Liberty Leading the People

liberty leading the people.jpg (171 KB)

By Eugène Delacroix

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  • Aleister Crowley

    Aleistercrowley.jpg (14 KB)

    Regan Smash!

    REAGAN SMASH.gif (247 KB)

    Golden Book of Chemistry

    chem-book.jpg (45 KB)

    A good olde book from back in the days when you could have a chem lab without being on an FBI watch list


    males.JPG (30 KB)

    Get ’em while they’re young.

    Skinny girls are for wimps!

    wimps.jpg (110 KB)

    Found on Flickr

    Tsar Bomba

    tsar-bomba-mushroom-cloud.jpg (30 KB)

    October 30, 1961: The biggest explosion in the history of mankind, detonated over Novaya Zemlya in the Arctic Ocean; yield estimated at 50 Megatons (3.3 times bigger than the U.S.’s Castle Bravo).

    More here:

    Vote Republican

    voterepublican.jpg (100 KB)

    Make our Homes and Streets SAFE!

    In russia trix are for everybody

    trix russia.jpg (138 KB)

    silly rabbit, in russia trix are for everybody!
    stupid commies

    Crazy Ash

    IMG_0080.JPG (362 KB)

    First pic of the new Enterprise

    startrekmoviefirstpictutf4.jpg (32 KB)

    First pic of the new Enterprise in JJ Abrams’ version of Star Trek.

    Source was Moviefone, I don’t have a link though.

    Dicken’s Cider

    9.jpg (13 KB)

    Daddy’s little girl loves a Hot Dicken’s Cider

    [Tiki says: shitty quality image, anyone have a better version?]

    Hide Yer Boner

    Situps_Hide_A_Boner.jpg (35 KB)

    Sit-up hide a boner!

    Bad Day

    Bad Day.jpg (72 KB)


    duckling.jpg (91 KB)

    You can do it!

  • Kirsten Dunst in glasses

    kirsten glasses.jpg (202 KB)

    Giant Rubber Duck

    giantduck1.jpg (32 KB)

    ‘mask’ and rumer willis

    c.png (242 KB)

    i think there brother and sister. shes demi moore and bruce willis’s daughter btw

    Lego Guitar

    lego_guitar.jpg (66 KB)

    A friend sent me this, it actually is playable, but since the neck can’t take the tension of the strings it needs to constantly be re-tuned.

    Mozambique Prawns

    DSC01486.JPG (80 KB)

    some big ass Mozambique Prawns…. me = hungry

    NSFW – Alyson Hannigan

     Alyson is NSFW :


    Nice Landing

    TrustthePilot1.jpg (202 KB)

    Nap Time

    nap time.jpg (143 KB)

    natalie portman and norah jones


    natalie-portman-my-blueberry-nights-11.jpg (299 KB)


    from “my blue berry nights”


    indiana-jones-poster.jpg (28 KB)

    Hermit Cat

    im2age.php.jpg (64 KB)

    I trust you can read…[FUCK THE HELL OFF.]

    Dial up PC mod

    Dialup02.jpg (230 KB)

    Gay called, its for you!

    Female Attractiveness

    FemaleAttractiveness.JPG (21 KB)

    Sexual attractiveness of a Female Throughout her Lifespan*

    *Does not apply to fatties

    Shadow Blocks

    shadowblocks.jpg (61 KB)

    Vehicle Accident

    opelvsabrams_by_aerfal.jpg (75 KB)

    Do you have auto insurance?

    WTF Are You

    wtfareyou.jpg (246 KB)

    Anybody who can answer this will win a 1000 internets.

    Cigarette Butts

    cigarettes.jpg (113 KB)

    Small Site Update / Open Thread about MCS

    I’ve added back the ability to view the comments from the front page!


    also, there’s a great need for image submissions, so if you haven’t tried submitting anything in a while (or at all), please go ahead and upload some pix, kkthx.  Just remember that only about 1% of the pictures submitted get posted.  So, you could either upload one at at time, or do what diabeetus does and carpet bomb the site and submit 200 at a time.  I prefer the 200 at a time method, cause it’s honestly easier to go through 200 at once.  Some people do opt for the is 1 at a time option and then IM me as to why their 100 pixel square postage stamp of goatse was declined.  So, go young grasshopper submit thy images.

    Also, was looking back at the top 10 commented posts on mcs, good times involving ballerinas and lamborghini name calling.  I need to figure out a way to post that information somewhere on MCS…

    Awesome Bedroom

    i282803227_34517_4.jpg (21 KB)

    Dumb Weeaboo

    dumb_anime.jpg (253 KB)

    Homer And Bender

    crossover_homer_bender.jpg (47 KB)

    Appropriately Inappropriate

    x_40db8df1.jpg (46 KB)

    Life Sucks

    lifesucks1.jpg (75 KB)

    Lamborghini Diablo

    top_speed_112_km_h.jpg (30 KB)

    Top Speed: 112 km/h*



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