Angry typewriter

is angry!

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  • Sports

    Tonight for dinner…

    Last night, some friends and I went out to dinner and we had pho. Of course, memes came up, and this was invented. What do you guys think? Also, first post! Yay!

    audio ads on MCS

    I’ve heard about some audio ads on the site, if you run into them, could you please tell me:

    1 – where the advert is on the site layout (header, sidebar, before the comments, footer)

    2 – what they’re advertising

    3 – what size the ad box is, square, rectangle, circular


    in unrelated news, a tornado passed by my house this morning.

    Demon’s Souls

    The PSN outage made me remember how much i love this game! Anyone who has a PS3 should really try this game out.

    Prof Oak

    I hate to spout memes, but this made me laugh


    Grocery list

    What’s That Sound?

    It’s the sound of my shoes.

    From the stupidly bizarre “Shoes” by Tiga:

    Blank copy to caption as you wish… the actual lyrics were weird enough it deemed it unnecessary for the first one…

    In Search of …….

    Le Repost

    Oh shit

    from here

    Dont be racist


    Solar Tiki!

    more tikigod worship


  • Hunting Options

    Hasta la Phonics, baby!

    In response to

    Alberta Grizzly

    Rise of the Machine Network

    A buddy of mine has a massive hate for all things AI especially Hal 9000 and Skynet. So I made this. Hope you all get as much macabre pleasure out of this as I did.

    Worst duckface ever

    What are you thinking, females?

    Ding Ding Ding

    Stuff We Don’t Need

    Godzilla comic shop cover

    So apparently some comic company is doing some promotion somewhere and sometime in the recent past, in which a comic shop could pay them to be featured on the cover of the latest #1 of some kind of Godzilla comic book.  This image is of my local comic shop’s cover that they got done did for them on up there.  I think I’ll buy me a copy of that there comic once I’m in the black again.

    Did anyone else happen to catch their local comic shop’s cover?


    The First Image From The Avengers Movie Set

    When an unexpected enemy emerges that threatens global safety and security, Nick Fury, director of the international peacekeeping agency known as S.H.I.E.L.D., finds himself in need of a team to pull the world back from the brink of disaster.

    May 2012!  OMG.

    via nerd approved.

    War Machine

    White House Releases Obama’s Birth Certificate

    He Slams ‘Carnival Barkers’

    What now birthers?


    Hollywood California

    These are the regulars that are on the streets in Hollywood California….

    Awesome s-15

    Fuck the police v2.

    I’m a ninja kicking a shark

    omg so randum

    Awesome Fish

    it’s a “web burrfish” , and i think it’s awesome

    That’s trouble



    take your daily dose

    Cracka lackin’

    from reddit

    Grumpy old Cichlid

    “damn kids on my lawn..grumble..”

    tiki tax holiday!

    I need to come up with some money, and come up with it fast! quick, do any of you guys have a ‘get rich quick’ scheme that’ll work for me?

    also, I’ve fudged with the caching of MCS. might be faster, might cause Internet Explorer to catch your computer on fire.

    Pro Bartender

    is sucks your grounds

    is sucks your grounds

    the aged simulation set

    the aged simulation set