don’t leave you car unlocked…

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8 phonebooks+3 hours+friends unlocked jeep

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  • Father and Son

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    Eat Choo Muffin

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    From the Mighty Wombat

    New Surgery

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    Roast My Weanie!

    As anyone that’s been to MCS for longer then 48 hours can tell you, the Roast My Weenie guys have been advertising around these parts for months (years? i dunno, LoL! I guess that’s why they call this place random?), and have treated me personally very well. After I had noticed their advertising efforts (and cashed a huge check) I emailed them and asked if I could get one of their weenie roasters to try out. A few short months later, I got a cool little package in the mail. I meant to actually take pictures of the weenie guy in action last weekend, but 1.) it rained 2.) I was drunk and imagined it raining.

    So, this post? It’s a reminder to myself to cook some weenies on that grill that I found a couple weeks ago on the side of the road. I’ll have an update post later one, but I just wanted to quickly tell you guys about the Roast My Weenie group, and let you know that they’re an ok company to do business with.

    Also, I’m going to experiment with meatballs and tuna. Stay Tuned!


    Life’s Insructions

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    A Clockwork Potato

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    Lock Maze

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    Top Hat Spider-man

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    This sign makes a point

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    Make English America’s offical Language

    Shuttle on launch pad

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    I’m the youngest poster!

  • Halo Kitty

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    Master Kitty?

    Diamond Encrusted Knuckle Duster

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    Owned by an English Gangster in Southern London.

    A true monster

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    Fucking, Austria

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    Apparently this is some village in Austria.,_Austria

    Anger Management

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    When they give you problems. Beat the living shit out of them. It feels much better.

    The second one is the 12$ one I bought to replace the 100$ one a bludgeoned to death 2 months before. The “L” key stopped working so I gave it the 5 iron stress test. It failed.

    Beer Can Coffin

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    What a way to go!

    Sad Bunny

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    Yes, there are 6 snakes in my house a we also have a pet bunny named Frederick that we gave a bath last night. I have to say he did not enjoy it very much.

    Sausage Pacman

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    6 Days with out my computer in the middle of friggin nowhere. Pac man ensues.

    The Real War Machine

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    that other post is just….full of FAIL! (my 1st post yay )

    Reservoir Dogs – Mr Pink

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    He doesn’t tip…

    The Ghost Brigade – Spanish Cover

    from John Scalzi’s Whatever If you haven’t read this book yet, you’re missing out.  Start with Old Man’s War, and then read The Ghost Brigade.  You’ll like them, trust me, cause I’m always right.

    West is best

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    Another excellent picture from I could post his entire site here, but I won’t. Go there and check it out!

    Parallel Approach

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    Lufthansa and United Airlines demonstrate a rare maneuver called “parallel approach.” Through cabin cleaning was required after landing in both planes.

    Invisible Anonymous

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    Anonymous: We are invisible, we are everywhere.
    Apologies in advance for the watermark.


    Wow, I almost had a heart attack tonight. Looking into my liquor cabinet, I found all sorts of vodka, tequila, and variously other liquor products, but not the nectar of my eye : Jack Daniels. Seriously, I almost cried! I do happen to happily to live about 30 seconds from an ABC liquor (literally, it’s two turns from my street, and about 300 feet down the road) but it was still stressful. Luckily I found a gallon of the stuff sitting on top of my fridge, so I’m in good shape. Whew.

    Next Theme Day: (Start posting now!)
    Do you have a collection of anything? Pogs? Baseball cards? Robots? Tube Socks? Take a picture of it, and submit it to MCS so we can mock praise you! I’ll be posting my two or three little ocd obsessions too, so you can feel free to join in.

    Food Scenics

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    My friend emailed me these and I don’t know where they were from but I thought this was pretty cool. The images are made entirely out of food.

    Muhammad Ali

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    Aluminum Foil Desk

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    Sexy Biker

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    Dashboard Boombox

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    Strange Thing From the Sea

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    Sea Penis?

    The Slip

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    So Nine Inch Nails have released their latest album as a free download. It’s released under a Creative Commons Licence which mean it can be freely distributed.
