Seis De Mayo

Cinco08_Jail_72dpi.jpg (452 KB)

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  • smack

    smack.jpg (43 KB)

    d’awww. lil spiderbuddy :3

    spider fair.JPG (98 KB)

    I liek spiders.
    they are fuzzy and bitey and nice


    cat.jpg (33 KB)

    kitties make me squee

    Fiasal Goes West

    fiasalgoeswest.jpg (188 KB)

    Fiasal Goes West

    gater nom

    hippo nom.jpg (51 KB)

    My pet hippo approves of this

    I am Iron Man

    Only a few hours away now!

    guns vs voting

    dumbasses.png (259 KB)

    usually, i’m pretty ashamed to be an American

    Laundry Jaws

    shark.jpg (45 KB)

    Eek, scary!

    In Soviet Russia…

    soviet russia.jpg (45 KB)

    …prostitutes pay you!

    WWF or WWF?

    wwf.jpg (29 KB)

    Panda Pain Train

    Arte de Santa Fe

    IMAG0167.jpg (2 MB)

    My partner and I put a deposit down on a studio in downtown Santa Fe. It will be an art gallery selling our work, as well as local painters and jewelry designers we like. It’s 4 rooms 2 for the gallery and 2 for our studios. If all goes well, we move in mid-May.

    Bad Ass Presidents

    Presidential Awesomeness.jpg (36 KB)

    In hopes of pleasing the Tiki God

    Tikishooters1.jpg (287 KB)

    Tikishooters2.jpg (486 KB)

    Found these little guys while walking the strand in Galveston, TX…..each have a different drink combination on them.

  • Judo Throw!

    74 Judo Throw!_thumb.jpg (62 KB)

    Who’s next?

    turkish batman

    batman in turkia 2.jpg (167 KB)

    batman in turkia.jpg (172 KB)

    I found this on Google Earth – A goddamn town 🙂

    Metric sysem adoption

    1272458981354.jpg (114 KB)

    The text at the bottom makes this almost seem like something you would see on some image blog or image board with a sarcastic tone.

    Group Eye Reflection

    creepy.jpg (160 KB)

    This is serious

    0418101754.jpg (368 KB)

    I took this picture at the market/pizza shop/gossip hole in my hometown. It was too damn funny to pass up.

    Hitler Rage

    rage.jpg (69 KB)

    If you dont agree

    invalid.jpg (30 KB)

    you’re probably an idiot :\

    KISS Cat

    Kiss Kat.jpg (48 KB)

    Dual AK-47s

    AKs.jpg (44 KB)

    Six Foot Penquin

    Guy runs into a bar in a panic. “Does anybody here own a six-foot penguin?” he asks. Everybody shakes their heads no. “Well shit!” says the guy, “I think I just ran over a nun.”

    reposted from

    How to Draw

    How_to_draw.jpg (1 MB)

    Dem fuckin` Dorfs!

    12.jpg (74 KB)

    Was this made especially for MCSers?
    IS this MCSers?

    Bedroom Spider

    a6284.jpg (55 KB)


    Mario 3 – Not in the game!

    mario.jpg (165 KB)

    I haven`t played in YEARS but…
    omg I think this is right!

    Family Portrait?

    c0db.jpg (58 KB)

    Bret Michaels???

    Where`s my cake?

    3228a.jpg (47 KB)

    I`m not touching you!

    image014.jpg (26 KB)

    Firefox has frozen

    fox.jpg (92 KB)

    How does this happen??

    Hungry Bear

    bear.jpg (50 KB)

    Chernobyl 24th anniversary

    Chernobyl_Disaster.jpg (69 KB)

    Chernobylreactor_1.jpg (120 KB)

    Reactor 4 at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Station, before and after the rickety cement “Sarcophagus” was hastily erected after the April 26, 1986 explosion to allow the other 3 reactors to continue working. The final reactor (number 3, right next to the number 4) was finally shut down in December 2000.

    Pigeon cameras

    Pigeoncameras.jpg (67 KB)

    Fuck you, I’m a pigeon with a goddamn camera.

    Headless cake

    headless bride cake.jpg (30 KB)

    Just how any blushing bride wants to remember her wedding day, headless and limbless.

    Victory thru Superior… PowerPoint Slides?

    091203-engel-big-9a.jpg (891 KB)

    Via MSNBC, reprinted in the New York Times.

    “When we understand that slide, we’ll have won the war.” — General Stanley McChrystal

    wicked awesome slide

    wicked cool.jpg (74 KB)

    I need to live there