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  • Derp Leader standing by…

    Derp Leader standing by....jpg (56 KB)

    In all honesty, I think this is the face Lucas had when he came up with Jar-Jar.

    Pimp my horse

    pimpmyhor.jpg (53 KB)

    The Official Pedobear Hat Taking Over

    163600_1858240293925_1178400868_2302007_4393159_n.jpg (70 KB)

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    The Official Pedobear Hat. Get The Girls, Impress Your Friends, Conquer The Playground!……..o_O


    Stephanie cosplay

    wont_be_wating_by_bloodyneptune-d33cbp0.png (594 KB)

    Cause you can never get enough Lazy Town, right?

    I`d tap that.

    idtapthat_fullpic_artwork.jpg (37 KB)

    from some tshirt site


    LHLH1.jpg (382 KB)

    one-dollar-pyramid.jpg (901 KB)

    Polar bear facepalm

    ploa.jpg (26 KB)

    Bouncing Jesus

    Nf1eL.jpg (54 KB)

    Dog Tongue

    doorlick.jpg (146 KB)


    Squirrel and bear thoughts

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    Clever scissors tattoo

    web.jpg (25 KB)

    I love her sense of humor.

    Facebook reality

    fbreality.jpg (197 KB)

    Lucky bird

    fgsxf2.jpg (125 KB)

    and lucky photographer


    Pikachewie-I-choose-you.png (56 KB)

    THAT is fun to say.

    They see me ridin`…

    ride.jpg (51 KB)

    How far away snacks seem when you`re stoned

    munch.gif (53 KB)

    Eh, fuck it.
    What`s on TV?

  • Basic sign language

    Basic-sign-language.jpg (258 KB)

    oooo, I`m going to use that “I want to flick you” one so often.

    Sentinel VS. 1010

    sentinel v 1010.jpg (554 KB)

    I thought i would compare two gaming mice and see how well they match up.

    Splice Mewtwo

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    Downtown Downriver.JPG (1 MB)

    Sidewalk Bridge.JPG (1 MB)

    Looking at Downtown and Lawrenceville from the 31st St. Bridge

    Craig’s List steal!

    c1.jpg (55 KB)

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    mrb.jpg (84 KB)

    Risking pulling a casemods I wanted to show you guys my new toys.
    Got the bass an Epiphone sg for 100 bucks with a hard shell case, like brand new.
    And a gallien krueger 1-15 200 w for 250.00 like new in the box. ^_^ share my Joy and your Opinions are welcome. Time to make some noise!

    Scrolling giraffe

    Scrolling.jpg (953 KB)

    The giraffe isn’t scrolling, you are.

    The Town

    __the_town___poster_by_simenmykle-d36var6.jpg (148 KB)

    the_town_movie_poster_01.jpg (342 KB)

    Any good? The trailer reminded me of The Departed for some reason.


    tumblr_lgwmsnKPmJ1qz6f9yo1_500.jpg (142 KB)


    Captain America

    The Losers 26032010 001.jpg (348 KB)


    Zombie Bear Gun

    zombiebeargun copy.jpg (248 KB)

    Zombie bears….they’re coming….

    Pokemon people 9

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    Karnage Wallpaper

    pirateisland copy.jpg (629 KB)

    Don Karnage and the Iron Vulture from Tailspin.

    Good thing MacGyver is one of the good guys.

    Nail Clippers.png (196 KB)

    Scared people makes for bad legislators.

    Make My Day

    4978630427_17ac0f8ee9_b.jpg (206 KB)

    A TV show I just invented

    montanas.jpg (612 KB)

    He’s a high-profile crime lord… that never know he had a daughter.
    She’s a teen pop star that never met her Dad… until now!
    The Montanas
    Meet them this fall on ABC Family

    WTF is this???

    il_fullxfull_87156412.jpg (43 KB)

    anyone know what this is?

    Dino Dump

    Trinity Trip 2010 089.jpg (755 KB)

    Now we know what they ate.

    American Hero Trike

    Trinity Trip 2010 085.jpg (1 MB)

    Trinity Trip 2010 086.jpg (1 MB)

    Trinity Trip 2010 087.jpg (1 MB)

    I ran into a Purple Heart Vetran at a rest stop. He built this trike, and the trailer- minus a hand. He was a really nice guy, and the trike is pretty cool, too. He said Vice Grips were his friend, with a big grin on his face. Road Trips are awesome.

    A bit of Alaska

    IMG_0865 2.JPG (142 KB)

    2004_0128 Kodiak Ham 138.JPG (410 KB)

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    Just some photos from my winter in the Gulf of Alaska in 2006


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    That’s No Moon!

    12979598221kjV1mB.jpg (88 KB)


    sex it up.jpg (37 KB)

    USB Laptop Recharger

    usb_laptop_self-charger_cable_500.jpg (50 KB)

    …or a cell phone charger?

    Where Floods Come From

    flood iceland.jpg (136 KB)