Blonde on Couch

blondeoncouch.jpg (148 KB)

I wish that was my couch, but alas.

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  • Explosion of some sort

    Asplosion.jpg (921 KB)

    There might be science involved here, so I’d be careful.


    borderlands.jpg (164 KB)

    I friggin love this game, but those two are noobs coz that fight is a cakewalk if you just stay upon the ledge.

    American Eagle

    americaneagle.jpg (311 KB)

    I think I’ve got a British one around here too somewhere… Or maybe German?


    618105.jpg (255 KB)

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    o263337.jpg (299 KB)

    A few interesting walls. Enjoy!

    A-10 Gun

    bigbaddaboom.jpg (451 KB)

    While I am morally opposed to war, and all the tools and implements of its conduct, even I have to admit these things are fucking awesome.

    Mini truckin magazine

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    Basically the only good audio shots from the mag.

    Not much has changed


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    Mario Sleeping on Hot Lava

    jacob mario.jpg (72 KB)

    The boy was playing Super Mario 64 (downloaded on the Wii), and I hear “Daddy, daddy! Mario’s on the hot lava and he’s not dying!” and I was all, “Whatever, youngfag. That’s unpossible.”

    Then I looked and shit brix. Then I took a crappy picture with my phone. Usually, when mario barely touches the lava, he immediately grabs his ass and shoots up into the air.

    Dita Von Teese

    wenn3200372.jpg (99 KB)


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    Chink’s Steaks

    Chinks_Steaks.jpg (131 KB)

    Don’t know how it got its name but they have the best cheesesteaks around. Plus home made chocolate banana milkshakes.

    Pokemon people 6

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    Horses on ice

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  • Chomp Chomp…

    chomp chomp.jpg (742 KB)

    i just keep on eating…


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    Early Bird Gets the Worm – Stereoscopy

    Early_bird_stereograph.jpg (54 KB)

    Stereoscopy refers to a technique for creating or enhancing the illusion of depth in an image by presenting two offset images separately to the left and right eye of the viewer. Both of these 2-D offset images are then combined in the brain to give the perception of 3-D depth.

    To see the image in “3D” you stare into the screen so that your eyes are aimed (more or less) parallel. As you stare into the screen you will get double vision as each eye sees the L & R images separately. When you are staring in at the right distance the middle two images will overlap and become 3D. The outer two images will remain and will still be 2D.


    tumblr_lei81yZksJ1qepx5do1_500.jpg (70 KB)

    This is a jecking!

    grand_theft_auto_halo_by_casemods.jpg (247 KB)

    Little something I came up with while bored.

    Been playing GTAIV recently and always loved halo.

    This just made me laugh

    Lanterns Light

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    momink.png (446 KB)

    My mom and I got them done xD She didn’t get hers colored in, because the green just WILL not stay in mine (No pun inteded).
    Mother daughter bonding is more awesome when you’re geeks.

    Happy Presidents’ Day!

    happy presidents day.jpg (312 KB)

    Take the day off, America!

    3 incredible tracks.

    artworks-000004501933-1iy3la-original.jpg (956 KB)

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    Some ear goodness. All 3 released 1/31/11. My top 3 this month.


    tumblr_lf0m57ZVWo1qc7a9go1_1280.jpg (352 KB)

    should’ve went to ravenclaw

    New Egyptian superhero, Bowlman

    super egypt bowl head man...jpg (64 KB)

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    and his sidekick, Pothead

    Spetznaz? Where???

    spetznaz where.jpg (32 KB)

    Han Solo in Choco-Bacon-ite

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    Doc, could ya take a look??

    something in my ear.jpg (73 KB)

    It feels like I’ve got something in my ear.

    Geek Station

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    Saw someone else posted theirs xD

    He’Brew Jewbelation Beer Menorah Instructions

    Beer Menorah Instruction (1).jpg (1 MB)

    Beer Menorah Instruction (2).jpg (1 MB)

    This came with He’Brew’s Vertical Jewbelation mix pack. It is an 8-pack of Jewbelation from years 8 to 14 plus the Vertical Jewbelation, which is a blend of all 7. Comes with a glass, candles, and an empty bottle to use as a Shamash.

    News from Egypt

    egypt.jpg (40 KB)

    Here we go …

    Kingdom Of Heaven

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    Your God Does Not Factor

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    Just a little tweak.

    Godless Business

    Daily Routine

    tumblr_lf4cpcTrxq1qc9bxho1_250.gif (48 KB)

    For some.

    Engrish tattoo

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    Its huge

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    Roads wallpapers 6

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