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    34 Responses ttto Difference Between Theists, Agnostics and Atheists (lamb version)

    1. I’am going to photoshop the shit out of this ones.

    2. Awesome. Also that’s one long fucking door. No really, splendid execution, the weed shirt in the same spot where Sagan was warms my heart. I give you 4.5 dieAstrawberries out of 5.


    3. Lamb says:

      I’ll take your 4.5 dieAstrawberries, and I’ll enjoy the 0.5 with pride!

    4. Lamb says:

      That was the idea actually (weed shirt). And it’s not a long door, that’s just a weird, useless window over it.

    5. Oh I thought it was a special door they built just for you because you’re so tall.

    6. Lamb says:

      I may be tall, but I’m not 8 feet tall, but you can’t tell it’s really that tall

    7. natedog says:

      i tee hee hee’d

    8. Puulaahi says:

      Well executed. I applaud you sir.

    9. Lamb says:

      I actually wear the jesus shirt in public and people think I’m a bible thumper.
      Oh.. Nobody asked? Ok…

    10. nyoki says:

      I’m a proud jackass. It’s a great part to play. 😉

    11. deuce says:

      Blindingly green room is blindingly green.

    12. Kik Dogg says:

      Everything they said ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

      You got 5 stars from me. This totally made my day.

    13. TheLotusEater725 says:

      This made me lol.

    14. TrikYodz says:

      well lamb, do you live in a somewhat old house? if not your room,door area was fashioned or inspired by the architect by old houses.
      y’see the windows above doors were popular way back when there wasnt air conditioning, and people wanted privacy, but wanted air circulating around the house, so they close the door and open the window at the top. their logic: the heat rises. So in turn make rooms like 3 feet taller than the door, make the window above the door openable and then the hot air leaves the room out that window.
      in winter, twas closed, and then it trapped the hot air in.
      thank you for your great picture, by the way.

    15. TrikYodz says:

      oh yeah. i fogot. silly romanians.
      and everyone is missing at least one tooth.

    16. atkinson says:

      Why you don’t make this bullshit whith “the big bang theory” guys?
      At minimum, they are fun! You, regrettable …

    17. Sticky says:

      Not gonna lie, I saved this and gave it fiev starz.

    18. Elepski says:

      You see… The problem with Theists is not that they don’t open any books… it’s just that they don’t open enough books.

    19. Billy Manic says:

      I don’t see a problem with any of the three.

    20. Gilly says:

      So…theists are confident (in their silly belief), tolerant (of people of the same belief) and sympathetic (of people of their own belief), or what was that?

    21. namelessmonk says:

      In reality there are illogical members in all three parties, and accepting in all three as well. I highly doubt you are accepting if you are making something like this. You might be accepting of other theists and think agnostics are confused but that doesn’t make you accepting.

    22. I don’t know if any of the last few people who commented know this but this is a joke. Don’t take it seriously, we know it’s nonsense. The original creator of the image is unknown and only a super small fraction on this site makes retarded generalisations like this.

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