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  • Christmas Lights Ditto

    ditto.jpg (55 KB)


    Sin.jpg (182 KB)

    You’re going to hell for that.


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    Darwin – Was he wrong?

    was-darwin-wrong.jpg (62 KB)

    no-he-was-not.jpg (60 KB)

    No. He wasn’t.

    Oil Rig

    oilrig.jpg (286 KB)

    The Pill kills babies!!

    pill.jpg (294 KB)

    Another sign of the Apocalypse.

    Sex is Dangerous

    sex.jpg (710 KB)

    Teeny Weeny, Itsy Bitsy Frog

    frog.jpg (240 KB)

    The cuteness, it overwhelms!

    Sicilian pizza

    za.jpg (437 KB)

    Pure food porn.

    Kaylee Defer is a hot slut with tattoos

    so I just watched the latest episode LEGALLY on hulu and I saw this slut on the show:

    kaylee defer with tattoosSo I was all like, fuck yeah, they finally got one of those Suicide Girls to show their ink on national TV, and it was awesome.  Then, I went to my BFF JILL and asked who that tattooed slut was, and I found this:

    Kaylee Defer

    grrrrr.  she isn’t really inked up, and she doesn’t wear glasses.  Tiki’s epeen is pissed off now.

    Distribution of Black Paintings

    500px-Quintasordo.jpg.png (237 KB)

    “The Black Paintings are a group of paintings by Francisco Goya created in the later years of his life (1819-1823) that portray intense, haunting themes. In 1819 at the age of 72, Goya moved into a two-story house outside of Madrid called “Quinta del Sordo,” or “Deaf Man’s Villa”. Although the house had been named after the previous owner who was deaf, Goya was himself deaf at the time as a result of an illness he suffered at the age of 46. After the Napoleonic Wars and the turmoil of the Spanish government, Goya developed an embittered attitude towards humanity. He had an acute awareness of panic, terror, fear, and hysteria. Also surviving two near-fatal illnesses, Goya grew increasingly anxious and impatient in fear of relapse. These factors combined are thought to have led to his production of 14 works known as the Black Paintings.” –

    Goya oil painted them directly on the walls of his house. I can imagine sitting in the dining room and view Saturn Devouring his Son from the shadows while eating chicken. I want to go there.


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    Dear Visitor…

    solid_waste.jpg (777 KB)

    the garbage container is for your soild waste

  • Racist


    Metal Cows

    metal cow sculptures

    What to Eat: Cereal Edition

    I’ve tried maybe 5 of these cereals and have never heard of some of them. Apple Jacks FTW!
    Full Size

    Hot Live Dog

    31.jpg (67 KB)


    Smokers.jpg (76 KB)

    The Yawn

    Yawn.jpg (289 KB)

    Peaceful Graffiti Artist

    Peaceful Graffiti Artist.jpg (99 KB)


    Sin.jpg (92 KB)

    I ♥ NY

    NY.jpg (91 KB)


    hunger-poster-2.jpg (158 KB)

    Hunger is the story of the IRA hunger strike at the Maze Prison in 1981, and it quickly pulls little punches in getting across the conditions in the prison, and the inmates’ dissatisfaction. Hunger treads a very careful political line throughout its running time, and what emerges is a surprisingly open drama, powered by an excellent performance from Michael Fassbender as Bobby Sands. As Sands embarks on his infamous hunger strike, Fassbender mesmerises in the role, leading up to the aforementioned, gripping, single conversation that’s the highlight of the film. Mark him down as a major talent to watch. Alongside Fassbender, director Steve McQueen does really quite sterling work with Hunger. It can’t have been an easy film to direct by any measure, yet he turns in a harrowing piece of cinema that leaves the judgements to the viewer.

    Fucking amazing movie!

    I have fixed things

    Comment Voting: Fixed

    Comment Replying: Fixed

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    Weird Random Redirects after commenting: Fixed

    500k Header image: beaten until it was only 872 single bytes

    Latest Images block: removed for performance reasons, may return, may not

    It’s amazing what I can do when I don’t drink.

    Next up: Removing adverts in the forums for MCS+ users, adding UID in the forums, bringing internet forum karma from the forums to the main site, and being awesome.

    Did I miss anything? Can I do anything for you?  How’s your night going?

    Fire in the Hole

    Fire in the Hole.jpg (127 KB)

    Thüringer Wald

    TW.jpg (742 KB)


    In Soviet Russia

    In Soviet Russia.jpg (412 KB)


    Toy City

    Toy City.jpg (377 KB)

    Gee thanks man

    Thanks.jpg (78 KB)

    Northern Lights

    Polarlicht.jpg (683 KB)

    Beautiful Alaska. This is the untouched version.


    Clear This Room

    Clear This Room.jpg (163 KB)

    Little Dudes

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    doing big things.

    Kids Bracelet

    Kids Bracelet.jpg (222 KB)

    Little Black Riding Hood

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    Artwork by Shohei Hakuchi

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    Motorized Surfboat

    Motorized Surfboard.jpg (118 KB)


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    Curious Library

    Curious Library.jpg (679 KB)

    Artwork by Valerio Carrubba

    Degas is aged.jpg (1 MB)

    i prefer pi.jpg (1 MB)

    Nina ricci ran in.jpg (262 KB)

    Degas is Aged
    I prefer Pi
    Nina Ricci ran in

    He is a hyper realist painter and his images are anatomically accurate.

    Marlon Brando and Laurence Olivier + cats

    Marlon Brando.jpg (352 KB)

    Laurence Olivier.jpg (317 KB)

    Proud cats with their pets.