Devil’s Flame

Devil's Flame Lighter ad poster - Copy.jpg (103 KB)

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  • Galileo got no respect

    galileo.png (36 KB)

    Batman Begins Wallpaper

    batman-begins.jpg (397 KB)








    Bar Refaeli

    bar-refaeli-brown_1024x768.jpg (492 KB)


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    I’m lovin it

    mikie hara

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    Yamaha Beach Cruiser

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    not really but kinda. its a “Y125 Moegi” unveiled at a tokyo show a few weeks ago.

    from what I read, weight approx 170lbs, tops out at 75mph and should cover about 180 miles on a single gallon (probably the capacity of its tank)

    if the price is right, I would totally cruise around huntington beach on one of these.

    Kick a Ginger

    kickaginger.png (254 KB)

    Knights of Ni!

    knights of ni.jpg (633 KB)

    We are the Knights who say NI!

    X Girls Y Cups

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    We’re not that different!

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    Future ?

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    Red ears.

    neck.jpg (71 KB)

  • 10 Pounds, the easy way

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    They’re both jerks

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    Men’s logic

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    The Holy Foreskin

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    Employee of the month…in hell

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    Are you drunk enough?

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    We are talking monkeys

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    Zombie Leia FTW

    Baby Chewy

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    Mark Twain on religion

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    Is marijuana addictive?

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    emma watson

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    amazing legs

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    FU loop gif

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    One eyed girl

    one_eye.jpg (597 KB)

    Herman Goering

    Herman Goering.jpg (256 KB)

    …tell them that they are being attacked, and to denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism, and exposing the country to greater danger.

    You Don’t Say?

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    JFK Would Be So Proud

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    Of OWS, don’t cha’ think?

    Corkscrew Bill and Hillary Nutcracker

    Corkscrew Bill and Hillary Nutcracker.jpg (97 KB)

    Ran across this in a local surplus store…

    Jean Reno Christmas ornament

    jean reno boule2.jpg (289 KB)

    We could say I have a certain obsession with Jean Reno…


    I Threw Out the Moneylenders for a Reason.jpg (53 KB)

    I threw out the moneylenders for a reason.