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  • Ice Girl

    Meagan1280x1024.jpg (204 KB)

    Garfields`s owner snaps!

    garf.png (143 KB)

    “One way or the other, I`m going to get some pussy.”

    Fucking disgusting bitch!

    fugly.jpg (71 KB)

    Birds Tattoo

    Birds Tattoo.jpg (29 KB)

    seed of chucky hood art

    soc.jpg (598 KB)

    I saw this car down here on the island of St. Maarten…


    indieasfuck.jpg (181 KB)

    End of the rainbow.

    end of the rainbow.jpg (294 KB)

    McDonalds`s 1954

    54.jpg (301 KB)

    Dalai Lama

    Dalai-Lama_print.jpg (212 KB)

    via boingboing

    Tibetan Day of Independence; March 10th
    Dalai Lama’s 75th Birthday; July 6th

    Squirrels coconuts

    squirrels and coconuts.jpg (118 KB)

    In preparation for the first Squirrel Mission to the moon, these cadets are training.

    Staple Art

    stapleart.jpg (68 KB)

    stapleart6.jpg (98 KB)

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    Evolution Disclaimers

    textbookdisclaimers.jpg (386 KB)

    Some of them kinda-irked me. But still i think most of them were spot on.

  • Polandball Mech

    polandball_mech_2.jpg (316 KB)

    Nazi Mech FTW!

    tape art

    ward_01.jpg (97 KB)

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    Plasma Hand washer.

    plasma_hand_wash_02.jpg (27 KB)

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    Room Temperature plasma. I’d like one of these boxes just so i could yell SCIENCE! every single time i needed to clean my hands!


    obamadrone.jpg (92 KB)

    From somewhere in Harlem, I think.


    IMG_1162.JPG (2 MB)

    Dystopia Gardens

    Dystopia Postcard 4x6 01rl.jpg (103 KB)

    I’m a long time reader of MCS and I figured I’d share with y’all some info about my new comedy show opening in NYC this week. It’s called DYSTOPIA GARDENS and it stars me, Will Nunziata, and Jerry Miller.

    It’s a sketch comedy-play that takes place in a distant dystopian future, and its really funny. I hope…

    Check out if you want more info!

    MCS 4 EVER!


    95-george-michael-faith-2.jpg (71 KB)

    Avatar – The Last Airbender Movie Wallpapers

    2010_the_last_airbender_wallpaper_005.jpg (158 KB)

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    I’m a HUGE fan of the cartoon, I have great expectations for this movie.

    Snape kills dum…Cullen?

    snape.jpg (349 KB)

    this too, made me squee

    GQ & casemods

    gq-test-2.jpg (992 KB)

    Who would have thought?

    F You, England

    CricketChart.jpg (48 KB)

    Hand-egg my ass.

    Guitar Kombat

    awesome.jpg (53 KB)

    haha, sucks to be you, emo kid!

    potter.jpg (137 KB)

    “well shit on a crumpet harry” is that an exclamation or a command?

    Snowy Castle

    snowcastle.jpg (620 KB)

    What castle is this? I must live there!

    Bring me wine in the skull of an enemy!

    skull.jpg (191 KB)

    Looks good, source?

    Spartan Viking

    spartan viking.jpg (134 KB)

    Gudvangen, Norway

    Gudvangen.jpg (2 MB)

    Stunning wallpaper.


    493pokemon.jpg (60 KB)

    the original 150 are the best.

    Anonymous Artist

    01.jpg (974 KB)

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    posted some of his/her work on an art imageboard I frequent, I thought it was fantastic

    HUGE Iceberg

    berg.jpg (845 KB)

    Note the teeny boat?


    10ptseach.jpg (23 KB)

    x2 multiplier if you combo


    air-escaping.jpg (47 KB)

    It’s just the air escaping