KB)

    Gasworks Park

    An old, unused gas plant has been turned into a city park, looking over to the center of Seattle.


    Bey Z.jpg (261 KB)



    r'lyeh.jpg (1021 KB)

    Screw You Comcast

    CN Comcast BS.PNG (233 KB)

    Anyone else have this problem? A bunch of crap is what it is!

    One of these girls is bored

    zaorick.jpg (521 KB)



    Mund auf – Augen zu

    mundauf-augenzu.jpg (76 KB)

    Gina D’Orio and Annika Trost

  • A fly in your beer?

    An Englishman, a Scotsman, and an Irishman walk into a pub together. They each buy a pint of Guinness. Just as they are about to enjoy their creamy beverages, a fly lands in each of their pints and gets stuck in the head.

    The Englishman pushes his beer away in disgust.

    The Scotsman fishes the fly out and continues drinking as if nothing happened.

    The Irishman also picks the fly out of his drink, but then holds it out over the beer and yells, ‘Spit it out! Spit it out, you bastard!”

    via The Beer Goggler | Sometimes, All It Takes Is One More Drink….


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    Red vs Blue

    red1.jpg (78 KB)

    Raiders Fans

    NFL Raiders Fan 1.jpg (64 KB)

    NFL Raiders Fan 2.jpg (71 KB)

    NFL Raiders Fan 3.jpg (58 KB)

    NFL Raiders Fan 4.jpg (102 KB)

    NFL Raiders Fan 6.jpg (71 KB)

    The Greatest.

    Dragon Tale from the Past

    Dragon Tale from the Past - Xtron.jpg (242 KB)

    Art by Xtron

    Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Comic Book

    cod1.jpg (375 KB)


    “In anticipation of the sequel to the groundbreaking game, WildStorm brings you a no-holds-barred, brutal tale of the mysterious Task Force 141 soldier known as “Ghost“. Learning the motivation behind his mask and moniker is the tip of the iceberg in a story spanning the globe from the United Kingdom to war-torn Afghanistan to the drug war in Mexico. Believe us, this will be talked about for years to come! Award-winning creator David Lapham (YOUNG LIARS, Stray Bullets) is joined by artist Kevin West in a shattering 6-issue tour-de-force epic! Retailers please note: This issue will ship with two covers. For every 10 copies of the Standard Edition (with a cover by Federico Dallocchio), retailers may order one copy of the Variant Edition (with a video game cover). Please see the Previews Order Form for more information. Written by David Lapham Art by Kevin West, Cover by Federico Dallocchio. Variant cover features video game art. On sale November 11 o 1 of 6 o 32 pg, FC, $3.99 US o MATURE READERS”

    Very badass comic art.

    My shoes

    shoes_iaec1096916.jpg (16 KB)

    shoes_ihec1096916.jpg (23 KB)

    Decided to post pics of my shoes too.

    The Truth, Even When It Hurts

    1.jpg (61 KB)

    NFL Fans

    NFL Bills Fan.jpg (127 KB)

    NFL Giants Fan.jpg (100 KB)

    NFL GreenBay Fan.jpg (127 KB)

    NFL Bears Fan.jpg (126 KB)

    NFL Vikings Fan.jpg (57 KB)

    Next Theme Day – Video Games

    For the next theme day, which will be october 1st, 2009 you should submit images related to you most favorite video games ever.  bonus if it’s NSFW, super bonus if it’s high resolution.

    thanks to @TrikYodz for the suggestion.

    Halo 3 – ODST Drop Date


    oh guess what I’m going to be playing?

    We need a virgin…Stat!


    Sword Duel

    sword duel.jpg (125 KB)

    iamgreen Celphone Poster

    iamgreen_cellphones.jpg (720 KB)

    This poster is kind of ugly.


    The Twilight Cake

    twilight_CAKE.jpg (49 KB)

    In the name of womanhood, we’d like you to return your ovaries now, please.

    The Xtacles

    xtacles_gang_1920.jpg (526 KB)

    Amazing show full of win that never saw more than two episodes. How AS canned this yet kept Tim and Eric for four seasons is beyond me…

    Lots and lots!

    08-19-09_0729.jpg (74 KB)

    Available at a grocery store in England near you!

    Albino Squirrel

    albinosquirrel.jpg (56 KB)

    This little guy used to live on campus at my school, but then he got eated up by a hawk.

    For a carfull of crap

    IMG_0281.JPG (389 KB)

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    Ray Ban RB3357 – gunmetal frame with brown gradient lense

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    Found these in lost and found at my work.

    Worth about $140!

    I am a conservative!

    This morning I was awoken by my alarm clock powered by electricity generated by the public power monopoly regulated by the US department of energy. I then took a shower in the clean water provided by the municipal water utility. After that, I turned on the TV to one of the FCC regulated channels to see what the national weather service of the national oceanographic and atmospheric administration determined the weather was going to be like using satellites designed, built, and launched by the national aeronautics and space administration. I watched this while eating my breakfast of US department of agriculture inspected food and taking the drugs which have been determined as safe by the food and drug administration.At the appropriate time as regulated by the US congress and kept accurate by the national institute of standards and technology and the US naval observatory, I get into my national highway traffic safety administration approved automobile and set out to work on the roads build by the local, state, and federal departments of transportation, possibly stopping to purchase additional fuel of a quality level determined by the environmental protection agency, using legal tender issued by the federal reserve bank. On the way out the door I deposit any mail I have to be sent out via the US postal service and drop the kids off at the public school.After spending another day not being maimed or killed at work thanks to the workplace regulations imposed by the department of labor and the occupational safety and health administration, enjoying another two meals which again do not kill me because of the USDA, I drive my NHTSA car back home on the DOT roads, to my house which has not burned down in my absence because of the state and local building codes and fire marshal’s inspection, and which has not been plundered of all its valuables thanks to the local police department.I then log on to the internet which was developed by the defense advanced research projects administration and post on and fox news forums about how SOCIALISM in medicine is BAD because the government can’t do anything right.


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    Good parenting

    sp.jpg (338 KB)

    Don’t forget the cat.

    Don't forget the cat..jpg (572 KB)

    Going Up

    Earthrace boat

    ecoboatpa1_800x5292.jpg (109 KB)

    ER 08 poster shotblog.jpg (90 KB)

    Pretty sure this hasn’t been posted to mcs. I thought it worthy.



    ATT00059.jpg (138 KB)

    The Alberta Government and the Alberta Forest Service were
    presenting an alternative to Alberta ranchers for controlling the
    coyote population. It seems that after years of the ranchers using the tried and true methods of shooting and/or trapping the predators, the tree-huggers had a ‘more humane’ solution.

    What they proposed was for the animals to be captured alive, the males would then be castrated and let loose again. Therefore the population would be controlled. This was ACTUALLY proposed to the Alberta Ranching Association and Farming Association by the Alberta
    Government and the Alberta Forest Service.

    All of the ranchers thought about this amazing idea for a couple of
    minutes. Finally, one of the old boys in the back of the conference
    room stood up, tipped his hat back and said, ‘Son, I don’t think you
    understand our problem.

    Those coyotes ain’t fuckin’ our sheep…..they’re eatin’ ’em!’

    Penis Goes Where?

    airbus 380