And lo jesus said. “Ortho tricyclen is going to kill babies, like millions of them, remember to not create that chemical 4 thousand years from now, it kills babies”
But, Dude wtf? The pill kills babies? How in the? Goddamn dude i am religious and even i know that is fucking bullshit. It just tricks your body into thinking you are pregnant, it doesn’t kill anything. I mean maybe if this was the abortion pill you might be on something but the abortion pills do not induce an abortion, they are more in line with contraceptives than anything else. At least that is how my friends dad explained it to me (he’s a Pharmaceutical chemist/engineer whatever the proper term is for a pharmaceutical scientist), and wiki turns up a similar story. Goddamn people, do some fucking research before you use a theologically unjustified argument. Or at least use the Deist Argument for Abortion (which makes FAR more sense than the christian argument)
Very close! When the pill is used, if there is any ovulation, it renders the egg unable to attach to the uterine wall- some of the same hormones come into play, but the major pregnancy hormone, Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) does not appear until implantation and fertilization begin.
Basically, it’s like making your uterus a slip ‘n slide for your egg. THAT’S FUN!
Oh dear god. These fucking whackjobs are now trying to say that unfertilized eggs are “babies”, too? What next, are they going to tell us masturbation is murder because of the wasted sperm?
Every sperm is sacred/every sperm is great.
If a sperm is wasted/God get’s quite irate.
Every sperm is sacred/every sperm is good.
Every sperm is needed in your neighborhood…
They have, but it isn’t biblically correct. Onan’s sin was to disobey god by cumming inside his recently widowed-sister in law
Gilly (#734)
15 years ago
Yeah, we can totally kill animals that might very well be very self-aware and rather interested in their continued life, but discarding a blob of cells that can definetly not be aware of anything at all is murder.
“But I’ll tell you this. Where’s this idea that childbirth is a miracle came from. Ha, I missed that fucking meeting, okay? “It’s a miracle, childbirth is a miracle.” No it’s not. No more than a miracle than eating food and a turd coming out of your ass. It’s a chemical reaction, that’s all it fucking is. If, you wanna know what a miracle is: raisin’ a kid that doesn’t talk in a movie theatre. Okay, there, there, there is a goddam miracle. It’s not a miracle if every nine months any yin yang in the world can drop a litter of these mewling cabbages on our planet. And just in case you haven’t seen the single mom statistics lately, the miracle is spreading like wild-fire. “Hallelujah!” Trailer parks and council flats all over the world just filling up with little miracles. Thunk, thunk, thunk, like frogs laying eggs. “Thunk, look at all my little miracles, thunk, filling up my trailer like a sardine can. Thunk. You know what would be a real miracle, if I could remember your daddy’s name, aargh, thunk. I guess I’ll have to call you Lorry Driver Junior. Thunk. That’s all I remember about your daddy was his fuzzy little pot-belly riding on top of me shooting his caffeine ridden semen into my belly to produce my little water-headed miracle baby, urgh. There’s your brother, Pizza Delivery Boy Junior.” ” – Bill Hicks
Humanity fails…get over it.
Just do the best you can, associate with all but keep close
company with like minds, marry, reproduce, retire and then die.
It’s ads like this that make the first 10 minutes of Idiocrasy so much more scary/realistic. I really prefer the nut job religions that preach no sex at all, those are problems that take care of themselves.
12 years ago
The Pill Kills: Death Penalty for Pill Takers and Makers
Here’s an email I sent to one of the Pill Kills Campaign organizers:
It’s good of you to promote the Pill Kills Campaign, to make certain that women, their hormonal birth control manaufacturers, their gynecologists, and their pharmacists, are aware that if a woman takes the Pill, there’s a small chance that a blastocyst “person” may die due to the inhospitality of her womb.
For if a blastocyst “person” is a human being, equal in worth to and having the same rights as a new born baby, then those that knowingly take, prescribe, manufacture, or dispense the Pill may be guilty of anything from manslaughter to 1st degree murder.
In the U.S., manslaughter often carries a 1 year to 10 year prison term; 1st degree murder often carries a life without parole or death sentence.
I foresee a “The Pill Kills: Death Penalty for Pill Takers and Makers” follow-up campaign.
It’s simply the logical conclusion once you assume that a blastocyst equals a person.
The Apocalypse will come when the IQ level of the world drops below 70. We can only avoid this through systematic annihilation of people I don’t like.
(But Nyokki…how will we get them to drink the Kool-Aid?)
Bewbs of course, silly Demon. 🙂
Ah, good. I was worried there for a second.
Because, y’know, the average IQ is on such a steady incline, that the average of 100 has to be constantly reset every few years.
Glad to see your program of systemic annihilation is already in effect.
I didn’t know that. I may end up being forced to exterminate myself.
Why why why why why is it that most of the people who are against abortion are people you wouldn’t wanna fuck in the first place.
Why why why…she looks do-able to me, don’t you think?
I was quoting George Carlin. Word for word even, he used 5 whys I used 5 whys. And no I would not touch her with a stick from across the room.
