Mass Jack Effect

Jack and Friends
Jack at Purgatory
Jack cosplay
Jack and love interest
Doctor Chakwas is also awesome

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  • Uhhhhh….oh man…creepy

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    Inner outter daemons

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    Demons, Daemons, all the same..


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    German Headquarters


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    Gay love

    gay-love.png (331 KB)

    I surprised…

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    that yamcha didn’t explode


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    Dildo, NL

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  • Tentacle tongue

    tentacle-tongue.jpg (33 KB)

    man of steel trailer

    There’s a new Man of Steel trailer in which Superman looks much less like a SuperHobo (click to view).

    Thoughts on this? Will it suck as much as the previous trailers made it seem or will it be as interesting as this trailer seems to indicate? I was happy with Superman Returns, but it’s time to do an original Superman storyline…oh no, wait. Zod is back, nevermind.


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    Green Van

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    Game suspenders

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    Mass Effect Kids

    Baby Liara in Benezia’s headdress (by tilhe)
    Grunt’s only two weeks old, he counts (by rabbitzoro)
    Shep/Liara baby (by meixjok)
    Earthborn Shep (by tilhe)

    All from deviantart

    Expandable conveyors

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    Want. Couldn’t tell you why or what the hell for…there’s just something about this that presses my “want” button repeatedly.

    Gunstar Alicta

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    Of all the warstar/gunstar/splodeystar etc. fan designs, this one intrigued me the most…maybe I just want to see that big gun on the bow in action (NOT GAY.)

    Conspiratorial mumbo jumbo?

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    Mumbo…Perhaps. Jumbo… Perhaps not!


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    (clicky if no flashy, etc.)


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    Sexy time

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    Up and at’em!

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