sofza sobetskeeh soshsadestesheckeh recpobdek

p5102.gif (83 KB)

union of socialist soviet republics

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  • science supper

    p474112.jpg (46 KB)

    let the shit storm begin


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    Camoflage is working

    camoflage is working.jpg (97 KB)

    now try saying it in cheezy Russian accent..

    Get him Timmy!

    get him timmy.jpg (103 KB)

    WTF tank..

    wtf 0_62079_a7149941_orig.jpg (245 KB)

    In modern Russia tank plows you

    Lose the FIsh

    aqua01.jpg (96 KB)

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    From I think someone posted his Spider-Man comics here before. He has a lot of comics where he changed the dialogue. His Batman origin is one of the funniest things I ever read.

    This one was one of the first things I saw on that site, and it just amuses me to no end.


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    ‘merica air power

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    falcon, mustang, warthog and eagle

    Airplane cargo

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    yo i hearz you like planes, so i putz a plane in a plane so can fly while you fly

  • Jackie Chan gif

    jackie-chan.gif (1 MB)

    “Free at last” Tree

    shenandoah-tree1.jpg (225 KB)

    I wonder how many years this poor tree spent confined in a too-small planter box? No matter. It seems to have adjusted just fine to its new-found freedom. You could almost think of it as living sculpture! This photo was taken down by the Hudson River in Cold Spring, New York.

    Racists gonna race

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    Kitty POV

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    dat mass ass

    dat_mass_ass.png (1 MB)

    Let’s try this again #2 (or higher)…

    Why San Diego Comic Con is awesome

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    Used to go every year, but missed out these past several years for obvious reasons.

    Pointe, one shoe off

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    A picture of my daughter on pointe, one shoe off. Thought it was neat.

    Fish in Shark

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    Troll Jesus

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    Transformers 3

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    Nice view

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    one of my friends posted this on facebook and it appeared on my wall. didn’t show the face so i reckon it’ll be good MCS material.

    i majored in theater

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    this one goes out to all those college theater majors. 10 years later, this could be you.


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    hipster dog

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