Crescent Earth from the Departing Rosetta Spacecraft

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Explanation: Goodbye Earth. Earlier this month, ESA’s interplanetary Rosetta spacecraft zoomed past the Earth on its way back across the Solar System. Pictured above, Earth showed a bright crescent phase featuring the South Pole to the passing rocket ship. Launched from Earth in 2004, Rosetta used the gravity of the Earth to help propel it out past Mars and toward a 2014 rendezvous with Comet Churyumov-Gerasimenko. Last year, the robot spacecraft passed asteroid 2867 Steins, and next year it is scheduled to pass enigmatic asteroid 21 Lutetia. If all goes well, Rosetta will release a probe that will land on the 15-km diameter comet in 2014.

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  • The Judge

    totally awesome good times.jpg (303 KB)

    This reminds me of the rent-a-cop and vice principal from high school.


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    ALIEN Thanksgiving Dinner

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    Harbor Bridge

    Harbor Bridge by Ted Yavuzkurt.jpg (286 KB)

    By Ted Yavuzkurt

    Zombie Love

    zombie love.jpg (177 KB)

    I dunno where this came from, saw it on /b/ the other day and I would really like to find more from the artist.

    Life. Enjoy The Game.

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    Even dirt can be beautiful.

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    Geek Gang Signs

    geek_gang_signs.jpg (81 KB)

    Star Trek Pron NIB

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    old series is the top

    Bacon Tastes Good….

    bloody_mary_left.png (240 KB)

    Because bacon tastes good.

    Volvo bike

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    Emirates big truck

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    Adult Diaper TMI

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    Xev from Lexx

    xenia-seeberg as xev.jpg (299 KB)

    Xev from the show LEXX, as portrayed by Xenia Seeberg.
    Picked this up from
    I had many a fantasy about this woman.

  • How To Wear An Elephant

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    I’m Late! I’m Late…

    late clock
    …for a very important date!

    Have a seat…Pedobear

    have a seat pedobear

    Choices Choices

    where should you eat
    Make My Mood

    Sci-fi Girls: Sigourney Weaver

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    From “Alien” (1979).

    I have a dream

    Dr Guion Steward (Guy) Bluford Jr.jpg (64 KB)

    Dr Mae Carol Jemison.jpg (27 KB)

    Dr Guion Steward (Guy) Bluford Jr American Mission Specialist Astronaut. Born 22 November 1942. First African-American in space.
    Personal: Male, Married, Two children. Born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA. PhD US Air Force US Air Force
    Astronaut Career:
    Astronaut Group: NASA Group 8 – 1978. Inactive Entered space service: 16 January 1978. Left space service: 15 June 1993. Number of Flights: 4.00. Total Time: 28.69 days.
    Dr Mae Carol Jemison American Mission Specialist Astronaut. Born 17 October 1956. Physician. First African-American woman to fly in space.
    Personal: Female, divorced. Born in Decatur, Alabama, USA. MD
    Astronaut Career:
    Astronaut Group: NASA Group 12 – 1987. Inactive Entered space service: 5 June 1987. Left space service: 8 March 1993. Number of Flights: 1.00. Total Time: 7.94 days.

    Baby Doom

    babydoom.jpg (42 KB)

    Baby Doom knew that they all had to die. But after they died, who would change him? Who would feed him? There had to be an answer.

    Damn Good Airplanes

    Mister Mulligan.jpg (12 KB)

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    The Howard Aircraft Corporation DGA-15 was a single engine civil aircraft adapted by the US military for use in support roles during World War II, such as light transports and navigation trainers. As a Navy light transport it was designated GH-1 and by the Army Air Corps UC-70 Nightingale. As a navigation trainer the Navy designated it NH-1.
    Mister Mulligan:
    (No Mister Mulligan’s pic on Wiki!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Winnie Mae

    NASM_-_Lockheed_Vega_-_Winnie_Mae.jpg (1 MB)

    The Vega was a six-passenger monoplane built by the Lockheed company starting in 1927. It became famous for its use by a number of record breaking pilots who were attracted to the rugged and very long-ranged design. Amelia Earhart became the first woman to fly the Atlantic single handed in one, and Wiley Post flew his around the world twice.

