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  • Not what it seems?

    toyota-auris-transgender-ad.jpg (27 KB)

    New Toyota ad features a pretty girl – nothing new about that. Except she’s not a girl.

    Cat gut

    catgutz.jpg (318 KB)

    My immediate thought was “Of course…Japan” –but is that Japanese?

    Deep Ones Rising

    deep_rising75e.JPG (109 KB)

    The Kraken is real !

    Kraken.jpg (35 KB)

    Warning –

    shark-pee.jpeg (46 KB)

    Sharks have been spotted in this pool
    They come out when they smell pee

    Holding hands

    tumblr_m4uly5aoPX1r1bn80o1_500.gif (488 KB)

    tumblr_m4uly5aoPX1r1bn80o2_500.jpg (63 KB)

    James Deen

    tumblr_m70uro57p11qzw7g3o1_500.jpg (106 KB)


    qjrg6.png (316 KB)

    Favorite nursery rhyme

    rfee.png (390 KB)


    gh.gif (1012 KB)


    959eb.jpg (563 KB)

    “Quotation marks”

    tumblr_m91d6uRy2M1rws9s5o1_500.jpg (17 KB)

    Dog rescue

    Tm0lJ.jpg (645 KB)

    Mama spank

    tumblr_m7zotx3mBd1rnhr86o1_1280.jpg (291 KB)

  • Manson Dance

    OP5rs.gif (3 MB)

    The growth of the internet

    a_decade_later.gif (1 MB)

    Apocalypse Please

    apocalypse__please.jpg (671 KB)

    is this a real movie??

    Driftwood art

    driftwood.png (3 MB)


    tumblr_m489xffWZ11qj6rnxo1_250.gif (924 KB)

    tumblr_m489xffWZ11qj6rnxo2_250.gif (1016 KB)

    I got engaged today

    To celebrate this, please comment on this post about your own marital bliss and/or horror stories.

    Oil Can

    oz.jpg (87 KB)

    Not just for rusty joints

    old school

    screenhunter-22-aug-26-11-19.jpg (44 KB)

    screenhunter-33-aug-26-11-20.jpg (38 KB)

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    screenhunter-14-aug-26-11-18.jpg (23 KB)

    screenhunter-32-aug-26-11-20.jpg (35 KB)

    Who would REALLY win

    who-would-win-III.JPG (91 KB)

    Search your feelings…you know this to be true.

    hair don’ts

    hair-dos-1944.jpg (263 KB)


    beware.jpg (2 MB)

    blue sprinkles

    aaron1.jpg (67 KB)

    partially submerged

    wallpaper-2149240.jpg (203 KB)

    End of Buran

    497px-Buran_rear_view_Le_Bourget_1989.JPEG (73 KB)

    buran_destroyed2.jpg (604 KB)

    buran_destroyed.jpg (742 KB)

    On 12 May 2002, a hangar housing Buran in Kazakhstan collapsed, due to poor maintenance. The collapse killed eight workers and destroyed the orbiter as well as a mock-up of an Energia carrier rocket.

    The pic of the tail section perpelexes me…

    indian chief

    5987_5e75_960.jpeg (126 KB)


    The-Icecream-of-my-eye.gif (588 KB)


    screwed.jpg (96 KB)

    Takin’ mah Goldfish for a walk –

    goldfish.jpg (36 KB)

    They like the sunshine, too!

    u r gay

    simpsons-gif-u-r-gay.gif (450 KB)

    High Speed Snail

    snail_space.jpg (72 KB)

    I painted this for a friend.

    best sprayer of the world

    Bildschirmfoto-2012-08-11-um-12.50.50.png (712 KB)

    wasteywall.jpg (327 KB)

    Young Romance

    dc-comics.png (828 KB)

    DC Comics, always willing to talk about bisexual relationships and polyamory.

    Direct Line to God Now Unavailable

    High-Tech-Priest.gif (1 MB)

    Nothing says faith like having several bodyguards and an antenna to amplify your prayers.

    Lunar Landing motivational

    slideRule5.jpg (89 KB)

    WWNAD (What Would Neil Armstrong Do?)