We’re not that different!

326563_10150399525959013_75467339012_8537827_149017235_o.jpg (160 KB)

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  • Future ?

    beg_hot.jpg (229 KB)

    Red ears.

    neck.jpg (71 KB)

    10 Pounds, the easy way

    skinny1.jpg (44 KB)

    They’re both jerks

    gfbMA32699641-0004.jpg (78 KB)

    Men’s logic

    MA32676609-0010.jpg (62 KB)


    The Holy Foreskin

    edMA32694641-0009.jpg (83 KB)

    Are you drunk enough?

    nnnngbMA27879342-0001.jpg (105 KB)

    We are talking monkeys

    kMA29586362-0005.jpg (74 KB)


    slave-leia-group-photo-1.jpg (931 KB)

    Zombie Leia FTW

    Baby Chewy

    dtrMA29589382-0003.jpg (76 KB)

    Mark Twain on religion

    wewMA32695941-0017.jpg (69 KB)

    Is marijuana addictive?

    vMA29582002-0005.jpg (75 KB)

  • emma watson

    emma-watson-smirky-700x525.jpg (96 KB)

    amazing legs

    kitchen-legs-392x500.jpg (31 KB)


    tumblr_lva2ud6E9W1qanb21o1_500.jpg (56 KB)

    FU loop gif

    951a065baa716c9b465da8f.gif (197 KB)

    One eyed girl

    one_eye.jpg (597 KB)

    Herman Goering

    Herman Goering.jpg (256 KB)

    …tell them that they are being attacked, and to denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism, and exposing the country to greater danger.

    You Don’t Say?

    ingredients-Carrots.jpg (37 KB)

    JFK Would Be So Proud

    110511_2996.jpg (128 KB)

    Of OWS, don’t cha’ think?

    Corkscrew Bill and Hillary Nutcracker

    Corkscrew Bill and Hillary Nutcracker.jpg (97 KB)

    Ran across this in a local surplus store…

    Jean Reno Christmas ornament

    jean reno boule2.jpg (289 KB)

    We could say I have a certain obsession with Jean Reno…


    I Threw Out the Moneylenders for a Reason.jpg (53 KB)

    I threw out the moneylenders for a reason.


    atheist.jpg (52 KB)


    cold.jpg (369 KB)

    They doing it right.

    Pumpkin Spice Muffins

    Well Enjoyed Pumpkin Spice Muffins.jpg (100 KB)

    They look used…

    (source: Tim Hortons Canada)

    Abyss wallpaper

    abyssMA32695272-0003.jpg (56 KB)


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    American Horror Story wallpapers

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    Anyone watch?
    It’s deliciously bizarre.

    Lighted sand castle

    sand.jpg (78 KB)


    htrhMA32703361-0010.jpg (58 KB)

    We don’t LOL here

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    Busty Demon

    busty_demon.jpg (523 KB)

    As for a name, I propose “Boobossus”.


    jMA32696324-0005.jpg (74 KB)

    you gone git raped.

    The Devils warning poster

    warningposter_thedevils.jpg (57 KB)

    Saw it ages ago. Disturbing in that early-70’s way (also directed by Ken Russell, who does disturbing very well,) and Oliver Reed was cool…can’t remember much else, though.

    Dennings derp

    denning_derp.jpg (138 KB)

    Marvel genderbend

    female-marvel.jpg (138 KB)

    Worthy of repost, IMO:

    Female versions of popular marvel comics characters

    I would hit She-Thor like a flying hammer.