WTF Carrot

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I didn’t know they made carrots like this. Apparently this is a carrot flower that you’re not supposed to get in seed packs. Taken from my garden.

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  • God and Humanity

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    Yap Yap Yap need to smack

    Kanye West

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    Congratulations, You DOUCHE!

    Photos I made…

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    …and am proud of.
    From bottom to top, they’re in the order they’ve been made.

    By any other name…

    Larger Size

    Reservoir Cats


    Follow That Zebra!


    Tempest in a Teapot


    Explanation: Is this picture worth a thousand words? According to the Holographic Principle, the most information you can get from this image is about 3 x 10^65 bits for a normal sized computer monitor. The Holographic Principle, yet unproven, states that there is a maximum amount of information content held by regions adjacent to any surface. Therefore, counter-intuitively, the information content inside a room depends not on the volume of the room but on the area of the bounding walls. The principle derives from the idea that the Planck length, the length scale where quantum mechanics begins to dominate classical gravity, is one side of an area that can hold only about one bit of information. The limit was first postulated by physicist Gerard ‘t Hooft in 1993. It can arise from generalizations from seemingly distant speculation that the information held by a black hole is determined not by its enclosed volume but by the surface area of its event horizon. The term “holographic” arises from a hologram analogy where three-dimension images are created by projecting light though a flat screen. Beware, other people looking at the above image may not claim to see 3 x 1065 bits — they might claim to see a teapot.

    More tha 20 words? Take that sucka!


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    Lucrecia Martel

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    Let me feed you pasta!

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    This jolly fellow stands in front of an Italian restaurant in Madison, CT. Apparently he is supposed to be both inviting and appetite-inducing.

    Daisy Dream

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    This is what greets people at Bradley International Airport in Hartford, CT.

    One Happy Red-Neck Family

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    We’ll have two turkeys in the oven tonight!

    Aren’t they handsome?

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    At least he’s wearing “the pants” in this photo

    Look for the Donkey Show!

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    Oh yeah, Subliminal suggestions in your family photos!

    See what Santa brings naughty girls…

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    when they ask for ponies.

    NSFW Cherry pie

  • Happy Fucking Birthday tiki


    A man who saved over a billion lives died today!!!

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    Agricultural scientist Norman Borlaug, the father of the “green revolution” who won the Nobel Peace Prize died Saturday in Texas, a Texas A&M University spokeswoman said. He was 95.The Nobel committee honored Borlaug in 1970 for his contributions to high-yield crop varieties and bringing other agricultural innovations to the developing world. Many experts credit the green revolution with averting global famine during the second half of the 20th century and saving perhaps over 1 billion lives.

    Tron Black Light Cycle

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    A full-sized model of Tron Legacy Black Light Cycle at D23 Expo.

    Tron Legacy Black Light Cycle


    What kind of photography or processing is this?

    Bee Drill


    I can’t fap to this

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    Buffachu and friends

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    Ladies and Gentlemen! You’re attention please!

    Tomorrow is my birthday!  If you would like to shower me with your unadulterated praise, please do so at your pleasure.

    If you would like to do something for me that is free to you, download and install dropbox.

    If you have extra amazon bux, please feel free to take a look at my amazon wishlist.  Feel free to make fun of said wishlist below.

    If you have extra paypal dollars, please click the left sidebar and send send send!  Because I am mere hours away from finalizing an offer on a house that I have found.  Once I have the keys in my hand I’ll do a video walk through.  It’ll be great.

    BTW, I’m turning 29.  How old are you?

    Jackass Truck Driver

    There was this guy at a bar, just looking at his drink. He stays like that for half of an hour.

    Then, this big trouble-making truck driver steps next to him, takes the drink from the guy, and just drinks it all down. The poor man starts crying. The truck driver says, “Come on man, I was just joking. Here, I’ll buy you another drink. I just can’t stand to see a man cry.”

    “No, it’s not that. This day is the worst of my life. First, I fall asleep, and I go late to my office. My boss, outrageous, fires me. When I leave the building, to my car, I found out it was stolen. The police said that they can do nothing. I get a cab to return home, and when I leave it, I remember I left my wallet and credit cards there. The cab driver just drives away.”

    “I go home, and when I get there, I find my wife in bed with the gardener. I leave home, and come to this bar. And just when I was thinking about putting an end to my life, you show up and drink my poison.”


    Please go rate this post on TikiHumor.
    Please add your own jokes.

    Artistic Israeli Tank

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    This is a snap from my days serving in the IDF.

    Jesus is a jerk.

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    abstinence only education works

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    Lust was calculated by compiling the number of sexually transmitted diseases – HIV, AIDS, syphilis, chlamydia and gonorrhea – reported per capita.

    Kitty Aspirations


    Ants on a plug

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    Found on 4chan.

    call before you dig

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    Choose you Vader…Vader old and new (or is it new and old?)

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    Whilst it would be all too easy to view this Conceptual Darth Vader Helmet, realised by Kropserkel Design, as a refreshingly modern take on Darth Vader’s Helmet, the somewhat surprising fact is that, though it undoubtedly looks more modern than the original as featured in the cult sci-fi Star Wars films, this work is actually based on Ralph McQuarrie’s original illustrations that subsequently evolved into Vader as we know him today.

    Perhaps serving as testament to the widely accepted idea that style and trends tend to repeat themselves in somewhat of a cycle (rather than evolving in a merely linear fashion), were we to place the original Darth Vader Helmet and this conceptual model together and ask which of the two was the more modern design we’ll warrant, with some confidence, that those asked would label this conceptual work as indisputably being a modern interpretation of the original. And, to be fair, who could blame them?

    Darth Vader New and Old

    Vader old and new (or is it new and old?)

    Rather than merely paraphrase the original text concerning this fascinating project here we would urge those interested to stop by the Kropserkel website for further information concerning the realization of Darth Vader as he may have been (its a great read).


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    It’s never too soon.

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    Mr. Miyagi would have been proud.

    Anime Turned Reality

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    Kind of neat, a lot of disturbing.

    Professional Advise

    A doctor and a lawyer were talking at a party.

    Their conversation was constantly interrupted by people describing their ailments and asking the doctor for free medical advice.

    After an hour of this, the exasperated doctor asked the lawyer, “What do you do to stop people from asking you for legal advice when you’re out of the office?”

    “I give it to them,” replied the lawyer, “and then I send them a bill.”

    The doctor was shocked, but agreed to give it a try.

    The next day, still feeling slightly guilty, the doctor prepared the bills.

    When he went to place them in his mailbox, he found a bill from the lawyer.


    Please go rate this post on TikiHumor.
    Please add your own jokes.

    Super bigfoot finally done

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    Just got this Engine Trixxx Silver Billet deck for $20. Had to drive all the way to great america and got lost, so I’m looking into this GPS devive with bluetooth that will work with my treo 700p. A guy is selling it for $60 on CL. The cheapest one at frys is $100 and it doesn’t even have bluetooth.

    Second picture is the old, stock, faded, wood deck. You can see why the aluminum decks are so costly (retail STILL around $60 -$70!;jsessionid=0a010b421f43dec98849697a4aadac43d62ef8ad9169.e3eSc38TaNqNe34Pa38Ta3aLaNv0?c=885035&sc=12&category=&search=deck )


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    Icy Jellies


    Dark Beauty

    dark beauty
    adriana curcio

    Split Your Lungs

    split your lungs