Tequila Vision

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    leave now, before you sober up dude


    toof: that is exactly how you were conceived toof.


    Normally I don’t comment on reposts but this was way too soon


    In a shot glass? I believe the technical term for where I was convieved a is test tube. Where you been dude? I kind of missed the constant drivel you produce. Hope all is well in fuckface land. You make me feel cool. Like I have my own stalker. Keep up the good work.



    Lol at correlation between pic and your name


    toof: Yeah, that’s you in a shot glass, and that ham-bone of a woman is your mommy, just waiting for the last person to leave the bar before she shelves that ounce of mutant seed. where have i been? i post here everyday, pretty much, where have you been? flipped out on anybody who misidentifies Israeli tanks lately? and as for you being cool, that is like being the smartest person at ‘tard camp.




    Hi guys whats going on here?

    Also pic was already posted.


    My question is…

    Is the one behind the glass the real woman, or is it the reflection? I’m not talking in relation to the joke, I mean “in real life.”

    Thoughts? Opinions?


    toof: dub_1211: Quit flirting, and get a room you two.


    Also, how ya guys been? Been a long time since I’ve prowled around good ‘ol MCS. Way to keep it up tiki.


    You remember that tank episode? How sweet you fucking palcenta. I am at tard camp. I thank you for being my corky thatcher like sponsor. Later dude….going to get the key for the room now.




    didn’t we already go through this?


    3 shots & 1 beer? lightweight


    very ironic repost.
    good job tiki, you drunk bastard.

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