fast talker

A man walked into the produce section of his local supermarket and asked to buy half a head of lettuce. The boy working in that department told him that they only sold whole heads of lettuce. The man was insistent that the boy ask his manager about the matter.

Walking into the back room, the boy said to his manager, “Some asshole wants to buy a half a head of lettuce.” As he finished his sentence, he turned to find the man standing right behind him, so he added, “and this gentleman kindly offered to buy the other half.” The manager approved the deal and the man went on his way.

Later the manager found the boy and said “I was impressed with the way you got yourself out of that situation earlier. We like people who think on their feet here. Where are you from, son?”

“Canada, sir,” the boy replied.

“Well, why did you leave Canada?” the manager asked.

The boy said, “Sir, there’s nothing but whores and hockey players up there.”

“Really!” said the manager. “My wife is from Canada!”

The boy replied, “No shit??? Who did she play for?”

via What is your all time favourite joke EVER? : AskReddit.

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  • Best present ever

    best christmast ornimate ever!.jpg (66 KB)

    Best present ever


    legitimate strategy.jpg (150 KB)

    Decisive Battle In Korea

    Decisive_battle_in__Korea_by_azazel1944.jpg (278 KB)


    _MG_3161.jpg (250 KB)

    Space Battleship Yamato movie poster

    space_battleship_yamato.jpg (78 KB)

    I used to love Star Blazers when I was a kid. This live-action movie came out in Japan December 1st. I haven’t heard if it’s good or not but I’ll see it as soon as I can get a subtitled DVD in the US anyway.

    WTF cat

    ezypf.jpg (188 KB)

    Frozen Beard

    iced-bros.jpg (79 KB)

    This pic made me think of this quote.

    “Feck: Yeah, years ago. Oh, man. I ate so much pussy in those days, my beard looked like a glazed doughnut.”
    Dennis Hopper from River`s Edge.

    A note to performers

    imagesStage_Manager.jpg (82 KB)

    Fish Photo Bomb

    fish photo bomb.jpg (87 KB)

    The Incredible Guts

    02_03.jpg (799 KB)

    To stop destruction of the world!

    Metro Parking Fail

    2010-12-22 09.37.09b.jpg (800 KB)

    The pic is pretty self-explanatory. I adjusted the exposure to capture the essence of the parking garages atmosphere when taking the picture of this douchebag’s Infiniti.


    690543-odst1.jpg (156 KB)

    coming to holloween next year.

    Give Us This Day

    au6tmr.jpg (511 KB)

    Battle: Los Angeles Poster

    hr_Battle-_Los_Angeles_4.jpg (143 KB)

    Huntington Beach

  • Runaway Kids

    tumblr_ldq07cEOsw1qz6f9yo1_1280.png (1 MB)

    longcat scarf

    longcat scarf.jpg (44 KB)

    these look like they’d be really easy to make too


    page0435b.png (156 KB)

    drom everyone to japanese fetish

    Power Girl

    Oh god.

    Also, there’s a few more of her over on where?  I’m not telling.

    Hayley Atwell

    Hayley Atwell (3).jpg (204 KB)

    Hayley Atwell (5).jpg (424 KB)

    Hayley Atwell (14).jpg (470 KB)

    Hayley Atwell (11).jpg (533 KB)

    Hayley Atwell (19).jpg (710 KB)

    Forget the earth. I’ve got a pillar of the pants.

    Rainbow Barf

    rawr.jpg.jpeg (261 KB)

    my new car

    Photo-0028.jpg (395 KB)

    just bought it myself

    do you like it M[C]S?

    lowrider: casino sunglasses

    LR-1122-3.jpg (22 KB)

    LR-1122-2.jpg (18 KB)

    LR-1122-4.jpg (20 KB)

    LR-1122-5.jpg (13 KB)

    LR-1122-7.jpg (19 KB)

    7-11 carries these

    budweiser american ale

    DSCN7266.jpg (388 KB)

    Just bought a 6 pack of this stuff.

    It’s surprisingly good compared to standard bud.

    Tastes like a pale ale (obviously)

    DC 3 over the pyramids

    DC3 Pyramids.jpeg (212 KB)

    Great old school photo

    Kill your mom

    tumblr_lbre9qSu7U1qbrk99o1_500.jpg (96 KB)

    Epic Facepalm

    Epic_Facepalm_by_RJTH.jpg (74 KB)

    You (casemods) fail that much

    Excitebike Wallpaper

    meh.ro6166.png (25 KB)

    RPG Tosser

    doing it wrong.jpg (28 KB)

    you are SO doing it wrong

    [TE: use a title that’s indicative of the image]

    who’s a gan get raped

    1280735038011.png (511 KB)

    …every body, especialy canadanians and jews, you know who you are. 😀

    Model A hood ornament

    Model A hood.jpg (1 MB)

    I took this shot a couple of weeks ago. My friend owns a 1931 Model A that is just glorious to look at. I photoed them in the car for the Christmas cards.


    andrew-mona.jpg (50 KB)

    cthulhu for president.png (181 KB)

    sal-innsmouth.jpg (52 KB)

    Ivysaur Tooted

    tumblr_ldlw2yhz7X1qzfk54o1_500.png (229 KB)


    sexy-korean-girl-dirty-soccer.jpg (120 KB)

    Oh those Koreans 😉


    tumblr_ldeadyn7w71qdjdebo1_500.jpg (37 KB)

    Sacred Cow

    SacredCow.jpg (130 KB)

    “Sacred Cow” custom by Deus Ex Machina out of Australia.
    sweet custom motorcycles and some hipster australian surf stuff too.

    Come at me Pedo

    tumblr_ld9rwjEzZA1qzi1qgo1_500.jpg (164 KB)

    So cute

    casedad on my new bike

    casedad.jpg (242 KB)

    this is an early christmas present

    My dad was showing me how to ride it

    We’re the goddamn Batman

    chin tanning.png (528 KB)

    chin tanning

    Dawww…. WTF.png

    Dawww....  WTF.png (540 KB)

    Furries are everywhere!

    Gain its power

    tumblr_ldleasPA2f1qa8kz9o1_500.jpg (116 KB)