    Real Pancake astronaut

    Representative Bill Nelson prepares to eat a peeled grapefruit.jpg (31 KB)

    “What went wrong: An O-ring failure in a solid rocket booster led to leaking of hot gases against the external tank. The resulting explosion killed the seven member crew.
    NASA was frenetic over publicizing the teacher in space angle, even to the extent of compromising mission safety. When the launch was delayed, meaning the flight day McAuliffe was to teach her ‘lesson from space’ was moved from a weekday to a weekend, NASA took the unprecedented move of ordering the flight schedule to be rearranged so the lesson would instead be given on a school day. The training and planning of months had to be revised in hours. Payload specialist Jarvis was on this flight only because his original crew assignment had been deleted when Congressman Bill Nelson claimed a seat on the flight. Jarvis, an employee of Hughes, was supposed to be making observations of satellite deployment. But since there was no Hughes satellite aboard Challenger, the assignment made no sense. Exploded 73 seconds after launch, all seven crewmembers were killed and the TDRSS satellite aboard was destroyed. The crew cabin remained intact after the shuttle Challenger disintegrated. Indications that emergency oxygen supplies were manually activated showed that some crew members may have remained alive until the cabin hit the ocean.”

    Happy thanksgiving ya’ll

    I desperately hope that you had a wonderful holiday today.

    If you were in the USA at least.

    If you are outside of the USA, hope you had a nice normal day!

    A Night of Regret

    A Night of Regret.jpg (211 KB)

    We’ve all been there, Box Boy. We’ve all been there…

    Moe Bush

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    Carnivore Kitten!

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    You think YOU had a bad day?

    bad day.jpg (191 KB)

    Cthulhu`s Dream Job

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    O rly?

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    Found this while exploring Photobucket.

    Stay Puft Awesomellow Man

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    Compact cars

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    The Cadillac V-16 was Cadillac’s top-of-the-line car from its January 1930 launch until production ceased in 1940 as the war in Europe killed sales. All were finished to custom order, and the car was built in very small numbers; only 4076 cars were constructed in the eleven years the model was offered. The majority of these were built in the single year of 1930, before the Great Depression really took hold. This was the first V16 powered car to reach production status in the United States.

    Mars Attacks! card sets

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    IIRC people went apeshit over the dead dog one.

    Sikorsky S-42

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    The S-42’s incorporated several important technological innovations. The plane’s all-metal construction, using the new aluminum allow known as duralumin, provided the strength and structural integrity to lift a remarkable payload of fuel, passengers, and cargo.

    Sikorsky S-42

    Sikorsky S-40

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    The first Pan American plane to be called a ‘Clipper, the S-40 grew out of Juan Trippe and Charles Lindbergh’s desire for a strong, sturdy, high-capacity four-engined transport to serve as an ocean liner of the air.

    Sikorsky S-40

    Martin M-130

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    The Martin M-130 is the plane that finally gave Pan Am the true ability to span the world’s oceans.

    Martin M-130

    Boeing B-314

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    The Boeing clipper is widely regarded at the summit of flying boat technology. It inaugurated the world’s first transatlantic heavier-than-air service, and carried passengers and cargo around the globe in the 1930’s and 1940’s.
    Large, luxurious, and reliable — and with an astounding range of 3,500 statute miles — the B-314 made intercontinental passenger airline service a practical reality.

    Boeing B-314


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    The McDonnell XF-85 Goblin was a fighter aircraft, conceived during World War II and intended to be carried in the bomb bay of the giant Convair B-36 bomber as a defensive “parasite fighter”. Because of its small and rotund appearance, it was nicknamed “The Flying Egg”.

    Crazy, but works!!!

    Le_Rhone_9C.jpg (115 KB)

    The rotary engine was an early type of internal-combustion engine, usually designed with an odd number of cylinders per row in a radial configuration, in which the crankshaft remained stationary and the entire cylinder block rotated around it. The design was used mostly in the years shortly before and during World War I to power aircraft, and also saw use in a few early motorcycles and cars.