Ron Paul

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  • Dragonfly

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    very smelly plant

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    This plant grows to a height of about 4 feet. It also smells like decaying flesh. Anyone know it’s proper name?

    1st best use of horns

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    provided you can grow them. This Idaho elk has found the perfect use for those things growing out of the top of his head……..taking care of that pesky itch.


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    Set that temperature!

    A Job Well Done

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    An old power supply I smashed.


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    Snapped this while driving (!) and I wish I could have gotten a better shot, this thing looked incredible! Anyone know what it is? My guess is either power generation or it’s the spindle of an aircraft engine.

    Dungeons & Dragons

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    Roll for initiative!

    Innovative Fencepost

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    21st Century Glasses

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    What about these makes them from the 21st century?

    Jack Daniels

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    Tiki’s almighty god

    americone dream

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    I saw this when I was shopping. I thought it was pretty funny, just because. Although it’s a pretty shitty flavor/combination. Breyer’s made something exactly the same and it tasted like shit.

    Hulk vs. Sentry

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    -vs- Pepsi? Coke rules.


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    No clue what this is about but I liked it.

    Yellow Cab Co.

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    I love HDR!

    Bug, magnified

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    Bugs always look alien when you magnify them.


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    This is my toothbrush holder. As you can see, it is quite happy.

    (the) Batman vs Dracula

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    Found this at Blockbuster, and lol’d

  • Vote McCain, you wimp!

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    McCain for president.
    Because one war at a time is for pussies.

    Giant Ant

    Indiana Jones And The Crystal Skull Russian Bitch From hell With a Machine Gun


    This girl?  Sucked.  Her accent?  I laughed every time she opened her mouth.  This movie?  Pure shit.  Skip it and retain your image of Indiana Jones as manly man who doesn’t ride bitch to some some fruity fuck who cares more about his hair cut then tomb raiding.

    Ugh.  And he had monkeys help him fight the commies.  Seriously, someone take Lucas’s writing license away.  Comment are obviously going to have a shitload of spoilers for those of us that have suffered through this shitfest.

    Downtown Chicago – fountains

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    taken last Friday night on a gorgeous warm breezy night in Chicago.

    what this doesn’t show is the eight cop cars just up the street, and the parade of bums just to the right of us.

    Tin Man

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    And Now I Have A Heart

    Vietnam Memorial & Jack

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    Tiki died in Vietnam?

    Motorcycle Flight

    Its Flying Time.jpg (66 KB)

    Gigantic Poncho

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    Bridge’s Got Good Support

    This looks safe to cross - Bridge.jpg (46 KB)

    Holding Down the Computer

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    Mind Fuck

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    something to cause hemorrhaging of the eyes…

    Fun Slide OF DEATH!

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    Mutant Bear

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    The mutant bear from the 1970s movie Prophecy. To sum up the movie, some extremely pissed off, deformed bears suffering from mercury poison terrorize Maine.

    Think Green

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    Hardcore Scene – Then and Now

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    Emo-fags need to GTFO.

    Night of the Lepus

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    It’s the 1970s version of Snakes on the Plane!

    Rome Versus Africa

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    Lots of Helicopters!

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    Abomination art

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    The new all-Hulk issue of Marvel Spotlight magazine has some sweet concept artwork of Abomination

    Welcome to Shitterton

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    Named One of Britain’s Rudest Named Cities

    “The only annoying thing is that the Shitterton sign is always being stolen. Three have gone so far this year”

    Full List Here:

    just kidding – there’s no candy

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    this cant have a happy ending

    teh bucket revenge

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    the italian job just failed

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    just cause you can dont mean you should

    men Vs women

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    found these

    Punisher – Tim Bradstreet

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    Tim Bradstreet recently decided to stop doing Punisher covers. I just finished reading the Punisher MAX series (up to 50); anyone know of other good, gritty comics like this and The Walking Dead?

    Art is from Bradstreet’s site.

    Mouse Riding a Cat Riding a Dog

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    Taking the whole “X riding a Y” to a new level.

    Bikes in Amsterdam

    Bikes in Amsterdam.jpg (109 KB)