U.S. Primary Energy Flow by Source and Sector, 2009

primary_consumption09-large.jpg (51 KB)

Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration, Annual Energy Review 2009

A BTU is the amount of energy required to raise 1 pound of water 1 degree Fahrenheit. Water weighs 8.34 lbs/gal, therefore, 8.34 BTU’s are required to raise 1 gallon of water 1 degree F.

Quadrillion = 10^15 (One million billion…)

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  • 2 Dollar Bill

    Two Dollar Bill Red.jpg (143 KB)


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    Charlie is five years old.
    Her father Mike (www.extremefirepower.com) built this Remington 700 in .223 for her.
    Ten-round hinged magazine, 2.5-8x Leupold scope. Set up with an A2 flash hider, her rifle wear a Gemtech Halo sound muffler for the moment.

    Charlie with Beretta 21

    Charlie with her rifle

    If Charlie can operate such hardware responsibly (yes, she is under parental supervision) then why would any citizen be unable to do so?

    All credit to Oleg Volk and his superb photography

    The Grand Astoria

    folder.jpg (208 KB)

    Great psychedelic tunes from St. Petersburg.


    Refined Sugar

    refinedsugar.jpg (34 KB)

    Culinary school posts are go!

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    Coq au vin, salad nicoise, spanish goat stew, beet salad, provencial beef canape de Provence..


    Onomatopoeia.jpg (66 KB)

    Kevin Smith’s addition to the DC Universe. Check out “Cacophony” and “The Widening Gyre.”

    Akira Poster

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    venus rise

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    My wife took this pic of Venus very close to the moon

    I love SMBC

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    boys who like boys

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    are representin on m[c]s

    Batman Rocks

    Screen shot 2011-01-31 at 3.06.17 PM.png (226 KB)

    My latest Minecraft creation

    2011-02-05_12.57.03.png (269 KB)

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    2011-02-05_11.26.18.png (653 KB)

    pics 1&2 are my SafeTower, which surrounds my spawn point, and has a tunnel that goes directly to my panic room, underneath my house.

    pic 3 is just a cool natural formation I found.

    How complicated is it?

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    Retro Wars

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    run the stormtroopers are coming…

  • Hit Monkey

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    Marvel’s latest assassin. Not only does he have his own series, but he recently appeared in a crossover with Spiderman and Deadpool.

    Serenity Sake

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    with just a touch of saffron!

    pg comic

    trimester.png (24 KB)

    its a funny

    Pokemon People 3

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    We’re All Going To Die…

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    I guess if someone has to send a big-ass dragon to kill you, you probably had it coming.

    Olivia Wilde or Olivia Munn

    Wantyou.jpg (621 KB)

    I always mix them up. Don’t know why, I’m pretty sure if they were bare-ass naked, oiled up and holding each other in their slippery arms, they’d be easy to tell apart. But until that picture is taken, I’m going to just go on mixing them up.

    WW2 Soldier Dude

    Soldier.jpg (1 MB)

    Although I’m sure someone will tell me that based on his gun blah, and the thread count of his chinstrap and the plastic button on his shirt that this is OBVIOUSLY a- wait, when did they invent plastic again?

    Giant Robot

    Robodude.png (1 MB)

    I think it’s Japanese. Yup, definitely Japanese.

    River Tam

    RiverTam.jpg (212 KB)

    Hey look, it’s River Tam!

    Dem Rep Receives Threat Over NASCAR Proposal

    Rep. Betty McCollum (D-MN) alerted Capitol Police Thursday after a threatening fax arrived at her office attacking her proposal to strip Pentagon sponsorship from NASCAR teams.

    Fucking redneck mother fuckers, what the fuck.  I’m confused as to how the office doesn’t know where the fax came from, the fax machine that I have here has a log of all incoming and outgoing calls.  Find the stupid fucks that sent this and rap them on their hands a couple times.

    via TPMDC.

    Spaceship Chase

    Spaceshipchase.jpg (244 KB)

    I’m assuming one’s chasing the other. I could be wrong. But they’re spaceships, so who cares?

    Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin

    Putin.jpg (539 KB)

    Is not impressed by your shit either.

    Fucking Gas!

    _MG_0019.jpg (253 KB)


    available soon

    Why you make giant lizard mad!

    Lizardthing.jpg (302 KB)

    Because giant lizard always mad!


    Kaboom.jpg (342 KB)

    Looks like Dawn of War 2 kinda. Or an artistic representation of such.

    Masked Dude vs. Disintegrating Androgynous Mangirl

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    Great comic, or greatest comic?

    Blonde + Car + Shotgun

    Guncar2.jpg (726 KB)

    Some people dislike paying for gas, maybe?

    More Paul Henry

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    TVNZ best presenter and loved and hated by thousands , He will become one with the Borg

    Pokemon People 2

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    Awkward Sleepers

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    my two corgis prefer to sleep with a cork screw spine


    America.jpg (784 KB)

    Fuck yeah!

    What’s that over there?

    BlueBikiniBlonde.jpg (432 KB)

    One would assume it is quite interesting. Or, as someone will no doubt soon inform us, it is their cock. Which is likely rather uninteresting.

    Dead Space 2

    DeadSpace2.jpg (194 KB)

    Haven’t played it, nor the first one. Despite having several legitimately shit-your-pants-scary jobs, I can only play survival horror games until the first “Boo!” and which point I go “Oh shit oh fuck oh jesus shitting fuck!” quit the game, realize I forgot to save, and never play it again.

    What a nice xboxssssss

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    Berlin evictions

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    Mexican cartel bling

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    I like how nonchalant this guy is

    The smarter you are, the weaker I am

    Gods power.jpg (24 KB)

    Yahweh isn’t just powerless against the power of iron chariots but also video cameras.