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  • disney logo debate

    deal with it

    deal with it

    lazer cat

    lazer cat

    west wing week

    west wing week

    have you caught this yet?  it’s like “the west wing” meets “reality show #990”

    it’s interesting to say the least.

    cereal guy



    phone balancing

  • daddy liek

    stealth jets

    stealth jets

    sad wishes

    hoof shoes

    162 flyer

    162 flyer

    wolverine wishing wonder woman wasn’t wasted

    fun fact: because of his healing abilities, wolverine doesn’t stay drunk for very long at all.

    Crappy Easter

    We were bored and sick of the bible bashers, so we decided to bash the bible…

    My Vibrams

    aka I wanna be cool like rhino.

    Leet Tiki

    Just noticed this and had to mark the moment with a tiny screen-shot.


    tumblr_ljyuy0kEUR1qz6f9yo1_r1_500.jpg (148 KB)

    Easter egg whore

    The horror…

    217679_1834147607462_1053581210_32072969_263258_n.jpg (43 KB)

    Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,
    Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.
    All the king’s horses and all the king’s men
    Couldn’t put Humpty together again.