michael moore range target

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    Luke Magnifico

    Heart should be a little to the right.

    Sounds about right otherwise.

    Luke Magnifico

    To be clear, I don’t disagree with his views, I just think he’s a shitty director.

    D. Las

    If you read the chart, it says he has no heart. So to be clear, that target on his left side is his wallet 🙂


    Look at the size of him. It will take skill NOT to hit him.


    I see the right is still fantasizing about killing people they disagree with.


    One day they will probably pull that documentary camera from his cold dead hands.


    Support gun deregulation or we will shoot you, and thereby prove why gun regulation is needed.

    I believe it’s called the “shooting ourselves in the foot” argument.


    Another isolated incident from the American Taliban.


    Im not exactly pro going out and shooting michael moore myself. I am a bit surprised however that people are still being lead by the nose and hold blind support for this man.

    Im Canadian with pretty soft views in comparison of your american democratic-republic party and thoroughly believed bowling for columbine when i first saw it. It made me lose faith in Americans and created a view that they had a abnormally higher tendency of falling into brutal violence, stupidity and hatred. I came to hold the belief that we were different people. In all honesty i had lost faith in the belief that America even could rise beyond its gun violence problems and chalked it up to a lost cause. Almost at least…

    I cannot deny there is a gun violence problem in the slightest. Though i can say that the portrait of America being made by Mr.Moore is one that encourages fear, distrust, hatred and anti-american sentiments. At least this is how i started to feel as a result.

    Looking more into it though i started to come to the realization that though there is clearly a gun violence problem, the portrait being painted was a skewed one.

    Michael Moore skews details. He uses separate true facts that hold merit in their own rights and construes them together to reach a false conclusion or opinion. He blatantly uses audio and video editing to twist and lie us into believing and supporting his view point. Simply saying this in words here cannot give them the weight they may deserve.

    Please take the time to look into it yourselves also is all i have to say. The best place to start would be with his first smash success bowling for columbine.

    Discovering how mislead around i was made me come to realize that the feeling i came to hold for american’s were not truely my own and that i had been simply parroting anti american sentiments held by most around the world. Like a child taught to hate another people based off racism or differing religious ideals.

    Regardless of political stripe i hold the belief now that no one should stand behind this man.

    Luke Magnifico


    Abigail A

    You link to the website www.hardylaw.net/Truth_About_Bowling.html as a place to learn the “truth” about Michael Moore and the documentary on the Columbine shootings. The website belongs to David T. Hardy, who is a senior attorney with the National Rifle Association, and has published a book to smear Michael Moore. He also runs other websites with that specific purpose.
    And we are supposed to take his smear campaign as being in any way objective and fact based? From a man who is fiercely against gun control of any kind? From a man who has built his entire career on interpreting the Second Amendment from a strickt fundamentalist NRA point of view? From a known right-wing republican gun nut, who wrote articles about how Obama would destroy the second amendment and take away everyones guns – a lie which was taken up by the Tea Party and used to recruit angry white people to their cause.
    I think I’m gonna go with Michael Moore, if it’s alright with you.


    My elderly aunt calls him a commie. LOL She’s been brainwahsed by Faux Noise.


    goddam, Gabrielle Giffords, anyone?


    Two things:
    First, The majority of the heart, including much of the left ventricle (best shot of all) is directly centerline.
    Second, regulation does not, and never has worked. Ask any of the people who were drunk as a skunk throughout the entirety of Prohibition. In the case of firearms, the only people you successfully disarm are people already unwilling to break the law. Mexico, and many other countries have near zero legal gun ownership. Not helping them out much. As for the rest of the world, anywhere where legal weapons for self defense were banned, violent crime spiked has as a result due to the near guarantee of helpless victims.
    Third, here are some actual facts about gun ownership and gun violence backed by actual statistical evidence from the DOJ and Interpol. www.gunfacts.info/pdfs/gun-facts/5.1/gun-facts-5.1-screen.pdf

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