Even better, people who are against abortion think their own unwanted pregnancies are different and that their own rules shouldn’t apply.
Jesus saves
Wow. He’s gotta have, like, a million dollars by now.
…passes to moses… He shoots… HE SCORES!
Cool story bro.
Fuck this religion shit.
Yeah, god kills more unborn than any drug ever did.
What’s truly funny is that this is the same as saying that every time a woman has her period, she’s a murderer, because she didn’t inseminate.
Oh, religion. I love thee. From your batshit crazy to your centuries & centuries of torture and murder.
And lo jesus said. “Ortho tricyclen is going to kill babies, like millions of them, remember to not create that chemical 4 thousand years from now, it kills babies”
But, Dude wtf? The pill kills babies? How in the? Goddamn dude i am religious and even i know that is fucking bullshit. It just tricks your body into thinking you are pregnant, it doesn’t kill anything. I mean maybe if this was the abortion pill you might be on something but the abortion pills do not induce an abortion, they are more in line with contraceptives than anything else. At least that is how my friends dad explained it to me (he’s a Pharmaceutical chemist/engineer whatever the proper term is for a pharmaceutical scientist), and wiki turns up a similar story. Goddamn people, do some fucking research before you use a theologically unjustified argument. Or at least use the Deist Argument for Abortion (which makes FAR more sense than the christian argument)
Very close! When the pill is used, if there is any ovulation, it renders the egg unable to attach to the uterine wall- some of the same hormones come into play, but the major pregnancy hormone, Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) does not appear until implantation and fertilization begin.
Basically, it’s like making your uterus a slip ‘n slide for your egg. THAT’S FUN!
Oh dear god. These fucking whackjobs are now trying to say that unfertilized eggs are “babies”, too? What next, are they going to tell us masturbation is murder because of the wasted sperm?
I thought they’ve been saying that for untold centuries.
Every sperm is sacred/every sperm is great.
If a sperm is wasted/God get’s quite irate.
Every sperm is sacred/every sperm is good.
Every sperm is needed in your neighborhood…
They have, but it isn’t biblically correct. Onan’s sin was to disobey god by cumming inside his recently widowed-sister in law
Yeah, we can totally kill animals that might very well be very self-aware and rather interested in their continued life, but discarding a blob of cells that can definetly not be aware of anything at all is murder.
Chickens are decent people.
“But I’ll tell you this. Where’s this idea that childbirth is a miracle came from. Ha, I missed that fucking meeting, okay? “It’s a miracle, childbirth is a miracle.” No it’s not. No more than a miracle than eating food and a turd coming out of your ass. It’s a chemical reaction, that’s all it fucking is. If, you wanna know what a miracle is: raisin’ a kid that doesn’t talk in a movie theatre. Okay, there, there, there is a goddam miracle. It’s not a miracle if every nine months any yin yang in the world can drop a litter of these mewling cabbages on our planet. And just in case you haven’t seen the single mom statistics lately, the miracle is spreading like wild-fire. “Hallelujah!” Trailer parks and council flats all over the world just filling up with little miracles. Thunk, thunk, thunk, like frogs laying eggs. “Thunk, look at all my little miracles, thunk, filling up my trailer like a sardine can. Thunk. You know what would be a real miracle, if I could remember your daddy’s name, aargh, thunk. I guess I’ll have to call you Lorry Driver Junior. Thunk. That’s all I remember about your daddy was his fuzzy little pot-belly riding on top of me shooting his caffeine ridden semen into my belly to produce my little water-headed miracle baby, urgh. There’s your brother, Pizza Delivery Boy Junior.” ” – Bill Hicks
The controversy can easily be overcome by just popping into her ass.Problem solved!
Humanity fails…get over it.
Just do the best you can, associate with all but keep close
company with like minds, marry, reproduce, retire and then die.
Stop sex, save the babies! No.. wait…
It’s ads like this that make the first 10 minutes of Idiocrasy so much more scary/realistic. I really prefer the nut job religions that preach no sex at all, those are problems that take care of themselves.
The Pill Kills: Death Penalty for Pill Takers and Makers
Here’s an email I sent to one of the Pill Kills Campaign organizers:
It’s good of you to promote the Pill Kills Campaign, to make certain that women, their hormonal birth control manaufacturers, their gynecologists, and their pharmacists, are aware that if a woman takes the Pill, there’s a small chance that a blastocyst “person” may die due to the inhospitality of her womb.
For if a blastocyst “person” is a human being, equal in worth to and having the same rights as a new born baby, then those that knowingly take, prescribe, manufacture, or dispense the Pill may be guilty of anything from manslaughter to 1st degree murder.
In the U.S., manslaughter often carries a 1 year to 10 year prison term; 1st degree murder often carries a life without parole or death sentence.
I foresee a “The Pill Kills: Death Penalty for Pill Takers and Makers” follow-up campaign.
It’s simply the logical conclusion once you assume that a blastocyst equals a person.