Fresh & Easy

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Fun with seasoning

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    Made this when m[c]s was down, it expresses my displeasure at m[c]s being down.


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    She was tied to our garbage can in June. We took her in and she’s become the princess of the house. 🙂 She’s a real sweetie!

    My Calvin & Hobbes Cat

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    Thought I’d join the pet posting. First two pics are of Calvin, the last 2 are of Hobbes Cat. Calvin is a beefy 19 lbs. while Hobbes is a more feline 10. These two will celebrate their 15th birthday on September 4th.

    meanwhile in Africa..

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    Haters gonna hate

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    The Truth!

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    and then they have the audacity to argue with nonbelievers that have actually read the bible..


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    My kitten – yes, named after the fantastic video game 🙂 ‘Kat’ for short. 10 month old female Bengal cross. Loves to watch squirrels out on the balcony.

    Sucker Punch

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    Krispy Kreme Doughnuts

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    I’ve been craving Krispy Kreme Donuts.

    Ahead Stop

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    I’ve always wondered why they do this. There are a few places in town (not all) that print bottom to top. From what I understand, we (in the US, Europe, etc…) all read left->right and top->bottom. It just looks wrong and is difficult to comprehend and is distracting. I guess I’m not getting the automatic understanding when I read differently than the way I was taught.

    Mary & Max

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    wonderful movie. it makes you smile inside your brain.

    Roads Wallpapers 1

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    Nice Wallpaper

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    Music piracy before computers

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    Binary Alts

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    abstruse goose epilogue 294  8162010.PNG (63 KB)

    Abstruse Goose

    Mohawk – You`re doing it wrong

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    MOAR Eel

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    Wonder what type of eel this is?

    Allianz Arena, Munich

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  • My spread eagle pussy

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    Stoned Munch: “Dude, wait. What? Who took my tail!? SOMEBODY STOLE MY TAIL!!!”

    Munch has also really taken to his new semi-feral slut.
    It`s either love, or total domination.

    Fort Dog

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    Fly Pizzas

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    That’s some goddamn good advertising.

    Hero of the Beach!

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    Have we seen this before? It’s still cool.

    Flower from my father’s garden

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    Anyone know the type of flower this is?

    I’m Green!

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    Oh, I’m just green.
    Skull Swap

    Aaron Fotheringham

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    I am amazed aganin.

    My Dogs

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    Hello! This is my first MCS post and here are my dogs Disco and Juju. Disco is a Pitbull/Papillon mix and Juju is a full blooded Pitbull.


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    Sarah Palin

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    Palin 2012

    American History 2000-Present

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    cigarette butts wallpaper

    cigarette butts wallpaper

    wedding hamburger

    wedding hamburger

    24 Hours of Uptime! (sorta)

    Ok, MCS has been up for 24 hours straight, with only a few moments of server downtime due to me messing around with a new site that I’m hacking together.  To celebrate, I’m drinking and chatting in the IRC room.

    As you may have noticed, the submissions engine is down.  Guess what was causing all the downtime in the last week?  yeah, that.

    it makes me sad, but the server that mcs is on just can’t handle the awesomeness that the submissions were bringing, so I’ve ordered some new hardware and will be moving files and databases over this weekend.  Then I’ll turn on the submissions engine again.  Until then, please enjoy some posts from Tikibot.

    large driftwood

    large driftwood



    Lake of the Moon, India

    Lake of the Moon, India

    russian weoman

    russian weoman

    LED Clothing




    car garage alien

    car garage alien

    risky candle