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  • Old man winter

    uJ1LZ.jpg (74 KB)

    Bill Hicks

    Bill_Hicks_by_inaction_in_action.jpg (70 KB)

    Poor Chris.

    Xved9.png (400 KB)

    anyone wanna go to the rodeo?

    Lonely hearts

    lonely-hearts-er-152.png (2 MB)


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    Star Wars Corgis

    tumblr_lyshjdUinU1qd9ubbo1_1280.jpg (116 KB)


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  • Found in our Break Room

    GoLean-1.jpg (68 KB)

    GoLean-2.jpg (98 KB)

    Just wanted to share an amusing discovery I made in the break room today.

    Lamb, Monkey, Potato

    wut-002.jpg (80 KB)

    trolling a raccoon

    Troll blackbelt

    birmfacebb.jpg (93 KB)

    Apple Users

    Apple-Users.jpg (361 KB)

    New Rush album (not really)

    clockwork-Angels.jpg (249 KB)

    The new Rush album “Clockwork Angels” will be out soon. They haven’t released the album artwork so I made my own.


    cat-5.jpg (236 KB)

    CAT-5 CABLING: Turns out the Internet really is made up of cats.

    Purple costume

    purple_cos.JPG (41 KB)

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    tumblr_lye3nakJSs1qjqxmoo1_500.gif (835 KB)

    Depends on how she dribbles.

    Andrew Breitbart 1969-2012

    8415.jpg (27 KB)

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    Hard to believe this Nick Nolte-esque crotch sniffer was almost a year younger than me…

    A fun “homage”:

    Attack of the 50ft Woman

    attack50ftwoman.jpg (351 KB)

    Space Explorer

    spaceexplorertr0.png (36 KB)

    Cool design, IMO

    Fractalackin IX

    4542278994_8ca64f9cdf_oJ.JPG (512 KB)

    Hybrid_fractal_4_by_KrzysztofMarczakJ.JPG (668 KB)

    mandelbulb_3d_by_linuron-d34gcwsJ.JPG (672 KB)

    mega_mall_by_persistentaura-d30n95qJ.JPG (478 KB)

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    (last one swear to god)

    moon close up

    a16_m_3021.gif (381 KB)

    Working From Home

    Working-from-Home.jpg (78 KB)

    I do this sometimes

    Duct Tape

    Duct-Tape.jpg (59 KB)

    Iranian Ninja Women

    Iranian-Ninja-women.jpg (43 KB)

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    Is it weird that I find this kinda hot?