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  • Americas future

    1308915486569.jpg (540 KB)

    vote for tea party

    me VS you VS whoever

    windows_linux_mac_choose_your_weapon.jpg.png (103 KB)

    windowsvsmacintoshvslinct8.jpg (111 KB)

    linux_windows_mac_vs.jpg (42 KB)

    1252.jpg (69 KB)

    tumblr_kq5ilaHNux1qz6auio1_400.jpg (38 KB)

    everybody’s hatin’  {EDIT} – It was a long night of drinking and reloading machines with Ubuntu (one with Mint) and I guess I got carried away, posting what ya see above. It works best for me. To each their own. No offence to the apple and pc fanboys/girls.

    girly art

    1308810891922.jpg (252 KB)

    1308810948369.jpg (240 KB)

    Belgian Fashion

    6934606.jpg (121 KB)

    pb-110624-fashion-jm-03.photoblog900.jpg (306 KB)

    pb-110624-fashion-jm-02.photoblog900.jpg (313 KB)

    in Paris

    Iphone Wallpapers

    NYAN.png (48 KB)

    zelda.png (47 KB)

    Mario.png (42 KB)

    mario bros 21111.png (15 KB)

    Hey, I got bored and made these earlier tonight, figured I would share. Thanks to Rsixidor for collaborating.

    iPhone wallpapers 640 x 960

    The Legend of Zelda
    Super Mario Bros. x 2

    building a fort

    4942_62ef.jpeg (115 KB)

    use it to fuck you

    Dont worry!

    lulz.jpg (33 KB)


    Cicada_molting_animated-2.gif (4 MB)

    Zerg Rush Imminent


    2OXLq.gif (1 MB)

    the ending

  • friends, pee and snow

    imagesFriends-r-like-snowflakes.jpg (61 KB)

    quit stealing our shit

    Halo: ODST anyone? Also, I’m on Google+

    I’m in need of finishing off some niggling achievements in Halo: ODST, namely, 4 of the firefight achivements, and I need YOUR help!  Add me on xbox live: tgiokdi and let’s get this ODST party started!  One thing that kills me about this game is that there’s no matchmaking, uggggh.

    Also, I’m on Google Plus now, feel free to add me to one of your circles.

    What, you’re not on G+ yet?  email me and I’ll see how many invites I can get out before I hit my limit.

    Gundam transporter fail

    gundam transporter.jpg (15 KB)

    R2 and some hos

    R2 adn some bitches.jpg (36 KB)


    omar.jpg (39 KB)

    ketchup costume

    image.php.jpeg (88 KB)

    Its over 9000

    its over 9000.png (963 KB)

    Was given this jewel while waiting to log onto league of legends…great game by the way

    smirnoff mixers

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    This stuff is good

    Say it one more time..

    touch 012.JPG (81 KB)

    Go ahead, say how funny Charlie Sheen is.
    I dare you

    HR Beiber

    touch 028.JPG (116 KB)

    sumo ski jump

    sumo-ski-jump-500x395.jpg (59 KB)

    remarkable overlap Venn

    touch 007.JPG (48 KB)

    Built For Speed

    tumblr_ln6srgmUtj1qea1jso1_1280.jpg (221 KB)


    tumblr_ln6cs7zEJq1qhpy9do1_1280.jpg (268 KB)

    Cushy Bust

    Star Wars Bust.jpg (62 KB)


    World of Ice and Fire

    World_Map_of_Ice_and_Fire_by_Other_in_Law.jpg (706 KB)

    “The fictional world in which the A Song of Ice and Fire novels by George R. R. Martin take place is divided into several continents. Most of the story takes place on the continent Westeros, which consists of the Seven Kingdoms and an unmapped area to the north, separated by a massive wall of ice.

    Two other continents share the world in which Westeros resides. The vast continent of Essos lies to the east, across the narrow sea. The closest foreign nations to Westeros are the Free Cities, a collection of independent city-states along the western edge of this eastern continent. The lands along the southern coastline of the eastern continent, collectively called the Lands of the Summer Sea, include Slavers Bay and the ruins of Valyria, the former home of Westeros’s Targaryen kings.

    To the south of Westeros lies the continent of Sothoryos. Little is known about the continent save that it is inhabited by dark-skinned people and is “jungly, plague-ridden and largely unexplored”.”

    space balls

    1308656166747.png (180 KB)



    PIA03149.jpg (3 MB)

    that ball of fire in the sky